A natural phenomenon rarely seen - Un fenómeno natural poco común - El Halo Solar por @gaborockstar

From @gaborockstar at 2020/04/12 13:11:51 (UTC). Show on Ecosynthesizer.
<center>![3.1.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNXfLXYRyceEo7jwKsJLnH8mjMcwZJN1rgdLpME4E1V6T/3.1.jpg)</center> <div class= "text-justify"> After a few days most people, at least in my country, raised their eyes to the sky to observe the star king manifesting itself in a way rarely seen before by its viewers; you could clearly see how a multicolored ring surrounded it making it look like a compact disc from the height with the illumination in the center and the edges of the circle formed by colors. <br> ><i>Pasado unos días la mayoría de las personas, por lo menos en mi país levantaron sus ojos hacia el cielo para observar al astro rey manifestándose de una forma muy poco vista antes sus espectadores; se podía observar claramente como un aro multicolor le rodeaba haciéndolo parecer a un disco compacto o compact disc desde la altura con la iluminación en el centro y los bordes del circulo que formaba de colores.</i> <center>![IMG_20200405_123439.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZGqDhwRxu1xcTYcFtw4xavVneGUSKCAxk1eKEBeDTSrw/IMG_20200405_123439.jpg)</center> It was getting close to noon when we received text messages and by other means that something could be observed in the clear skies of our city Villa de Cura; then we left our homes to contemplate with dark glasses such natural phenomenon that we rarely observe and that for me was the first time I remember. <br> ><i>Ya se acercaba las horas del mediodia aproximadamente cuando recibimos mensajes de texto y por otros medios de que algo se podía observar en los cielos despejados de nuetra ciudad Villa de Cura; entonces salimos de nuestros hogares a contemplar con lentes oscuros tal fenómeno natural que rara vez observamos y que para mí fue la primera vez que recuerde.</i> ![IMG_20200405_123635.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmWWb42RHKqMCU4NbM4FWAZMKRadAF4XDRr9A5J6gddacT/IMG_20200405_123635.jpg) From a logical vertical perspective I captured these images with my panasonic digital lumix camera through some cambur plants that gave me shade since the luminosity was intense. Then they sent me messages explaining the scientific nature of the phenomenon known as solar halo. In times of Quarantine they are given endless interpretations of these phenomena taking them to the realm of religion. <br> ><i>Desde una perspectiva vertical de lógica capte estas imágenes con mi cámara digital lumix panasonic a través de unas plantas de cambur que me daban sombra puesto que la luminosidad eran intensa. Luego me reenviaron mensajes explicando la naturaleza científica del fenómeno que se conoce como halo solar. En tiempos de Cuarentena se les dá un sin fin de interpretaciones a estos fenómenos llevándolas al terreno de la religión.</i> <center>![IMG_20200405_123443.