Welcome Back – The New & Improved Site

From @jackmiller at 2020/02/23 13:10:33 (UTC). Show on Ecosynthesizer.
The new and somewhat improved personal page for my needs on the world wide web. [www.jackmiller.info](https://www.jackmiller.info) ![image.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcJYyX8KSCW4mcLm3R13k4jWxT4Aq4Ro3eLb7BWpTRvYn/image.png) In the past I tried to cover everything per niche, category or topics at hand. Namely I opened up various sites for various needs, yet as time told, that was obviously not the way to go about things. So, after checking out dozens of other sites out there, the conclusion that I came to was that there is no need to cater to the different topics that I am addressing with separate websites, what needs to be done is to relay the information via one site and as the data builds up, make it easily available via a simple user friendly menu. Hence why I closed the following sites down: Witnesspage.com (the website that addressed the @witnesspage project on Steem) Steemaustralia.org (the website addressing crypto and Steem related news) Guess those two are the most prominent ones that I decided to shut down. There were some others out there, that I felt were just not being utilized for whatever reasons, not something I wish to dwell on, as I am moving forwards. What that basically means is that all my online comms, that were dispersed over various sites, shall now be done simply on my personal site. Business, pleasure, crypto, hobbies, personal, family, news, you name it, if it is from me, it will be here. Too easy and basically how all the other experienced people with an online presence do it. Guess I had to learn the hard way again! As things advance, the menu will be rearranged so as to ensure it serves it purpose. Will add some other little things, that may help out with the SEO of the site. Not too worried about SEO, as this is not something I am doing for attention, I’ll leave that to those who love that kind of thing. All in all, here it is. A new, refreshing start to what was started way “back in the olden days” as my kids too often mention when asking me about my heyday. <br /><hr /><center>Share this post:<br /><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://steemit.com/@jackmiller/welcome-back-the-new-improved-site-1582463428"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmWPqjfEC9dTpYus9yBgzRxmfKcTHWvPshHC41F3GkU2gF/Facebook-share-icon.png" alt="fb"/></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/share?url=https://steemit.com/@jackmiller/welcome-back-the-new-improved-site-1582463428"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcGWCZriqEF35f2NdnkgBquCMPgWmjU4xhSBSXwxuH7F3/twitterimg.png" alt="tw"/></a> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://steemit.com/@jackmiller/welcome-back-the-new-improved-site-1582463428"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmdcFmcX6La1MfVvDWftz1JtPT5sDyv6Mrmx98JEyA1rJw/LinkedIn.png" alt="li"/></a> <a href="https://www.reddit.com/submit?url=https://steemit.com/@jackmiller/welcome-back-the-new-improved-site-1582463428"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmR3D4SAzGdvty5XoX65ywx4mxBvcKYyEy15wiHyE879DK/Reddit.png" alt="ri"/></a> <a href="https://www.xing.com/spi/shares/new?url=https://steemit.com/@jackmiller/welcome-back-the-new-improved-site-1582463428"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmPy29zjmf8fBe7BNAf9c7EKXSGmbPeghDAxghLLigrysk/Xing.png" alt="xi"/></a> <a href="https://telegram.me/share/url?url=https://steemit.com/@jackmiller/welcome-back-the-new-improved-site-1582463428"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbEgCenkdefbhrWQXE4Dq3FyoZFrDuNn1qcdyPSLFt3LG/telegramimg.png" alt="tg"/></a></center><hr /><p>Posted using AltYes browser extension.</p>
blogging #website #witness #communications #hive-175447
Voter Time PCT rShares Weight
@tuck-fheman 2020/02/23 13:10:36. 100% 3,452,845,305 17
@flemingfarm 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 50% 31,892,871,552 10,428
@psygambler 2020/02/23 13:10:36. 100% 14,832,651,508 73
@alchemage 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 10% 1,767,787,319 581
@kiddarko 2020/02/23 13:33:21. 0.5% 588,267,040 177
@anarcho-andrei 2020/02/23 13:37:51. 36% 10,198,399,633 3,059
