Logbook of an obsession - Chapter IV / Bitácora de una obsesión Capítulo IV (ENG/SPA)
From @josevas217 at 2020/03/20 10:20:57 (UTC).
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Body | ||
<div class='text-justify'> **Logbook of an obsession** *Chapter IV* It's 5 pm, I'm going to go, I live just a few streets away from that place, and tell her that I'm her number one fan since I first saw her, but a fan? It sounds a bit absurd, I'd better not go and settle for just seeing her from afar. But what do I say? If we've already met, the best thing would be to continue approaching her little by little and maybe one day... but what if that day doesn't come? I definitely can't think of anything else, but I should, because it seems like I'm going crazy. And I'm not. <center> </center> <sub><center>Image cortesía de @xpilar[Fuente](https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@xpilar/the-image-is-made-of-own-imagination-and-thoughts-competition-72-we-are-testing-our-new-community-world-of-xpilar)</center></sub> Well, I'm getting ready to go out and buy the garment I left aside, I can't fail you, I already told you I'd go, while I keep thinking about what to say when I get there I'm preparing the money with which I'll pay you, taking care that it's not wrinkled, broken or scratched, I can't give you a bad image, not at all. I leave my house walking in a hurry, with a fixed motive in my mind... but I have to go back, I have left the door open, ? what's wrong with me ? this has never happened to me before, I have already closed, again I start walking towards that place where I know she is, probably waiting for my arrival, because I told her I would come back, it is logical that she is waiting for me. Everything is ready, money in its place, I have already practiced the phrase I will say when I enter her business. As I get closer to her place I feel my heart racing again, the second time this happens to me in the same day, it could be dangerous if I suffer from some heart disease, fortunately it is not like that, I am already very close to the door and almost have a heart attack, but once I get in, and after saying "good afternoon" I emit the phrase that I have been practicing during the afternoon: *"I've certainly reached the place where I found what I've been looking for." It took her a few seconds to react, which for me were eternal, my breathing stopped until she broke the silence with her laughter and answered me *" It is good to be able to help you, I hope your niece will be very comfortable". I was relieved when I heard her, I immediately asked her about the garment, she already had it ready to give it to me, so she bent down for a brief moment to take it out of where she had kept it, and gave it to me, while this was happening I was taking the money out of my pocket little by little, without taking my eyes off it. I cancelled, after she received the money, counted it, and checked that everything was in order. She extended her hand to thank me for the purchase. I remained a little dazed thinking about what to do later to see her again this close (or even more), could it be that I invite her a coffee? could it be too much haste? could it be that I spend another day to thank her for the happiness that caused in my niece the garment recommended by her? in short, that I thanked her and I left with a kind of mixture between happiness and melancholy, but with the certainty that I would see her again. </div> <sub>This is a literary exercise inspired by the Digital Art of @xpilar. For more information [Here](hhttps://steemit.com/hive-185836/@xpilar/the-image-is-made-of-own-imagination-and-thoughts-competition-72-we-are-testing-our-new-community-world-of-xpilar) I will soon bring the continuation of this story</sub> I leave you the links to [First chapter](https://steempeak.com/hive-185836/@josevas217/logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-i-bitacora-de-an-obsesion-capitulo-i-eng-spa), [Second