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmeNoNZCa6cTz2kr2piRoHWsKvNYWbeYPNQkNVRjsvCjuk/IMG_20200405_123443.jpg)</center> Many interpret it as a sign from God for good or ill, a kind of warning or sign of hope related to the terrible pandemic that is spreading through the world threatening all mankind with tithe if they allow it. However, it was a natural phenomenon that manifested itself in an unexpected way to the admiration and amazement of all of us who were able to observe it. Thank you for your reading; your friend Gabo Rock Star. <br> ><i>Muchos lo interpretan como una señal de Dios para bien o para mal especies de advertencia o senal de esperanza relacionada a la terrible pandemia que se esparce por el mundo amenazando a toda la humanidad con diezmar si se lo permiten. Como quiera que sea fue un fenómeno natural que se manifestó de forma imprevista para la admiración ya sombro de todos los que pudimos observarlo. Gracias por tu lectura; tu amigo Gabo Rock Star.</i> ![IMG_20200405_123717.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmSzQuR4dRy6djT22PkBJpFMJNddAynPcdyoRGX6PRopK8/IMG_20200405_123717.jpg) ![Snapshot 1 (09-10-2019 12-09 p.m.).png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZxvSfp9MDEHajw4sL7xCtxHtv6r8wBfn7wMXUk6fRf8L/Snapshot%201%20(09-10-2019%2012-09%20p.m.).png) </div>
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Voter Time PCT rShares Weight
@team 2020/04/12 13:27:03. 10% 59,486,223,140 18,145
@nascimentoab 2020/04/12 13:42:12. 36.63% 14,455,113,001 4,212
@jphamer1 2020/04/12 16:48:45. 100% 2,353,176,309,367 170,980
@planosdeunacasa 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 11,603,643,779 4,156
@osmi 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 868,789,867 288
@sn0n 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 25% 51,136,270,568 13,952
@siddartha 2020/04/12 16:17:15. 100% 854,763,827 63
@erick1 2020/04/12 13:24:45. 100% 24,767,837,035 7,616
@czechglobalhosts 2020/04/12 21:02:12. 24% 2,537,149,583,419 177,544
@techken 2020/04/12 13:27:09. 1% 205,202,352 62
@wesphilbin 2020/04/12 14:24:45. 5% 1,536,024,216 409
@appreciator 2020/04/12 14:35:36. 21% 52,321,933,074,252 6,029,122
@syh7758520 2020/04/12 13:14:03. 50% 10,165,752,217 2,228
@dineroconopcion 2020/04/12 13:17:00. 37% 24,616,608,054 8,901
@zonabitcoin 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 3,126,948,123 1,035
@djkrad 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 1,716,660,393 603
@sevillaespino 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 154,172,213,621 51,899
@ernick 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 100% 12,441,404,805 3,857
@elprutest 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 5,826,842,689 2,065
@angelusnoctum 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 100% 18,413,516,311 5,737
@alexanderlara 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 1,571,511,491 556
@aballarde53 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 669,616,544 221
@jcrodriguez 2020/04/12 13:16:12. 10% 3,602,488,572 1,238
@blokz 2020/04/12 14:21:39. 25% 814,834,133 218
@robertoueti 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 24,186,741,632 8,528
@jasonmunapasee 2020/04/12 13:16:54. 100% 4,028,618,278 1,461
@flaviusbusck 2020/04/12 13:17:12. 36.63% 831,345,011 274
@untaljames 2020/04/12 13:42:12. 75% 2,221,053,080 649
@naturald 2020/04/12 13:17:12. 36.63% 1,011,110,306 335
@freedompoint 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 50% 22,466,380,629 6,182
@sarakey 2020/04/12 22:42:21. 100% 3,365,765,271 232
@freedomtowrite 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 50% 10,931,334,231 2,999
@hendersonp 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 27,986,831,340 9,813
@ubikalo 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 1,918,172,453 692
