Dtube Live - Getting an unexpected visit - Recibiendo una visita inesperada ( VLOG ) by @gaborockstar

From @gaborockstar at 2020/03/31 12:42:18 (UTC). Show on Ecosynthesizer.
<center><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/gaborockstar/8nm68ubyz1q'><img src='https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY97HCCQW49Yfndsv5hGsnmK7qBfjNGjsW8S7XJN2ztHP/4.jpg' ></a></center><hr> <div class= "text-justify"> Hola amigos de Dtube; no es muy común en tiempo de coronavirus en estos día recibir visitas por la exposición a la que supone poderse contagiar la infección respiratoria; sin embargo una hermosa ave de la localidad sin temor a que la apresen por no cumplir la cuarentena decidió volar hacia nuestra casa y aquí está el testimonio de esta hermosa anécdota de nuestra vida. <br> >Hello friends from Dtube; it is not very common in coronavirus time on these days to receive visits because of the exposure to which it involves being able to spread respiratory infection; however a beautiful bird from the village without fear of being apprehended for not complying with quarantine decided to fly towards our house and here is the testimony of this beautiful anecdote of our life. </div> <div class= "text-justify"> <br><br><div class="pull-right"> <img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmf3Ap2DxLmDJMPhDCyRgqkEeneqtdRnRT5zKLbZf6AHxA/Baner%20para%20post%20vdc.jpg" /> <center><h5>[Discord de la comunidad VDC](https://discord.gg/DcAfub)</h5></center> </div> <br><br>Te invito al Discord de la comunidad vdc donde encontrarás apoyo para tus publicaciones de video en la plataforma Dtube, es una comunidad que organiza y promueve, asesora y orienta diferentes actividades en contenido español y para la comunidad hispanohablante. Su tag o etiqueta es vdc para promover tus publicaciones tenemos salas de promoción sobre varias temáticas en producción audiovisual. <br><div class="pull-left"> <img src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/447932130551398400/461013275484749825/dtube.gif" /> <center><h5>[Discord de la comunidad One Love Dtube](https://discord.gg/UwMkwRQ)</h5></center> </div> <br>One Love Dtube es una comunidad que promueve, apoya y recompensa la creación de material audiovisual, es decir; la creación de videos. Estos pueden ser hechos en castellano como en inglés o cualquier otro idioma. El discord posee varias salas de promoción donde puedes colocar tus publicaciones. El tag o etiqueta es onelovedtube. </div> <hr><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/gaborockstar/8nm68ubyz1q'> ▶️ DTube</a><br />
hive-196037 #dtube #beauty #dailyvlog #upmewhale #neoxian #ddaily #spanish
Voter Time PCT rShares Weight
@nascimentoab 2020/03/31 13:12:57. 44.55% 4,963,029,289 1,042
@planosdeunacasa 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 45% 14,136,224,150 4,923
@cub1 2020/03/31 13:39:18. 92% 635,237,513,013 154,088
@osmi 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 45% 1,084,370,875 382
@doodleman 2020/03/31 13:04:42. 11% 550,665,195 116
@humanearl 2020/03/31 12:52:51. 61.6% 434,917,304,192 96,325
@remlaps2 2020/03/31 13:39:09. 92% 4,487,170,640 931
@shermanedwards 2020/03/31 13:03:36. 38.5% 542,529,275 114
@lisa.palmer 2020/03/31 13:38:45. 92% 6,051,148,260 1,261
@astronomyizfun 2020/03/31 13:38:39. 92% 4,554,131,826 950
@pearica 2020/03/31 12:47:12. 100% 18,540,059,771 7,448
@jonmagnusson 2020/03/31 13:27:57. 19.25% 9,435,806,788 1,969
@techken 2020/03/31 12:48:57. 0.77% 140,580,180 32
@st3llar 2020/03/31 13:00:45. 25% 4,943,938,964 1,048
@dineroconopcion 2020/03/31 12:47:30. 45% 31,466,626,194 12,632
@showtime 2020/03/31 12:58:45. 38.5% 1,077,727,244 229
@zonabitcoin 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 3,907,446,381 1,532
@djkrad 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 2,159,001,625 848