@novacadian 2020/02/23 13:14:42. 25% 46,354,443,036 15,817
@dadview 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 9.3% 4,003,099,402 1,273
@adventureevryday 2020/02/23 13:14:15. 1% 2,243,613,406 685
@dreemsteem 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 18.6% 1,061,395,502 336
@lovemetouchme2 2020/02/23 16:07:54. 11% 15,402,433,155 4,080
@elizacheng 2020/02/23 13:15:00. 9% 14,583,890,204 4,612
@buzzbeergeek 2020/02/23 13:14:12. 1% 0 0
@nikolina 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 3.72% 2,257,687,751 717
@detlev 2020/02/23 13:33:21. 1.5% 15,653,907,283 4,712
@tremendospercy 2020/02/23 13:30:12. 100% 41,310,776,387 12,593
@enginewitty 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 20% 5,170,601,933 1,527
@amuchtar 2020/02/23 18:21:54. 100% 5,333,134,163 1,410
@shellyduncan 2020/02/23 13:30:12. 50% 29,925,828,571 9,063
@gohba.handcrafts 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 7% 6,372,570,509 2,029
@arrliinn 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 9.3% 1,903,485,062 605
@saffisara 2020/02/23 13:46:30. 20% 18,404,523,423 5,457
@jackmiller 2020/02/23 13:15:00. 4.65% 8,204,782,261 2,600
@hotsauceislethal 2020/02/23 13:16:57. 0.42% 1,387,863,346 440
@bmj 2020/02/23 13:18:36. 17% 2,937,476,641 914
@rawpride 2020/02/23 13:20:03. 4.2% 4,192,260,217 1,302
@spectrumecons 2020/02/23 16:01:15. 14% 611,222,999,504 171,212
@mamadini 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 25% 2,851,670,413 903
@progressivechef 2020/02/23 13:40:00. 4.65% 3,931,736,447 1,172
@princessmewmew 2020/02/23 13:30:00. 9.3% 22,010,482,753 6,753
@wesphilbin 2020/02/23 13:17:51. 9% 3,973,543,109 1,247
@hardikv 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 9.3% 3,579,180,538 1,125
@forexbrokr 2020/02/23 22:12:51. 50% 215,105,440,896 55,814
@edthecanadian 2020/02/23 13:18:00. 7.99% 1,703,933,866 535
@fiftysixnorth 2020/02/23 13:22:00. 5.58% 1,085,367,499 337
@phelimint 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 1.86% 825,057,039 262
@krazypoet 2020/02/23 13:30:03. 3.72% 637,566,732 195
@moeknows 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 40% 8,099,327,253 2,543
@jasonbu 2020/02/23 13:28:51. 18% 18,052,987,379 5,562
@coolbuddy 2020/02/23 13:20:03. 50% 1,456,656,862 453
@maxabit 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 9.3% 1,170,647,448 372
@unrared 2020/02/23 13:46:27. 5% 3,657,722,277 1,086
@killerwhale 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 86,344,590,636 26,545
@stsl 2020/02/23 13:18:33. 24% 27,832,537,480 8,689
@rumplestiltskin 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 20% 1,727,482,025 468
@vlemon 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 1% 26,574,593,776 8,493
@molovelly 2020/02/23 13:28:00. 9.3% 1,012,557,797 313
@stnwllstrtgc 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 45% 5,635,077,602 1,852
@jamiekensell 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 90% 743,044,019 245
@thealliance 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 18.6% 153,922,376,712 49,329
@steemitcomics 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 20% 2,864,216,803 773
@brisby 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 50% 17,850,347,898 5,674
@simgirl 2020/02/23 13:35:06. 9.3% 2,207,499,031 664
@snook 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 15% 19,829,379,161 6,469
@socent 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 15% 1,453,897,901 472
@shadow3scalpel 2020/02/23 13:14:42. 90% 173,079,042,128 57,687
@anomallies 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 19,747,058,566 5,399
@cryptonik 2020/02/23 13:27:51. 100% 2,447,440,555 756
@byn 2020/02/23 13:38:00. 7.44% 1,562,597,493 468
@syndicates 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 17,156,071,548 4,710
@ravenruis 2020/02/23 13:40:51. 37.5% 11,279,091,740 3,356
@a11y 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 20% 14,414,039,581 4,736
@crescendoofpeace 2020/02/23 13:32:00. 4.65% 1,583,805,044 478
@rombtc 2020/02/23 13:15:03. 0.7% 12,185,453 3
@adityajainxds 2020/02/23 13:36:00. 5% 796,251,864 240
@iamjadeline 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 5.58% 9,504,551,692 3,030
@gibber 2020/02/23 13:29:51. 36% 2,095,081,258 644
@bengy 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 1.86% 2,070,669,131 659