chapter](https://steempeak.com/hive-185836/@josevas217/logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-ii-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-ii-eng-spa) and [third chapter](https://steempeak.com/hive-185836/@josevas217/logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-iii-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-iii-eng-spa) <center></center> <div class='text-justify'> **Bitácora de una obsesión** *Capítulo lV* Son las 5 de la tarde, pienso ir, vivo a escasas calles de ese local, y plantearle que soy su fanático número 1 desde que la vi por primera vez, pero ¿Fanático? Suena un poco absurdo, mejor no voy y me conformo solo con verla desde lo lejos. Pero ¿Qué digo? Si ya nos conocimos, lo mejor sería seguir acercándome poco a poco y tal vez un día… pero ¿Y si ese día no llega? Definitivamente no puedo pensar en otra cosa, pero debería, porque pareciera que me estoy volviendo loco. Y no es así. <center> </center> <sub><center>Image cortesía de @xpilar[Fuente](https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@xpilar/the-image-is-made-of-own-imagination-and-thoughts-competition-72-we-are-testing-our-new-community-world-of-xpilar)</center></sub> Bien, me voy preparando para salir a comprar la prenda que deje apartada, no puedo fallarle, ya le dije que iría, mientras sigo pensando en que decir cuando llegue voy preparando el dinero con el que le pagaré, cuidando de que no estén arrugados, rotos o rayados, no le puedo dar mala imagen, para nada. Salgo caminando apresurado de mí casa, con un motivo fijo en mí mente... pero debo regresarme, he dejado la puerta abierta, *¿Qué me pasa?* Nunca me había sucedido esto, ya he cerrado, de nuevo emprendo la caminata hacia ese sitio donde se que ella está, probablemente esperando mí llegada, pues le dije que volvería, es lógico que me este esperando. Todo preparado, dinero en su lugar, ya he practicado la frase que le diré al entrar a su negocio. A medida que me acerco al local de ella vuelvo a sentir mí corazón acelerado, segunda vez que me ocurre en un mismo día, podría ser peligroso si sufriera del alguna enfermedad cardíaca, por suerte no es así, ya muy cerca de la puerta y casi que de un infarto, pero una vez entro, y después de decirle “buenas tardes” emito la frase que estuve practicando durante la tarde: *”Sin duda que he llegado al sitio donde encontré lo que he estado buscando”*. Ella tarda en reaccionar unos segundos, que para mí fueron eternos, mí respiración se detuvo hasta que ella con su risa rompió el silencio y me respondió *” Es bueno poder ayudarlo, espero que su sobrina quede muy a gusto”*. Quedé aliviado al oírla, enseguida le pregunté por la prenda, ya ella la tenía lista para entregármela, así que se agachó un breve momento para sacarla de donde la tenía guardada, y me la entrego, mientras esto ocurría fui sacando el dinero de mi bolsillo poco a poco, sin quitarle la mirada de encima. Cancelé, después de ella recibir el dinero, contarlo, y verificar que estaba todo en orden. Extendió su mano para agradecerme la compra. Me quedé un poco aturdido pensando en luego que hacer para volver a verla así de cerca (o más aún), ¿será que le invito un café? ¿será muy apresurado? podría pasar otro día para agradecerle la felicidad que causó en mi sobrina la prenda recomendada por ella... en fin, que le di las gracias y salí con una especie de mezcla entre felicidad y melancolía, pero co la certeza de que la volvería a ver. </div> <sub>Este es un ejercicio literario inspirado en el Arte Digital de @xpilar. Para mayor información [Aquí](hhttps://steemit.com/hive-185836/@xpilar/the-image-is-made-of-own-imagination-and-thoughts-competition-72-we-are-testing-our-new-community-world-of-xpilar) Pronto traeré la continuación de esta historia.