@sevillaespino 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 45% 185,359,021,841 66,397
@ernick 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 100% 14,890,671,193 3,601
@karja 2020/03/31 12:45:45. 6% 113,948,192,275 38,675
@rpalmer13 2020/03/31 13:38:57. 92% 17,940,757,485 3,730
@angelusnoctum 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 100% 19,207,903,521 4,622
@gray00 2020/03/31 13:03:36. 100% 4,019,287,421 844
@alexanderlara 2020/03/31 12:47:33. 45% 1,984,091,301 782
@aballarde53 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 840,118,060 320
@jcrodriguez 2020/03/31 12:46:36. 10% 4,069,083,230 1,443
@robertoueti 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 30,168,017,185 11,733
@infamousit 2020/03/31 12:57:45. 25% 4,953,219,248 1,055
@sku77-poprocks 2020/03/31 12:57:42. 77% 1,993,474,102 425
@untaljames 2020/03/31 13:12:39. 75% 2,221,053,080 467
@jennylu 2020/03/31 13:18:03. 75% 954,903,090 199
@thelifeofjord 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 38.5% 8,797,289,146 3,055
@hendersonp 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 33,791,006,122 12,963
@dgcarlosleon 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 617,040,254 243
@steeminer4up 2020/03/31 13:17:45. 22.27% 876,842,202 184
@ubikalo 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 2,401,693,078 879
@sayury 2020/03/31 12:42:27. 100% 1,088,914,796 16
@fjcalduch 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 21,864,714,320 8,437
@marcosjleal 2020/03/31 12:42:36. 100% 561,800,832 16
@raiser 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 100% 1,698,592,943 409
@engranaje 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 100% 1,501,818,545 364
@petronila 2020/03/31 12:42:39. 100% 606,690,349 21
@cgbartow 2020/03/31 13:12:39. 38.5% 688,183,153 144
@guifaquetti 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 100% 178,109,454,262 42,160
@paradigmprospect 2020/03/31 12:57:42. 5% 5,662,650,168 1,208
@alisabelsilva 2020/03/31 13:03:03. 100% 574,662,455 121
@cordeta 2020/03/31 13:17:45. 38.5% 2,294,364,676 481
@gaborockstar 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 7.7% 4,748,400,519 1,493
@mmmmkkkk311 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 100% 680,360,896,402 196,422
@oscaroef 2020/03/31 12:42:27. 100% 877,310,644 13
@yusmi 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 11.55% 1,134,795,869 396
@raymondelaparra 2020/03/31 16:30:24. 100% 5,369,926,314 1,336
@adventuroussoul 2020/03/31 13:03:00. 10% 30,691,567,811 6,487
@sincroniadivina 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 15% 4,792,494,186 1,300
@luisfe 2020/03/31 12:42:39. 100% 657,298,264 22
@casberp 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 44.55% 147,505,463,719 54,970
@soufiani 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 0.8% 733,442,651 199
@ninachejov 2020/03/31 12:42:36. 100% 556,892,320 16
@alexabsolute 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 7.7% 3,069,740,376 1,120
@bibiuz 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 45% 600,892,295 209
@jhoicinik 2020/03/31 13:03:03. 100% 560,779,813 118
@tonysayers33 2020/03/31 13:17:45. 33% 17,602,167,489 3,683
@openmind3000 2020/03/31 13:07:51. 38.5% 1,932,042,725 406
@aperterikk 2020/03/31 13:17:45. 38.5% 703,795,760 148
@fireguardian 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 38.5% 1,001,980,265 368
@happymichael 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 77% 2,012,136,291 702
@fsegredo1 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 5,652,779,930 2,159
@crowbarmama 2020/03/31 12:57:39. 15.4% 3,459,791,461 739
@ulisesfl17 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 10,375,628,915 4,059
@arac 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 3,516,014,624 1,363
@steemtogether 2020/03/31 13:12:39. 10% 1,164,100,289 244
@gabbyg86 2020/03/31 12:48:51. 35% 18,916,440,314 4,403