@cygon 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 9.3% 797,346,480 254
@iamevilradio 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 45% 1,611,193,689 523
@dioscelle 2020/02/23 13:10:36. 100% 689,023,918 3
@dynamicrypto 2020/02/23 13:16:54. 1% 2,923,520,567 928
@mtnmeadowmomma 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 9% 1,812,967,945 600
@psyborg 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 8,788,063,644 2,375
@antdroid 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 9,023,523,461 2,443
@khimgoh 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 9.3% 44,501,303,059 14,057
@hazem91 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 2.79% 2,001,454,709 635
@moonunit 2020/02/23 13:18:00. 18.6% 1,078,850,321 338
@bunnymoney 2020/02/23 13:38:33. 50% 1,344,660,892 403
@yosuandoni 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 63% 5,775,049,994 1,895
@penderis 2020/02/23 13:39:33. 100% 25,324,057,835 7,569
@katrina-ariel 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 20% 12,822,215,385 3,536
@armguinan 2020/02/23 13:30:42. 100% 556,553,448 168
@movingman 2020/02/23 13:16:57. 5% 5,710,712,055 1,809
@madpotters 2020/02/23 13:16:54. 30% 1,331,889,145 424
@abrockman 2020/02/23 13:18:03. 0.42% 1,579,293,248 495
@jan23com 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 3,363,256,842 907
@casperleow 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 90% 3,669,142,146 1,164
@philippekiene 2020/02/23 13:14:54. 2.79% 481,271,963 152
@mumma-monza 2020/02/23 13:20:03. 9.3% 2,045,396,215 636
@z3ll 2020/02/23 13:16:42. 100% 12,673,911,523 4,057
@ulqu3 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 9.3% 731,085,056 234
@choco11oreo11 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 50% 679,844,529 199
@monchhichi23 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 20% 1,413,702,394 385
@mraggaj 2020/02/23 13:31:00. 5% 636,230,627 192
@meanbees 2020/02/23 13:32:00. 2.1% 6,350,007,616 1,916
@teamnz 2020/02/23 13:25:42. 50% 13,660,814,622 4,231
@veteranforcrypto 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 90% 28,090,610,521 9,270
@grow-bot 2020/02/23 13:35:42. 100% 1,699,134,423 510
@wizardzap 2020/02/23 13:25:45. 100% 7,187,292,326 2,221
@cnandofer 2020/02/23 13:45:51. 50% 1,075,834,168 320
@ambiguity 2020/02/23 13:19:51. 22.5% 2,217,855,667 689
@thehive 2020/02/23 13:13:30. 60% 22,781,221,739 6,646
@littleshadow 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 6,887,691,937 1,904
@voxmortis 2020/02/23 13:18:51. 0.18% 2,512,683,651 782
@joseph6232 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 579,606,138 170
@emaillisahere 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 1,135,991,314 338
@buzzbee 2020/02/23 13:13:39. 50% 620,467,569 189
@noblewitness 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 45% 36,171,250,753 11,693
@bengiles 2020/02/23 13:16:57. 1.05% 3,318,104,185 1,053
@metametheus 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 10% 3,737,889,265 1,013
@thesummoner 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 100% 7,455,787,843 2,439
@caoimhin 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 550,286,166 161
@djtrucker 2020/02/23 13:22:42. 100% 567,072,092 176
@lunamoon 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 6,878,954,671 2,049
@khaldeesi 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 6,809,870,824 2,025
@freyamber 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 100% 6,627,063,017 2,173
@canna-curate 2020/02/23 13:16:51. 4.2% 27,321,653,829 8,712
@marshalmugi 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 45,785,205,637 12,288
@podg3 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 1,065,490,048 313
@canna-collective 2020/02/23 13:18:03. 1.26% 6,347,372,640 1,989
@misstaken 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 549,772,155 161
@qwoyn 2020/02/23 13:29:00. 2.1% 1,651,236,500 508
@granddad 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 548,702,951 161
@chain.games 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 15,873,053,699 4,405
@daisybuzz 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 50% 1,647,997,621 444
@jussbren 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 2,396,252,024 704
@smokingfit 2020/02/23 13:39:36. 95% 1,634,692,354 487