</sub> Les dejo los enlaces al [Primer capítulo](https://steempeak.com/hive-185836/@josevas217/logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-i-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-i-eng-spa),[Segundo capítulo](https://steempeak.com/hive-185836/@josevas217/logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-ii-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-ii-eng-spa) y [Segundo capítulo](https://steempeak.com/hive-185836/@josevas217/logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-iii-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-iii-eng-spa) <center></center> <center><sub>Note: Emojis used are from the Bitmoji application.</sub></center> <sub>I invite you to visit [Project.hope](https://www.projecthope.pl/) and learn about the benefits of this project for all those interested in growing while helping others to grow.</sub> <center>   **I invite to be a part of** [](https://steemit.com/@whalestrail) </center> | ||
hive-185836 | #literarature #literatura #spanish #imagination #palnet #neoxian |
Voters | |||||
Voter | Time | PCT | rShares | Weight | |
@mangou007 | 2020/03/20 10:29:54. | 40% | 60,543,918,839 | 21,937 | |
@xpilar | 2020/03/21 05:10:24. | 29% | 2,386,472,639,903 | 0 | |
@bert0 | 2020/03/20 10:27:33. | 40% | 169,075,756,279 | 68,666 | |
@leduc1984 | 2020/03/20 10:50:30. | 80% | 164,035,052 | 50 | |
@yehey | 2020/03/20 11:03:54. | 10% | 104,612,549,902 | 31,681 | |
@jamjamfood | 2020/03/20 10:23:18. | 16% | 59,872,876,960 | 13,596 | |
@michelcamacaro | 2020/03/20 13:38:15. | 100% | 3,226,021,515 | 918 | |
@sultan-aceh | 2020/03/25 19:15:21. | 35% | 337,103,662,688 | 82,659 | |
@migueliglesias | 2020/03/23 11:05:54. | 50% | 1,421,403,543 | 353 | |
@sawcraz.art | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 2,477,672,992 | 36 | |
@takeru255 | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 100% | 3,108,733,592 | 30 | |
@filipino | 2020/03/20 11:31:27. | 10% | 265,253,109 | 80 | |
@maria.isaaccura | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 651,105,078 | 12 | |
@flamingirl | 2020/03/20 10:29:48. | 40% | 265,780,953,519 | 99,586 | |
@astory | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 1,418,963,249 | 404 | |
@healthyfit | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 972,102,294 | 276 | |
@lmir1965 | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 661,291,111 | 13 | |
@luzvenecia | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 546,232,224 | 2 | |
@petronila | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 557,074,829 | 2 | |
@fourfourfun | 2020/03/20 10:21:12. | 25% | 6,436,399,366 | 157 | |
@conradsuperb | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 7% | 11,218,442,410 | 55 | |
@danielalbujas | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 547,884,462 | 10 | |
@ballenaprepago | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 1,921,877,514 | 547 | |
@mervin-gil | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 2,202,599,487 | 43 | |
@oscaroef | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 100% | 692,790,959 | 6 | |
@sacra97 | 2020/03/20 18:37:45. | 100% | 48,261,709,022 | 12,461 | |
@ricardo993 | 2020/03/20 10:33:39. | 70% | 2,866,492,695 | 1,028 | |
@omg-is-biology | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 693,949,807 | 13 | |
@luisfe | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 100% | 580,911,502 | 5 | |
@shares | 2020/03/20 11:03:57. | 5% | 2,646,367,535 | 793 | |
@ninachejov | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 556,892,320 | 2 | |
@gocho94 | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 1,108,181,458 | 21 | |
@gabyrutigliano | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 1,558,509,944 | 30 | |
@joluco123 | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 645,942,096 | 12 | |
@keepingtarotreal | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 544,857,382 | 10 | |
@yurilaya | 2020/03/20 13:32:06. | 50% | 940,200,700 | 272 | |
@wisejg | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 1,355,050,135 | 26 | |
@andrenavarro | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 1,190,558,565 | 23 | |