@originalmrspice 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 38.5% 7,557,793,090 2,952
@steemporras 2020/03/31 19:02:15. 33% 4,126,604,397 1,025
@henlicps 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 6,647,639,306 2,431
@gabob25 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 687,264,103 252
@scottshots 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 11.55% 4,946,424,585 1,811
@alphasteem 2020/03/31 12:48:51. 7.7% 2,163,367,137 505
@jeffmcmullen 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 30.8% 2,419,758,542 839
@d00k13 2020/03/31 12:52:48. 19.25% 76,487,479,649 17,643
@arletv 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 80% 1,161,150,053 270
@mariuszkarowski 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 100% 42,071,654,478 12,978
@moiscapsesii 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 100% 12,234,223,055 2,951
@mrchef111 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 19.25% 23,113,144,512 8,766
@yanirauseche 2020/03/31 12:57:36. 20% 8,941,517,841 1,911
@darkfuseion 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 77% 871,087,234 320
@gisi 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 7.7% 3,417,981,827 1,253
@juanmanuellopez1 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 6,232,721,589 2,371
@bobaphet 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 3.85% 3,692,745,839 1,429
@illuminationst8 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 19.25% 4,875,471,967 1,712
@ilazramusic 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 77% 14,766,856,716 5,178
@informator 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 50% 3,680,345,090 998
@laloretoyya 2020/03/31 12:52:48. 45% 3,951,268,305 917
@abraham2018 2020/03/31 12:42:36. 100% 559,861,517 16
@brainpod 2020/03/31 12:57:39. 25% 549,095,622 117
@payroll 2020/04/01 12:00:48. 4% 607,449,024,715 147,478
@lucasmarques 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 44.55% 854,809,785 269
@joeytechtalks 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 38.5% 1,142,603,914 442
@flores39 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 8,818,921,401 3,461
@camuel 2020/03/31 13:03:00. 20% 15,348,329,059 3,232
@yonilkar 2020/03/31 18:21:09. 100% 4,325,128,530 1,075
@sergionatera 2020/03/31 18:21:12. 100% 1,788,478,457 444
@carmencitavdc 2020/03/31 12:42:27. 100% 575,540,448 8
@smacommunity 2020/03/31 12:57:39. 38.5% 2,728,223,270 582
@leomolina 2020/04/01 13:03:36. 100% 4,978,217,605 1,178
@musicvoter 2020/03/31 12:57:42. 1% 3,860,292,801 822
@edanya 2020/03/31 12:47:48. 50% 1,249,337,383 292
@brettblue 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 38.5% 621,195,782 237
@onelovedtube 2020/03/31 12:47:30. 77% 73,191,832,212 29,714
@vincy 2020/03/31 13:17:45. 3.85% 1,233,120,511 257
@toddmck 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 77% 1,774,159,720 695
@soma909 2020/03/31 12:46:36. 100% 3,856,230,358 1,369
@sbi5 2020/03/31 14:17:15. 95.38% 114,306,488,613 28,574
@inteligente 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 44.55% 8,615,331,164 2,684
@suonghuynh 2020/03/31 12:46:18. 4.2% 406,792,946,530 141,088
@robertojavier 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 100% 3,267,502,828 885
@fl15 2020/03/31 12:57:48. 60% 3,268,835,569 696
@raybull 2020/03/31 18:21:12. 50% 1,125,519,600 280
@icepee 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 38.5% 12,388,367,562 4,723
@lillywilton 2020/03/31 12:57:48. 20% 2,711,532,440 576
@psico 2020/03/31 12:55:39. 100% 578,032,304 123
@dog-marley 2020/04/01 10:20:15. 3.77% 630,074,804 156
@zainenn 2020/03/31 12:47:33. 25% 32,385,439,343 12,912
@smartvote 2020/03/31 12:46:18. 4.2% 293,411,584,152 110,129
@yormalis 2020/03/31 18:31:24. 100% 557,807,213 138
@xavierg 2020/03/31 18:21:12. 100% 543,722,761 135
@ladyceleste 2020/03/31 18:21:12. 100% 547,752,987 137
