Transaction: 02794471e42d6223130cf78cd593e251989a602c

Included in block 14,672,379 at 2017/08/18 04:28:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 02794471e42d6223130cf78cd593e251989a602c
ref_block_num 57,846
ref_block_prefix 2,783,103,915
transaction_num 3
signatures 2074ee314c70fe7df87dcb860ebb8b8c8d275c3956f5adeb9e033ffbaa29f451f8706411c4853f587a9ff67afad7cf64e918ce80c66726e1a3982d351042c2ba04
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"minnowfaucet",<br>"author":"thethreehugs",<br>"permlink":"relationships-and-free-will-the-importance-of-open-and-honest-communications",<br>"title":"Relationships and Free Will,<br> the importance of open and honest communications",<br>"body":"After much thought,<br> I decided to share a meaningful text between my friend of 7 years and now my most beloved relationship. He is currently halfway around the world on business,<br> so we communicate through text and the occasional phone call. His plan is to come back to the Island in November and stay for as long as he can. We were talking a few days and a few things he said led me to believe there was something he was not saying...thus my text and his reply:\n\nMe: Hey you,<br> talking to you instead of texting today was nice. I guess what I miss the most is our chilling alone and really communicating.\n\nI heard the concern in your words today that I might have expectations of you that might not be best suited for you and your lifestyle. well,<br> my dearest,<br> I would never intentionally set limits on you or your will. I love every second spent with you but will always respect your decisions. We have and always will be friends first.\n\nIn all honesty to myself and to you,<br> I would dearly love to have you around on a full time basis but I will be okay if not. Being totally open and honest with yourself and others is true freedom. We must allow our will to combine with spirit in order to evolve and have true connection to God and His light. However,<br> in exercising our will,<br> we must never seek to do harm to others. \n\nMy biggest problem all these years has been suppressing my will to pacify others. I was giving too much of myself and and not enough to myself. As a result,<br> I eventually came to the point that I had no ideas what I wanted or needed. I just thank god for sending you back here because being with you was exactly what my spirit and will had longed for in this lifetime. You knew better than I what would wake me up! Regardless of what the future holds,<br> I can say that I was able to feel and still feel what true love is like. \n\nOne of the many things I respect the most about you is the fact that you live the life you choose instead of allowing others to choose it for you. I totally understand why you shy away from needy females. And yes it feels terrible to walk away from those you don't wish to hurt. I have been there myself way too many times and broken way too many hearts. But I had to follow my path. Now I am at the point in my life where it is time to give myself a break ad stop doing things that sabotage my true will and happiness,<br> thus affecting my health and well being. My God,<br> I live in is time to embrace it all..preferably with you and I flipping and flopping,<br> rolling and tumbling,<br> laughing and playing,<br> working,<br> cooking,<br> listening to music,<br> going on new adventure and taking advantage of all that life has to offer. \n\nHim: Well you are spot on. It is almost unbelievable how you sense and read me so well but this is what if anything I aspire to do,<br> is show you how to have this so down and clear. It is so refreshing and freeing for us.\n\nMe: Yes,<br> true freedom is allowing spirit and soul to combine with free will as God intended it. All illnesses manifest when we stuff our emotions and true thoughts. When we release those things that we stuff,<br> our body thanks us by healing. Living and accepting our truths both dark and light and knowing who we are and what we truly desire is freeing in itself.\n\nHim: feelings of others we care for are precious crystals and must always be handled with care or not at all. \n\nHim: So obvious but applied so rarely.\n\nHim: Imagine today 6200 people enslaved themselves just in the USA by getting married. to me it is like religion,<br> I just don't get it.\n\nIn other news and statistics show that you can look forward to being flipped and flopped and wrapped and rolled.\n\nMe: Yes,<br> I tried the marriage game twice and failed miserable. My last marriage drug out almost 20 years. I swore I would never put myself through that again unless they had a note form God himself. And yes,<br> flip me,<br> flop me,<br> wrap me and roll me and I will savior each and every second of it!!\n\nMe rollin down the golf course hill:\n\nhttps:\/\/\/watch?v=HDH-xRTqMno\n\nMORAL OF STORY... Live life,<br> don't let life live you!!",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"minnowsfaucet\",<br>\"minnowsupport\",<br>\"originalcontent\",<br>\"whalepower\",<br>\"minnowfaucet\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/vi\/HDH-xRTqMno\/0.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=HDH-xRTqMno\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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