@stmdev | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 2% | 209,977,533 | 1 | |
@dodokan | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 584,541,959 | 2 | |
@franyeligonzalez | 2020/03/20 10:33:06. | 100% | 678,810,518 | 244 | |
@carolinacardoza | 2020/03/20 13:32:06. | 100% | 32,976,849,254 | 9,502 | |
@gpiglioni | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 1,350,611,140 | 384 | |
@tresor | 2020/03/20 10:27:36. | 40% | 155,069,637,036 | 60,840 | |
@abraham2018 | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 559,861,517 | 2 | |
@dogeadventures | 2020/03/20 13:40:27. | 100% | 680,186,312 | 193 | |
@payroll | 2020/03/20 10:47:09. | 1% | 309,326,987,320 | 97,419 | |
@jadnven | 2020/03/20 13:32:15. | 100% | 7,969,868,627 | 2,272 | |
@marianelamendoza | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 547,960,007 | 8 | |
@carmencitavdc | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 100% | 541,144,377 | 5 | |
@melaniesaray | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 1,957,804,813 | 29 | |
@drawing4life | 2020/03/20 10:36:15. | 100% | 1,512,699,207 | 491 | |
@aparanoide | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 648,390,002 | 12 | |
@purrix | 2020/03/20 13:32:06. | 50% | 4,700,282,591 | 1,349 | |
@chroniccoin | 2020/03/20 10:46:15. | 100% | 884,817,304 | 287 | |
@davidric | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 578,810,197 | 8 | |
@whalestrail | 2020/03/23 11:05:51. | 100% | 498,026,183,790 | 125,978 | |
@nahela | 2020/03/20 10:35:06. | 100% | 614,058,300 | 220 | |
@cyberspacegod | 2020/03/20 10:26:15. | 100% | 1,844,781,357 | 764 | |
@amart29 | 2020/03/20 13:32:06. | 100% | 33,832,626,476 | 9,682 | |
@francyrios75 | 2020/03/20 13:32:06. | 20% | 3,409,619,983 | 985 | |
@pangahg | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 624,409,379 | 12 | |
@indianapatt | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 1,963,696,249 | 28 | |
@topfivefamily | 2020/03/20 13:32:03. | 100% | 5,282,945,409 | 1,529 | |
@elabuelo | 2020/03/20 10:33:06. | 100% | 3,422,238,955 | 1,229 | |
@kikiwiis | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 540,317,270 | 10 | |
@soyronaldo | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 540,950,516 | 10 | |
@escfrancis | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 642,532,180 | 12 | |
@vgalue | 2020/03/20 10:26:06. | 50% | 18,498,508,832 | 7,675 | |
@piscis | 2020/03/20 13:32:15. | 100% | 581,545,763 | 166 | |
@juliusc | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 598,434,941 | 171 | |
@perazart | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 8,758,954,813 | 129 | |
@andresdbrito | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 539,090,469 | 10 | |
@lart007 | 2020/03/20 10:36:06. | 100% | 564,368,110 | 200 | |
@rodripazyolanda | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 538,811,270 | 10 | |
@hernaryruiz | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 829,041,602 | 12 | |
@rebe2015 | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 539,388,876 | 7 | |
@memeteca | 2020/03/20 10:27:39. | 40% | 10,759,663,495 | 4,149 | |
@conectionbot | 2020/03/20 10:33:06. | 80% | 6,309,631,860 | 2,271 | |
@capybaraexchange | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 551,922,250 | 8 | |
@joecoolup | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 553,185,269 | 8 | |
@cityofstars | 2020/03/20 10:36:06. | 40% | 68,791,768,614 | 24,480 | |
@noeliazul | 2020/03/20 10:26:15. | 60% | 3,491,690,734 | 1,444 | |
@pablo1601 | 2020/03/20 10:25:06. | 60% | 39,926,661,622 | 15,814 | |
@veronik28dic | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 2,671,405,812 | 39 | |
@yexicalaflaca3 | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 556,558,727 | 2 | |
@edgarare1 | 2020/03/20 15:52:03. | 12.5% | 6,759,102,155 | 1,748 | |
@reflektor | 2020/03/27 01:59:42. | 5% | 186,081,978,827 | 44,725 | |
@joelguitar | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 556,593,475 | 2 | |
@bippe | 2020/03/27 02:29:36. | 31% | 513,155,559,919 | 120,264 | |
