I represented my "Life Journey" through an Art...

From @priyanarc at 2020/05/23 21:22:09 (UTC). Show on Ecosynthesizer.
You can call it a drawing or whatever you want to. This drawing or art took me 3 days to complete, no it's not a complicated drawing, I was lazy and lost and was not sure how to represent my life journey through a drawing. I have mentioned before I love to do the conceptual drawing, so on that note, I am just an amateur who just draws whatever she wants to. I have written many posts describing my life journey but never represented through drawing... <br> ![20200520_161306.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/qw5o5X1n-20200520_161306.jpg) ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <br> I know you can criticize and also can say that this is nothing or this is not art or drawing... I will accept that as long as the criticism will be from the art perspective. I personally think conceptual drawings are meaningful and it doesn't need to be perfect as long as you are expressing your feelings through art. Again, I am saying it's not a perfect art, or I might have chosen some other subject to represent my life but you know I can't avoid lines as an architect. Let me show you steps... <br> ![20200430_181426.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/vEsYV7nu-20200430_181426.jpg) |![20200430_180630.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/k59vSVWE-20200430_180630.jpg)|![20200430_181444.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/tejNU214-20200430_181444.jpg)|![20200430_183215.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/q1mzyNDa-20200430_183215.jpg)|![20200430_184601.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/GtlvNfmi-20200430_184601.jpg)| |----------- |------------------------ |------ |-----| ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <br> Here you can see all the steps... My subjects were **a brick wall, two plants, and a flower**. I have used a black and white tone for the **brick wall** to represent ***monochromic life***. Now you can say, life is colorful but as here I am representing my life journey so as a base I kept my brick wall black and white. Let's talk about two plants...They are representing my growth and my life cycle... <br> ![20200430_184614.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/23nnE7ll-20200430_184614.jpg) ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <br> Now your question might be, who two plants? So far I have divided my entire life into **three phases** and those two plants are representing two phases of my life... **Teenagers and adult age**...Basically these two plants are vine plants that are growing with the help of the wall. The growth of the one plant already stopped and the other is growing... <br> ![20200520_161051.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/u5jjoe9h-20200520_161051.jpg) ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <br> Now let me tell you what is that ***red flower*** all about. It is representing my ***childhood***. I think childhood is fresh, innocent, and ready to bloom like this flower so I compared and represented my childhood with this flower. Now you can also see some vertical curve lines... <br> <div class="pull-left"> ![20200520_161023.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/qNC0XmP2-20200520_161023.jpg) </div> <div class="pull-right"> ![20200520_161044.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/QEhzuH7W-20200520_161044.jpg) </div> <hr> ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <br> Those vertical curve lines are basically cracks on the wall. I tried to represent it in a better way but I failed. Basically, those are showing barriers, ups, and downs of my life and representing that my life is not smooth at all. Last but not least, you also can see the abstract form of tears which is a blue color. I don't think I have to explain about that. After knowing the overall concept, you must be thinking I have represented something sad. Not at all, **I have represented my life**... Obviously, green color is representing me that I am alive is, good, and leading a happy life. Obviously, it's life, there will be tears, the sad part, depression, and happiness. <br> <div class="pull-left"> ![20200520_161243.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/qS40Sn7O-20200520_161243.jpg) </div> <div class="pull-right"> ![20200520_161015.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/kFdI6DOh-20200520_161015.jpg) </div> <hr> ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <br> I don't know what is this or how should I represent this sketch which took me 3 days. But at least I have completed and came up with a meaningful concept... In the end, that's all matters... <br> ***This sketch I have done from my own imagination and have chosen the subjects according to my concept...