Transaction: 01067355fbb18024e9d303b5d394837fcab4c9b1

Included in block 35,178,050 at 2019/08/01 17:24:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 01067355fbb18024e9d303b5d394837fcab4c9b1
ref_block_num 50,734
ref_block_prefix 1,253,499,653
transaction_num 36
signatures 2038237ba989923a039eb69267c4f5d7bcc2673e00f9d1ef24c1e8725300992a3e52869f5b9dd4fc09329a01326df4176a9c565ff98c46b1fa38f39923ea3ed47e
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"fundition",<br>"author":"ponpase",<br>"permlink":"cooking-and-establishing-bivouacs-to-survive-or-survival-tips",<br>"title":"Cooking and Establishing Bivouacs to Survive | Survival Tips ",<br>"body":"<div class=text-justify>\n\n![PicsArt_08-01-10.45.00.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmaE3kmmaVPFVFdowsQtWnawBRBq15kZwGQSJkYrgRaYNG\/PicsArt_08-01-10.45.00.jpg)\n\nTonight we will do something different from the previous days. During the previous few days the trainees had been given lessons on scouting,<br> leadership,<br> organization,<br> character development and management patterns. After getting lessons from experienced mentors,<br> trainees will be given the task of being able to practice what they have learned.\n\n One lesson subject matter that is very important to do is survival technique. After wandering at night,<br> participants will continue the march into the wilderness. We will explore the path to reach the location point that will be used as a place to stay on this night.\n\n This time the participants will face considerable challenges. They have to make shelter and cook for dinner. In this session they will be a little difficult to do all that. They must make a bivouac (shelter) using twigs and tree leaves.\n\n![PicsArt_08-01-10.38.20.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmdr5eDUrtCkRY4RSHjAwE5mnhmgbjW2KCKfW3MRXuGXn6\/PicsArt_08-01-10.38.20.jpg)\n\n As for cooking,<br> they must use something from nature that can be used as a tool for cooking. They do not carry anything other than rice,<br> instant noodles and eggs. Their job is to cook all the ingredients using ingredients available in nature. This is a very depressed condition,<br> they must complete their duties within the time limit specified by the committee.\n\n When faced with this situation,<br> of course they need to take some action and discuss with their team members. This is one of the tests for them to be able to practice survival science that they have learned. When the committee has given instructions to do the assignment,<br> they look so eager to find objects that they will make as bivouacs. They have discussed and shared assignments to be done by each individual.\n\n Some members are tasked with finding talent wood,<br> and some other members are tasked with finding water sources around the campsite. In these conditions they are required to be more prudent and aware of their respective duties. Compactness is the main key to completing this mission.\n\n Survival is an effort made to maintain life. Life defense is done when we are experiencing a critical condition,<br> in other words is an emergency and danger. In this situation everyone is required to be able to master their self-management and think of ways to keep them alive even in an emergency.\n\n![PicsArt_08-01-10.42.11.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmdxX1wU5QPMN1kd7isAWccnKXawq7CrNw4BgFskMuER5c\/PicsArt_08-01-10.42.11.jpg)\n\n When starting an adventure in the jungle of the training participants,<br> you will certainly get an overview of examples of survival techniques. Participants must be able to use a compass so that they know the location of their current location. It's not easy to remember the path they went through,<br> except just by recording the coordinates of the direction of travel.\n\n In basic survival techniques,<br> hazards can arise from oneself and from the environment around us. For this reason,<br> trainees must master the techniques of living in the wild. This lesson is expected so that they can implement it in daily life.