@fjcalduch 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 17,759,473,564 6,391
@marcosjleal 2020/04/12 13:11:54. 100% 550,633,940 2
@raiser 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 100% 1,619,149,136 519
@petronila 2020/04/12 13:12:03. 100% 550,225,250 10
@guifaquetti 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 100% 140,945,571,778 44,585
@adelepazani 2020/04/13 09:27:36. 32% 45,860,739,803 3,007
@oscaroef 2020/04/12 13:12:06. 100% 795,800,261 19
@yusmi 2020/04/12 13:27:12. 75% 9,743,806,131 2,949
@chrismadcboy2016 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 5% 2,184,570,393 602
@luisfe 2020/04/12 13:12:00. 100% 603,104,114 9
@casberp 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 36.63% 105,277,834,659 36,429
@soufiani 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 0.8% 783,428,822 244
@roger.remix 2020/04/12 14:26:45. 50% 17,437,415,018 4,638
@ninachejov 2020/04/12 13:11:57. 100% 547,175,435 5
@princexrudygirl 2020/04/12 14:32:03. 100% 539,442,873 143
@yhoh 2020/04/13 05:45:09. 100% 23,326,976,140 1,532
@raise-me-up 2020/04/12 13:44:15. 0.01% 0 0
@nowonline 2020/04/12 18:37:33. 100% 42,294,693,321 3,017
@fireguardian 2020/04/12 13:17:12. 36.63% 1,006,413,153 332
@fsegredo1 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 4,545,924,993 1,623
@ulisesfl17 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 7,595,335,061 2,687
@arac 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 2,562,377,940 849
@disguarpe 2020/04/12 16:37:15. 100% 8,533,950,900 631
@henlicps 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 5,642,837,397 2,018
@scottshots 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 4% 1,498,040,492 463
@hlezama 2020/04/12 13:43:18. 100% 56,518,059,831 16,358
@moiscapsesii 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 100% 11,676,040,888 3,627
@yanirauseche 2020/04/12 13:27:12. 20% 7,719,347,545 2,339
@blessed-girl 2020/04/12 13:16:12. 100% 29,872,927,182 10,198
@juanmanuellopez1 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 4,349,649,684 1,551
@laloretoyya 2020/04/12 13:22:21. 37% 3,388,793,827 1,045
@angelinafx 2020/04/12 13:15:57. 4.2% 6,592,798,705 2,444
@abraham2018 2020/04/12 13:12:06. 100% 546,395,262 13
@brainpod 2020/04/12 13:22:39. 25% 540,062,203 166
@payroll 2020/04/12 13:39:54. 4% 159,723,489,971 47,318
@flores39 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 9,003,893,848 3,232
@hranhuk 2020/04/12 13:17:12. 40% 7,469,053,690 2,468
@carmencitavdc 2020/04/12 13:11:57. 100% 565,572,082 5
@sbi4 2020/04/13 06:59:30. 25.45% 106,587,998,003 6,995
@onelovedtube 2020/04/12 13:17:15. 77% 59,083,209,383 19,238
@xiguang 2020/04/12 13:16:48. 25.12% 351,451,951,577 130,894
@bdmillergallery 2020/04/12 14:35:42. 10% 37,890,343,893 2,805
@thegreatdayne 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 50% 555,254,828 151
@soma909 2020/04/12 13:16:27. 100% 2,808,044,526 1,009
@inteligente 2020/04/12 13:17:15. 36.63% 5,517,992,927 1,785
@suonghuynh 2020/04/12 13:15:57. 4.2% 316,730,321,939 106,205
@robertojavier 2020/04/12 13:17:18. 100% 3,129,937,331 1,004
@ambiguity 2020/04/12 14:25:51. 12.5% 2,521,932,984 673
@abduljalill 2020/04/12 16:07:33. 100% 673,552,861 50
@psico 2020/04/12 13:25:12. 100% 580,582,550 179
@zainenn 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 10% 12,681,898,047 3,921
@smartvote 2020/04/12 13:15:57. 4.2% 295,096,065,532 105,808