*** If you have any questions or queries let me know... I don't know much about art so feel free to enlighten me... <br> ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/RQerUIMd-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png) <hr> ## <center> Explore Life with Priyan...</center> <br> ![DSC_0610.JPG](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/D461supI-DSC_0610.JPG) <br> ## Love ### Priyan... <hr> <br> ***"I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."*** <hr> <br> Find me on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6htnj_ra804BB8QqZw4qpg?view_as=subscriber) Don't forget to subscribe to my channel... You can find me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/een_pri) <br> > ##### <center>After all I believe in community power , interaction , connection and engagement....</center> <br> ***Original post written by @priyanarc*** ***All the pictures used are captured by the author...*** <br> ![Snapchat1407797301.jpg](https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/priyanarc/ERTM3Slt-Snapchat-1407797301.jpg) <br> ![qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/priyanarc/NpptjSNM-qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZk9NVAZuEFF6kwTcNnyLQzJMZ8Nd2tyTgjA2ugbViLGaJGFaXXz917DUgGveyrbHPHkh3HBYAgUv.png)
art #art #life #drawing #sketch
Voter Time PCT rShares Weight
@onealfa 2020/05/23 21:25:45. 49.92% 255,322,143,919 85,903
@livingfree 2020/05/23 21:25:12. 1% 35,998,766,677 10,695
@marius19 2020/05/24 06:29:57. 100% 5,319,181,323 1,531
@leduc1984 2020/05/23 21:51:12. 80% 164,908,399 52
@jlufer 2020/05/23 22:06:00. 100% 17,831,541,064 5,246
@created 2020/05/23 21:25:09. 1% 80,953,895,781 23,988
@techken 2020/05/24 00:06:27. 10% 2,395,034,095 689
@edkarnie 2020/05/23 21:58:57. 50% 164,187,628,156 49,124
@coffeedrinker51 2020/05/23 21:28:09. 100% 2,436,351,961 801
@captainquack22 2020/05/25 08:12:12. 100% 23,841,513,715 6,135
@gengua 2020/05/24 20:20:45. 100% 162,756,471,606 42,728
@yanboretskyi 2020/05/24 18:53:42. 100% 46,628,971,494 13,160
@joe.public 2020/05/23 21:25:30. 100% 2,050,287,379 665
@qurator 2020/05/24 00:01:27. 2.51% 62,795,105,072 18,340
@josediccus 2020/05/23 21:52:57. 51% 58,439,280,002 17,848
@teamukraine 2020/05/24 11:55:21. 100% 13,197,622,673 3,755
@maks.molotskyy 2020/05/24 18:21:18. 100% 9,262,080,286 2,628
@steembasicincome 2020/05/23 21:26:30. 7.33% 102,166,747,516 39,869
@mmmmkkkk311 2020/05/23 21:27:36. 100% 527,955,611,454 209,108
@payroll 2020/05/23 21:51:18. 2% 158,285,091,194 49,335
@saboin 2020/05/24 00:02:18. 3% 7,105,301,171 2,048
@sayuti1606 2020/05/23 21:28:24. 100% 535,459,561 176
@cryptospa 2020/05/25 11:20:06. 100% 90,738,501,658 23,125
@solominer 2020/05/28 13:13:45. 100% 1,506,159,765,602 345,882
@lotusfleur 2020/05/23 21:27:54. 100% 31,098,846,739 10,255
@digital.mine 2020/05/23 21:43:15. 7% 178,662,942,222 57,498
@bohhatema 2020/05/23 21:28:24. 100% 541,492,359 178
@bdcommunity 2020/05/25 13:58:21. 100% 198,714,725,433 49,420
@marfonso 2020/05/24 11:27:09. 6% 53,065,964,722 15,188
@cryptex24 2020/05/24 16:00:33. 100% 5,282,226,435 1,500
@sbi-booster 2020/05/23 21:28:27. 7.33% 6,411,753,211 2,105
@binance2 2020/05/23 21:26:57. 84.6% 255,909,904,669 105,860
@ctime 2020/05/23 21:27:36. 8% 621,385,988,301 218,702
@janyasai 2020/05/23 21:28:30. 30% 5,211,628,349 1,707
@cryptofiloz 2020/05/24 00:02:18. 5.01% 31,886,339,301 9,231
@fi2eedom 2020/05/23 21:28:27. 38% 2,691,914,864 883
@monsterjamgold 2020/05/24 20:24:15. 100% 22,352,020,909 5,775
@newtrailers 2020/05/24 00:03:54. 7.53% 1,868,935,522 539
@ph1102 2020/05/24 00:02:18. 7.53% 1,467,147,887 426
@focusnyk 2020/05/24 18:57:57. 100% 50,864,533,872 14,233
@focusnik 2020/05/24 19:10:30. 100% 91,750,062,081 25,122
@sbi-tokens 2020/05/23 21:30:06. 2.7% 272,866,072 89
@sozidatell 2020/05/24 19:07:51. 100% 50,758,440,796 14,075
@kaeves4711 2020/05/24 00:02:18. 25% 3,222,179,812 930
@viktory88 2020/05/24 19:28:45. 100% 114,368,183,384 30,755
@hone.heke 2020/05/23 21:25:33. 100% 31,328,277,235 10,289
@sbi-updoot 2020/05/24 10:32:15. 75% 478,448,126 138
@asimpleman 2020/05/23 21:25:06. 100% 6,956,692,884 2,047
@steemgoon 2020/05/23 21:28:27. 38% 1,588,696,722 521
@goonz 2020/05/23 21:26:45. 40% 1,439,612,499 587
@sometacos 2020/05/23 21:28:27. 38% 2,698,356,538 885
Post payout
Total: 0.000 SBD
Curator: 0 SBD
Author: 0.000 SBD
Reward Obtion: 50%SBD/50%SP
total_payout_value1.086 SBD
curator_payout_value1.031 SBD
max_accepted_payout1000000.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
total_pending_payout_value0.000 STEEM
promoted0.000 STEEM
root_titleI represented my "Life Journey" through an Art...