\n\n There are several factors that are very influential in making survival,<br> namely psychological about the state of self that usually will appear fearful,<br> depressed,<br> confused and others. The next factor is physiological conditions,<br> a person experiences conditions of hunger,<br> illness,<br> thirst,<br> fatigue and others. In addition,<br> environmental factors can also be a source of danger,<br> such as weather conditions,<br> fauna,<br> vegetation,<br> flora and others.\n\n When in danger,<br> everyone is required to have knowledge and skills that can anticipate danger. In addition,<br> equipment is also needed that will support self-rescue. Everyone must have the skills to avoid bad weather,<br> disturbances from animals,<br> and the need for food.\n\n In terms of weather,<br> we must be able to protect ourselves from cold conditions. Because some data on climbers' deaths are caused by cold. To avoid this condition,<br> we need to establish a shelter (bivouac) which will be useful to protect ourselves from extreme natural factors. Bivouacs can be made with various ingredients,<br> such as raincoats. If you don't have any equipment to make bivouacs,<br> then use twigs and leaves to make a shelter.\n\n Making bivouacs need to pay attention to the location to be used. Do not set up bivouacs on parts of the land that have shrubs. Bivouacs must be in a place that is safe from the threat of animals and rain.\n\nIn addition to the things that have been mentioned above,<br> another very important element of survival techniques is food. If you do not have provisions for food,<br> then we must be able to use anything that can be eaten from nature. Some types of plants can usually be used for cooking and eating. Some types of mold and mildew can be used as food to survive. However,<br> you need to be careful to choose this type of plant,<br> because there are several types that have poisons,<br> especially the growth of purple mushrooms.\n\n![PicsArt_08-01-10.45.29.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVRbDainUVgCri6AyzNesLHnqCuTAQYDiVvrM6mgJEaki\/PicsArt_08-01-10.45.29.jpg)\n\n\n\u00a0 Our trainees are facing the conditions that I have explained above. They cook with survival techniques. The eggs are covered with clay,<br> then cooked in the fire. Whereas under fire they have dug a hole as a place to cook rice. They cooked rice in a hole in the ground that had been covered with leaves. Actually there are many technical who have been taught to cook. They chose a method like that and said it was easier to do.\n\n\n![PicsArt_08-01-10.43.44.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmW8kKTmfAJiEnoU4Ypfd6iKhnT9jq5Lbyq9f9mUmF4LzC\/PicsArt_08-01-10.43.44.jpg)\n\n\u00a0 Because there is only a small amount of food available,<br> they will eat it together and as much as possible to share with each other. This condition will teach them about the caring,<br> togetherness and cohesiveness of the team.\n\n![PicsArt_08-01-10.45.59.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmdPhWkN65Ks91xCksrgzoq1HS4tCzRHGb6RNMpjzaBpHP\/PicsArt_08-01-10.45.59.jpg)\n\n\u00a0 We lit a fire to warm the body. Participants sit in circles and we tell each other about many things. Jokes and laughter make a quiet forest feel inhabited.\n\n\u00a0 In terms of survival,<br> the success of self-rescue depends largely on one's background and experience In addition,<br> wisdom is also needed in making decisions to get out of an emergency.\n\n<\/div>\n\n\n<center>*\"Good things done will bring goodness,<br> sincerity is a source of passion full of love and dedication,<br> wings of birds fly,<br> the people have dreams,<br> people need you to help them,<br> you will look great for the little actions you do but have an impact broad for everyone\"\n@ponpase*<\/center>\n\n![PicsArt_05-18-12.54.12.png (https:\/\/\/DQmVUT4in1Xcma1KxprwgzT9cYLHXoxBXLNKCmrhti5pyQX\/PicsArt_05-18-12.54.12.png)\n\n#### <center>Thank You\nPosted With #busy<\/center>\n\n<center>**Best Fundraising Platform On Steem Blockchain**<\/center>\n\n<center>https:\/\/\/640x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmaYfT3fnb6ZyqYLhjHQf3dtSMHiEE8XbThZK6eEhAG542\/fundition-large.png\n<center>https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmPAr9Mt1ZxrDsTVUguWMoLjTjBnHB7Y7CMMxngAgPUGsY\/work_on_progess.gif\n*(https:\/\/\/@fundition)*<\/center>\n\n<br>\n\n![PicsArt_07-23-07.51.59.png (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmTMswn6MK8JpZKSQ3VJAkUE2ZUxnRRNk3ELm4GaEdSvQa)\n\n\n*(My Campaign Fundition : https:\/\/\/#!