@altooq | 2020/03/20 10:36:06. | 40% | 435,707,236,607 | 147,528 | |
@blackbird24 | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 1,375,191,069 | 20 | |
@tanfilosofo | 2020/03/20 13:39:27. | 100% | 676,558,681 | 193 | |
@ctime | 2020/03/20 10:25:33. | 6% | 591,180,059,254 | 241,615 | |
@motivarte | 2020/03/20 13:39:27. | 100% | 683,304,489 | 195 | |
@puerquito | 2020/03/20 13:38:21. | 100% | 587,667,343 | 167 | |
@ciencialoca | 2020/03/20 13:39:27. | 100% | 682,175,424 | 193 | |
@tecuento | 2020/03/20 13:38:21. | 100% | 681,834,758 | 194 | |
@xhaman | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 675,725,830 | 192 | |
@hingsten | 2020/03/27 02:48:48. | 25% | 434,190,504,684 | 98,373 | |
@axxa | 2020/03/20 13:38:18. | 100% | 1,369,650,104 | 389 | |
@sm-navidad | 2020/03/20 10:22:15. | 100% | 680,166,440 | 86 | |
@mounstruitos | 2020/03/20 13:40:27. | 100% | 761,335,228 | 216 | |
@marcosdk | 2020/03/26 18:19:39. | 50% | 4,984,088,272 | 1,206 | |
@the.one | 2020/03/20 13:38:21. | 100% | 676,476,491 | 192 | |
@coredump | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 3% | 98,477,178 | 0 | |
@radaquest | 2020/03/20 12:13:30. | 50% | 190,441,785,529 | 56,101 | |
@williamdixz | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 1,101,633,103 | 21 | |
@crafaelmorenobar | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 100% | 558,608,449 | 2 | |
@the.circle | 2020/03/20 10:33:06. | 20% | 3,803,164,674 | 1,367 | |
@iraeli | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 541,950,418 | 8 | |
@wiriwiri | 2020/03/26 18:19:39. | 20% | 6,149,137,209 | 1,489 | |
@pablo1601.sports | 2020/03/20 10:25:15. | 100% | 2,584,136,047 | 1,055 | |
@cn-neoxag | 2020/03/20 11:57:15. | 2% | 10,663,579 | 3 | |
@abh12345.neox | 2020/03/26 19:09:15. | 8.02% | 23,503,188 | 6 | |
@spaco | 2020/03/20 10:33:36. | 100% | 6,838,781,242 | 2,454 | |
@sandra.simms | 2020/03/20 10:48:15. | 100% | 1,015,791,519 | 311 | |
@super-irie | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 10% | 14,558,244,392 | 72 | |
@spinvest-leo | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 4% | 3,195,422,438 | 31 | |
@themilkymark | 2020/03/20 10:25:00. | 8.07% | 3,080,811,363 | 1,197 | |
@javb | 2020/03/20 10:22:15. | 100% | 18,798,189,073 | 2,383 | |
@jgb | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 50% | 877,191,752 | 8 | |
@khaljahm | 2020/03/20 10:21:03. | 50% | 634,851,868 | 6 | |
@toni.pal | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 0.58% | 0 | 0 | |
@josemengele | 2020/03/20 10:21:09. | 100% | 1,362,259,576 | 26 | |
@s-irie1.jahm | 2020/03/20 10:21:00. | 12% | 2,001,131,436 | 9 | |
@calamar710 | 2020/03/20 10:21:06. | 100% | 1,175,561,422 | 17 |
Post payout | |
Total: | 0.000 SBD |
Curator: | 0 SBD |
Author: | 0.000 SBD |
Reward Obtion: | 50%SBD/50%SP |
Properties | |||||
id | 85,375,731 | ||||
permlink | logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-iv-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-iv-eng-spa | ||||
author | josevas217 | ||||
category | hive-185836 | ||||
parent_author | |||||
parent_permlink | hive-185836 | ||||
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active | 2020-03-20T18:39:36 | ||||
created | 2020-03-20T10:20:57 | ||||
last_update | 2020-03-20T10:20:57 | ||||
last_payout | 2020-03-27T10:20:57 | ||||
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total_pending_payout_value | 0.000 STEEM | ||||
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root_author | josevas217 | ||||
root_permlink | logbook-of-an-obsession-chapter-iv-bitacora-de-una-obsesion-capitulo-iv-eng-spa | ||||
root_title | Logbook of an obsession - Chapter IV / Bitácora de una obsesión Capítulo IV (ENG/SPA) | ||||
allow_replies | 1 | ||||
allow_votes | 1 | ||||
allow_curation_rewards | 1 | ||||
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 | ||||
author_reputation | 1,247,266,873,346,948 | ||||
Metadata | |
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