Transaction: 035548d73ea2dffc3b185388cdd4215486cb3c58

Included in block 43,533,252 at 2020/05/20 11:25:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 035548d73ea2dffc3b185388cdd4215486cb3c58
ref_block_num 17,330
ref_block_prefix 1,806,877,000
transaction_num 10
signatures 206b016b0ab2d15c589cebb4a13cdc7188016d072dc7cc41c3e6fe66d94b240677013782e7da8e7a5004b7b05c1607aa1d2feda7bea07669cd7a631756e781889b
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-190212",<br>"author":"priyanarc",<br>"permlink":"growing-up-as-women-or-or-thoughts-of-the-day",<br>"title":"Growing up as Women || Thoughts of the Day",<br>"body":"Trust me I think too much and I have so many thoughts. For example,<br> morning thoughts,<br> life thoughts,<br> delusional thoughts,<br> meaningless thoughts,<br> and many more thoughts. Most of the thoughts are abstract,<br> imaginary,<br> only few of them are skeptical especially when I think about life. Reality exists in my life,<br> of course,<br> I live in a real-world,<br> deal with my every day practical life. \n\nWhat if I consider myself living in a fairytale world for a few minutes,<br> what if I think the sky is pink,<br> I am sitting in a garden surrounded by my favorite flowers and unicorns are walking around me? It's not bad right if these imagination makes you happy for a while.\n\n<br>\n\n[![flowers4436910_1920.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/hZQJ5hHH-flowers-4436910_1920.jpg) (https:\/\/\/it\/photos\/fiori-ragazza-bellezza-bambini-4436910\/)\n\n<br>\n\nWhen I was a baby girl,<br> I used to chase butterflies,<br> played with dolls,<br> picked up flowers,<br> and gave them to my mom. I used to do that all the time,<br> whatever I saw I picked up and I gave them to my mom. My mom was my teacher,<br> I was never close to my dad,<br> to be honest. \n\n**My younger sister still complains about that saying \" Mom loved you more than me,<br> you were her favorite\".**\n\nAs a full-grown woman,<br> whenever I think about my entire life journey,<br> I feel good. I am educated,<br> I have the capability to do something for my life. When I grew up slowly,<br> my mom used to say,<br> one day you will be full-grown women and you will feel proud of yourselves. You will get married and will have your own family,<br> career,<br> babies everything and then you will be a complete woman.\n\n<br>\n\n![book1421097_1920.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/oCA0RBPQ-book-1421097_1920.jpg)\n\n<br>\n\nPeople say motherhood completes a woman but unfortunately still now I don't have that experience. I have seen how much my mom sacrificed for us,<br> I have seen her... Closely and I know everyone will be agreed with me. I never compared women with men,<br> for me,<br> they are different,<br> not only physically but mentally as well... Women are emotional but they can be strong,<br> hard as a rock. \n\nIf I consider HIVE blockchain,<br> I have seen some strong HIVE women. Only A woman can keep her pain inside and keep smiling. I mean for example,<br> if I consider my mother,<br> she never showed her weakness,<br> pain in front of us but inside she was dealing with disease and pain. She was emotionally,<br> mentally broken before her death. She never cried but she reduced her smile before death.\n\nI saw her dead body,<br> I cried but it took me a long time to accept that she is no more... Well,<br> this is life and I grew up every single day,<br> struggled with uncertainty. \n\nHopefully,<br> one day,<br> someone will read my diary...\n\n\n**But still,<br> I am not weak,<br> I feel proud of being a woman...**\n\n<br>\n\n<br>\n\n![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/RQerUIMd-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png)\n\n<hr>\n\n## <center> Explore Life with Priyan...<\/center>\n<br>\n\n![DSC_0610.JPG (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/D461supI-DSC_0610.JPG)\n<br>\n\n## Love\n\n### Priyan...\n\n<hr>\n\n<br>\n\n***\"I am @priyanarc.... An architect,<br> a dreamer,<br> and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...\"***\n\n<hr>\n\n<br>\n\nFind me on [youtube (https:\/\/\/channel\/UC6htnj_ra804BB8QqZw4qpg?view_as=subscriber)\nDon't forget to subscribe to my channel...\nYou can find me on [Twitter (https:\/\/\/een_pri)\n\n<br>\n\n> ##### <center>After all I believe in community power ,<br> interaction ,<br> connection and engagement....<\/center>\n\n<br>\n\n***Original post written by @priyanarc***\n\n<br> \n\n![Snapchat1407797301.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/priyanarc\/ERTM3Slt-Snapchat-1407797301.jpg)\n\n<br>\n\n![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steempeak\/2020.05.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"writing\",<br>\"women\",<br>\"thoughts\",<br>\"life\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"priyanarc\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/it\/photos\/fiori-ragazza-bellezza-bambini-4436910\/\",<br>\"\/@priyanarc\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/channel\/UC6htnj_ra804BB8QqZw4qpg?view_as=subscriber\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/een_pri\",<br>\"\/@priyanarc\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/hZQJ5hHH-flowers-4436910_1920.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/oCA0RBPQ-book-1421097_1920.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/RQerUIMd-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/D461supI-DSC_0610.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/priyanarc\/ERTM3Slt-Snapchat-1407797301.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/priyanarc\/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.