@artmedina 2020/04/12 13:16:33. 15% 757,408,887 277
@lupafilotaxia 2020/04/12 13:17:18. 50% 30,465,349,434 9,808
@szr-network 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 50% 97,047,492,379 26,114
@ataliba 2020/04/12 13:18:24. 40% 5,751,084,875 1,775
@dcooperation 2020/04/12 13:17:18. 1% 3,059,417,224 988
@onelove.curation 2020/04/12 13:17:18. 100% 972,371,171 312
@shaririwe 2020/04/12 13:42:30. 100% 659,073,863 192
@onelovecuration 2020/04/12 13:17:24. 100% 989,564,195 318
@kermosura 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 2,057,791,731 735
@byercatire 2020/04/12 13:16:18. 40% 5,788,842,049 2,014
@musica-latina 2020/04/12 13:26:06. 100% 811,868,969 249
@vdc 2020/04/15 22:01:03. 100% 4,286,559,962 281
@joelguitar 2020/04/12 13:11:57. 100% 537,253,121 5
@tramelibre 2020/04/13 02:23:36. 100% 5,154,063,479 339
@alchemystones 2020/04/13 05:42:39. 100% 15,537,056,213 1,021
@ptgram 2020/04/12 13:17:18. 36.63% 5,720,610,732 1,849
@dustindivitto 2020/04/13 01:52:36. 100% 2,972,663,401,825 199,658
@entendimento 2020/04/12 13:17:15. 36.63% 5,574,210,494 1,826
@blockchainpeople 2020/04/12 13:17:15. 36.63% 2,336,699,803 767
@unitedpeople 2020/04/12 13:17:12. 36.63% 27,920,007,254 9,191
@helgalubevi 2020/04/12 14:35:42. 10.5% 2,837,579,650 210
@trxjjbtc 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 2,880,997,417 955
@imagenius 2020/04/12 14:26:42. 50% 3,587,798,798 956
@walterprofe 2020/04/12 13:27:12. 100% 10,630,467,917 3,211
@zeruxanime 2020/04/12 13:27:12. 100% 7,675,079,514 2,315
@jalentakesphotos 2020/04/12 14:21:51. 10% 969,272,507 258
@crafaelmorenobar 2020/04/12 13:11:57. 100% 558,126,867 5
@mariolbi 2020/04/14 16:14:21. 100% 539,240,538 35
@briarch 2020/04/12 14:21:36. 25% 4,259,987,666 1,156
@iraeli 2020/04/12 13:12:12. 100% 539,949,326 18
@camila19 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 3,234,363,392 1,071
@binodkatuwal 2020/04/12 14:26:45. 100% 2,086,542,847 554
@elgranpoeta 2020/04/12 13:17:09. 37% 10,171,323,571 3,479
@helengutier2 2020/04/12 13:17:06. 37% 28,919,945,461 10,282
@innerblocks 2020/04/12 14:21:33. 50% 241,229,506,744 67,980
@ltzombie 2020/04/12 13:42:30. 100% 1,100,099,770 320
@sbi-tokens 2020/04/13 07:01:48. 2.84% 316,480,451 20
@caciques 2020/04/12 13:16:12. 40% 15,201,877,996 5,213
@amico.spa 2020/04/13 07:03:15. 100% 0 0
@acido1120 2020/04/12 13:16:33. 15% 565,137,867 207
@wiriwiri.spaco 2020/04/12 13:25:12. 4% 0 0
@spliddash 2020/04/12 13:16:33. 15% 1,675,204,947 613
@dsc-r2cornell 2020/04/12 13:15:24. 40% 408,352,568,298 137,576
@emp2-00com 2020/04/12 13:16:27. 15% 1,117,937,049 402
@detetive 2020/04/12 13:17:15. 36.63% 5,511,678,480 1,808
@steemlatintrail 2020/04/12 13:27:12. 100% 12,640,443,475 3,804
@neoado 2020/04/12 13:42:30. 100% 860,278,362 251
@dollarbills 2020/04/12 14:35:42. 10.5% 8,001,097,067 592
@gemamedina 2020/04/12 21:27:48. 100% 677,348,744 46
@alexa.art 2020/04/12 22:50:21. 100% 10,624,375,439 729
@cradef 2020/04/12 22:06:03. -10% -4,489,948 0
@dimotristan 2020/04/13 15:24:54. -10% -8,723,836 0
Post payout
Total: 0.000 SBD
Curator: 0 SBD
Author: 0.000 SBD
Reward Obtion: 50%SBD/50%SP
total_payout_value10.542 SBD
curator_payout_value10.378 SBD
max_accepted_payout1000000.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
total_pending_payout_value0.000 STEEM
promoted0.000 STEEM
root_titleA natural phenomenon rarely seen - Un fenómeno natural poco común - El Halo Solar por @gaborockstar