Transaction: 0302000e21be2e4135048a70a0f62f58d6b9d0de

Included in block 2,303,672 at 2016/06/13 14:15:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0302000e21be2e4135048a70a0f62f58d6b9d0de
ref_block_num 9,911
ref_block_prefix 1,876,213,849
transaction_num 0
signatures 1f45685a71719271e8e58b56c4276e8c45afc6be2d7ca45ad5966ffc91032b08e528927dcbd67db59d49965c53c4729a43f6e963d8015cb9d520a823e2d56ab5af
"parent_author":"natty",<br>"parent_permlink":"why-is-my-introduction-worth-100--explain-to-me-like-i-am-12-please",<br>"author":"jsc",<br>"permlink":"re-natty-why-is-my-introduction-worth-100--explain-to-me-like-i-am-12-please-20160613t141518572z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"A ha! We are not like a centralized company. This is a community project. We get hired to build and maintain the site but the community buies the \"sock\" in the site and decides how to allocate it. You're going to see this craziness but it is the will of the shareholders. They have a window now for which they can update their vote before payouts begin so (like holding a stock) over time the actual payout may be different. Also,<br> many of us really value early adopters.\n\nI see the high paying intros like a reward,<br> it can be a bumpy ride. We are breaking in new technology and it is essential people are encouraged to be brave and try it out. It is more entrepreneurial like,<br> you can win big but you can also have a bumpy ride. Well,<br> just my 2 cents. The nice thing about Steemit is that it does not demand money from people so they really should not be pressured into taking on risk to use the service. It should be all profit for them; they can share with the big holders that do buy into it with the risk,<br> large holders need lots of people to have network effect so they know they should share.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"question\" "
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