\/@ponpase\/1yv4keet5)*<\/center>\n\n<center><h4>Special Thanks to : @rok-sivante & @mammasitta<\/h4><\/center>\n\n<center>**The Youth Steem Indonesians Community : @pojan,<br> @adilvakhri,<br> @bangmimi**<\/center>\n\n<center>Follow me on [Twitter (https:\/\/\/ponpase)<\/center>\n\n**Vote To Witness**|@good-karma|@steempress|@kevinwong|@oracle-d|@fundition|\n-|-|-|-|-|-\n<center>https:\/\/\/~witnesses<\/center>\n\n___________\n\n<center><h4>[Ciptakan Banyak Uang Di Walletmu! (https:\/\/\/#AH5DXLQEHM7FPSNOIN4D7UHKIPAKFQJG)<\/h4><\/center>\n\n\n<center><h4>Visit To My Blog ! [***Story Blog*** (https:\/\/\/?m=1) & [Ponpase Blog (http:\/\/<\/h4><\/center>\n\n______\n\n<center>**By : @ponpase | From Indonesia\nFor : Education,<br> Review Blockchain,<br> Science,<br> Life,<br> Spirituality,<br> Inspiration,<br> Nature,<br> Philosophy.**<\/center>\n\n_______\n\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmUxqA4cy3GjrkubQCGYsn5H2FEUBwbLgcrzkvpKj12vWu\/The%20Youth%20Steem%20Ponpase.jpg\n_________\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmZpjDPuo1qmLe311ZYrvZPf97cUC2BYLwYPfLk9epj7hM\/IMG-20180427-WA0000.jpg\n____\n__________\n\n\n\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"busy\",<br>\"app\":\"busy\/2.5.6\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"fundition\",<br>\"adventure\",<br>\"nature\",<br>\"fundition-1yv4keet5\",<br>\"steemiteducation\",<br>\"travelfeed\",<br>\"actnearn\",<br>\"realityhubs\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"steemleo\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"busy\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"ponpase\",<br>\"fundition\",<br>\"rok-sivante\",<br>\"mammasitta\",<br>\"pojan\",<br>\"adilvakhri\",<br>\"bangmimi\",<br>\"good-karma\",<br>\"steempress\",<br>\"kevinwong\",<br>\"oracle-d\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"\/@ponpase\",<br>\"\/trending\/busy\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/@fundition\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/#!\/@ponpase\/1yv4keet5\",<br>\"\/@rok-sivante\",<br>\"\/@mammasitta\",<br>\"\/@pojan\",<br>\"\/@adilvakhri\",<br>\"\/@bangmimi\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/ponpase\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmaE3kmmaVPFVFdowsQtWnawBRBq15kZwGQSJkYrgRaYNG\/PicsArt_08-01-10.45.00.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdr5eDUrtCkRY4RSHjAwE5mnhmgbjW2KCKfW3MRXuGXn6\/PicsArt_08-01-10.38.20.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdxX1wU5QPMN1kd7isAWccnKXawq7CrNw4BgFskMuER5c\/PicsArt_08-01-10.42.11.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmVRbDainUVgCri6AyzNesLHnqCuTAQYDiVvrM6mgJEaki\/PicsArt_08-01-10.45.29.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmW8kKTmfAJiEnoU4Ypfd6iKhnT9jq5Lbyq9f9mUmF4LzC\/PicsArt_08-01-10.43.44.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdPhWkN65Ks91xCksrgzoq1HS4tCzRHGb6RNMpjzaBpHP\/PicsArt_08-01-10.45.59.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmVUT4in1Xcma1KxprwgzT9cYLHXoxBXLNKCmrhti5pyQX\/PicsArt_05-18-12.54.12.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/640x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmaYfT3fnb6ZyqYLhjHQf3dtSMHiEE8XbThZK6eEhAG542\/fundition-large.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmPAr9Mt1ZxrDsTVUguWMoLjTjBnHB7Y7CMMxngAgPUGsY\/work_on_progess.gif\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmTMswn6MK8JpZKSQ3VJAkUE2ZUxnRRNk3ELm4GaEdSvQa\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmUxqA4cy3GjrkubQCGYsn5H2FEUBwbLgcrzkvpKj12vWu\/The%20Youth%20Steem%20Ponpase.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmZpjDPuo1qmLe311ZYrvZPf97cUC2BYLwYPfLk9epj7hM\/IMG-20180427-WA0000.jpg\" "
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