@redheaddemon 2020/02/23 13:15:51. 90% 1,939,030,800 687
@steemlogs 2020/02/23 13:23:54. 100% 5,049,326,216 1,566
@fullalt 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 9,510,776,733 2,804
@omegaultra 2020/02/23 13:37:45. 100% 542,288,466 163
@superbad 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 13,024,139,285 3,508
@r-e-d 2020/02/23 13:14:57. 18.6% 1,021,972,892 320
@butthugs 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 100% 7,571,368,675 2,494
@thistle-rock 2020/02/23 13:30:03. 50% 1,480,284,361 453
@ctime 2020/02/23 13:16:36. 5% 514,213,256,492 173,304
@lord-of-the-d 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 7,454,315,565 2,063
@steemforsteem 2020/02/23 13:16:51. 100% 2,785,923,160 886
@toonuts 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 1,960,247,083 527
@twonuts 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 1,994,762,990 538
@hashkings 2020/02/23 13:16:54. 2.1% 6,139,207,538 1,950
@boobnugs 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 2,081,993,965 579
@allied-mafia 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 3,162,732,387 850
@scarletreaper 2020/02/23 13:14:45. 45% 17,332,887,618 5,638
@sexualtendencies 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 100% 1,648,026,722 540
@steemforschool 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 1,909,267,728 525
@steemforschools 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 5,110,614,026 1,384
@itwasme 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 100% 1,701,697,148 556
@blumela 2020/02/23 15:58:03. 100% 3,462,646,747 1,024
@weedcash 2020/02/23 13:16:57. 1.38% 553,002,192 173
@suigener1s 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 558,572,023 163
@gsfgeoff 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 542,679,976 160
@x40l1n 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 1,161,927,763 360
@theblooded 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 1,746,066,665 471
@blooded 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 1,746,235,224 473
@theclan 2020/02/23 13:14:51. 100% 1,407,031,973 463
@fambalam 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 3,127,084,185 870
@yeswecan 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 11,350,116,426 3,092
@grannabis 2020/02/23 13:16:54. 23% 557,494,606 176
@redrocket 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 544,595,772 160
@everythingsmgirl 2020/02/23 13:18:06. 50% 1,356,742,977 424
@angeltree 2020/02/23 13:13:48. 100% 1,747,896,574 473
@boohugs 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 1,312,475,178 386
@jockers 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 540,944,158 159
@acta 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 90% 289,075,827,026 83,168
@adsacto 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 75% 640,161,497 188
@the-table 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 85% 9,499,612,047 2,569
@cardtrader 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 2,111,319,574 574
@thehouse 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 1,447,520,170 425
@vipservice 2020/02/23 13:16:57. 3% 44,162,293,527 13,924
@silverquest 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 75% 125,368,872,509 37,600
@johngsf 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 539,536,666 158
@allianceshow 2020/02/23 13:15:39. 100% 3,765,943,279 1,336
@brandon1234 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 100% 541,248,077 159
@honeychip 2020/02/23 13:13:03. 85% 3,544,750,979 879
@birthdaywishes 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 1,758,345,296 488
@tonystarkalive 2020/02/23 14:33:39. 2% 27,819,644 9
@hive-175447 2020/02/23 13:12:42. 100% 7,794,442,087 1,664
@hive-123585 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 20% 3,282,764,947 903
@alliedfun 2020/02/23 13:13:45. 100% 9,434,499,075 2,563
@tommys.shop 2020/02/23 13:13:42. 75% 1,350,426,564 396
Post payout
Total: 0.000 SBD
Curator: 0 SBD
Author: 0.000 SBD
Reward Obtion: 50%SBD/50%SP
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curator_payout_value0.276 SBD
max_accepted_payout1000000.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
total_pending_payout_value0.000 STEEM
promoted0.000 STEEM
root_titleWelcome Back – The New & Improved Site