Transaction: 04440f1969e930cf5d93df4fd1d52fe6e247d34e

Included in block 14,672,365 at 2017/08/18 04:27:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 04440f1969e930cf5d93df4fd1d52fe6e247d34e
ref_block_num 57,832
ref_block_prefix 481,439,753
transaction_num 0
signatures 207243ba62401ca2e69922f44d02ed451db282e54abd693878714e6e9c99db38873d68d10a15ead6b23edba5d24f9ad50ac9cf5857cee55af9731567c52a9dbfe7
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"neo",<br>"author":"crypto-kiwi",<br>"permlink":"east-v-west-another-reason-to-buy-neo",<br>"title":"EAST v WEST - Another Reason to buy NEO!",<br>"body":"![ (https:\/\/\/DQmYmmhoBrbCVJGDYZvYEVf14Xi6qvaBfUumwaNX9SoFEKd\/image.png)\n\n\nI have been working with the Chinese market for many years and as soon as I heard about NEO I jumped for the moon. Ok sorry bad moon Joke - but really - I was excited and due a few simple reasons;\n\n<h1> EAST vs WEST <\/h1> \n\n\nFacebook? Nope China built http:\/\/\/\n\nTwitter? No... China built http:\/\/\/login.php\n\nAmazon? Uh hem... China built https:\/\/\/\n\nEthereum? ...China built https:\/\/\/ \n\nAs I'll dig into more in my upcoming posts,<br> financial\/world markets have always been a power struggle ( US V RUSSIA V CHINA ) and I see Blockchain\/Crypto no differently. While the U.S put up walls,<br> it seems the forward thinking countries tighten their grip. Russia is pouring millions into mining,<br> China is the Bitcoin powerhouse while the U.S sleeps it seems... \n\nSee post here about Russia and their new project > http:\/\/\/2017\/08\/08\/vladimir-putin-bitcoin-ethereum-russia-china\/\n\nAnother reason why I believe China projects in general is that the Chinese culture and way of thinking is so uniform and in sync unlike their rigid and un-agile western counterparts and we are already seeing this with road-map and roll-out plan. \n\nSee here for the english version > http:\/\/\/en-us\/index.html\n\n<h1> HOWEVER <\/h1>\n\nThere are some interesting factors to note about NEO\/CHINA;\n\n#1 NEO uses Fiat\n\n#2 China is still a communist country and heavily centralized,<br> NEO cannot escape this and but once accepted (as it seem they are now quietly on some level) they will gain mass adoption in the Chinese market.\n\n#3 Apart from Alibaba which is having a harder time penetrating western markets - Chinas homegrown products don't penetrate much further than Asia at best (nor do they care) . I see the same for NEO.\n\n\n<h1> CONCLUSION <\/h1>\n\n\nI truly believe the EAST v WEST divide will shine through Crypto and follow the path of old. However,<br> there is room for two,<br> will be interesting to see how it plays out.... keep hodling!\n\n\nThanks for your time and this was my first STEEMIT POST :D",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"neo\",<br>\"bitcoin\",<br>\"cryptocurrency\",<br>\"blockchain\",<br>\"china\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmYmmhoBrbCVJGDYZvYEVf14Xi6qvaBfUumwaNX9SoFEKd\/image.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"http:\/\/\/\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/login.php\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/2017\/08\/08\/vladimir-putin-bitcoin-ethereum-russia-china\/\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/en-us\/index.html\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.