@artmedina 2020/03/31 12:46:57. 15% 717,588,901 274
@ultramod 2020/03/31 12:57:48. 100% 559,168,192 119
@lupafilotaxia 2020/04/01 12:04:54. 50% 38,339,096,839 9,085
@music.mari 2020/03/31 18:21:12. 100% 561,213,523 139
@dcooperation 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 1% 3,530,583,838 1,084
@qrater 2020/03/31 12:46:57. 100% 158,090,899 60
@onelove.curation 2020/04/01 12:04:39. 100% 4,677,946,431 1,111
@shaririwe 2020/03/31 13:13:12. 100% 658,917,308 138
@cmp2020-lite 2020/03/31 13:38:51. 92% 708,864,011 147
@rowell 2020/03/31 16:55:57. 100% 16,310,495,048 4,056
@onelovecuration 2020/04/01 12:04:42. 100% 4,720,009,372 1,120
@onelovesteem 2020/03/31 12:54:00. 19.25% 951,045,207 204
@kermosura 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 2,557,216,655 934
@pauliinasoilu 2020/03/31 13:17:45. 38.5% 1,691,591,770 355
@byercatire 2020/03/31 12:46:39. 40% 6,327,735,052 2,268
@deepsouthpiddlin 2020/03/31 13:02:51. 20% 3,429,664,321 726
@raoufwilly 2020/03/31 13:03:00. 23.1% 1,537,511,724 324
@grexx 2020/03/31 18:21:12. 50% 641,767,694 159
@musica-latina 2020/03/31 12:56:33. 100% 802,598,269 172
@solarphasing 2020/03/31 12:57:48. 5% 693,397,594 147
@roime 2020/03/31 12:47:09. 100% 547,176,091 218
@vdc 2020/04/05 12:44:48. 100% 3,583,411,458 847
@berie 2020/03/31 12:47:03. 100% 2,046,196,040 798
@sojucaps1 2020/03/31 12:47:00. 100% 2,861,709,223 1,106
@cowboysblog 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 77% 2,243,496,797 780
@joelguitar 2020/03/31 12:42:24. 100% 556,593,475 5
@kamicurate 2020/03/31 12:47:06. 100% 257,332,214 101
@ctime 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 5.4% 501,908,795,504 165,799
@tramelibre 2020/04/01 12:12:00. 100% 7,048,992,713 1,667
@electrodo 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 100% 655,589,511,790 167,890
@crearteblue 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 539,425,261 198
@ptgram 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 44.55% 9,055,203,541 2,806
@brendanweinhold 2020/04/01 10:22:24. 100% 95,511,883 24
@n00k13 2020/03/31 12:59:00. 79.11% 50,657,544 11
@entendimento 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 44.55% 8,697,268,775 2,704
@blockchainpeople 2020/03/31 12:51:45. 44.55% 3,509,183,997 816
@unitedpeople 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 44.55% 44,362,579,099 13,886
@trxjjbtc 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 45% 3,527,628,651 1,366
@davixesk8 2020/03/31 12:47:39. 38.5% 16,767,258,008 5,861
@walterprofe 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 15.4% 1,829,773,507 671
@zeruxanime 2020/03/31 12:47:36. 15.4% 664,525,613 254
@crafaelmorenobar 2020/03/31 12:42:24. 100% 616,760,885 6
@iraeli 2020/03/31 12:42:27. 100% 553,265,842 8
@camila19 2020/03/31 12:47:33. 45% 4,025,211,836 1,588
@elgranpoeta 2020/03/31 12:47:33. 45% 11,554,515,797 4,547
@helengutier2 2020/03/31 12:47:33. 45% 33,368,225,765 13,212
@sbi-tokens 2020/04/01 10:20:12. 7.54% 0 0
@caciques 2020/03/31 12:46:36. 40% 15,478,307,455 5,507
@amico.spa 2020/04/01 10:22:24. 100% 0 0
@acido1120 2020/03/31 12:46:57. 15% 734,708,465 280
@wiriwiri.spaco 2020/03/31 12:55:45. 4% 0 0
@spliddash 2020/03/31 12:46:57. 15% 1,924,514,807 736
@versatilelove 2020/03/31 12:47:45. 15% 1,130,926,313 307
@emp2-00com 2020/03/31 12:46:54. 15% 1,302,730,551 494
@detetive 2020/03/31 12:47:42. 44.55% 8,615,326,524 2,675
@steemlatintrail 2020/03/31 12:57:54. 100% 12,640,443,475 2,685
@neoado 2020/03/31 13:13:12. 100% 920,876,652 193
@penny4thoughts 2020/03/31 13:39:03. 92% 2,330,047,876 484
Post payout
Total: 0.000 SBD
Curator: 0 SBD
Author: 0.000 SBD
Reward Obtion: 50%SBD/50%SP
total_payout_value0.732 SBD
curator_payout_value0.762 SBD
max_accepted_payout1000000.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
total_pending_payout_value0.000 STEEM
promoted0.000 STEEM
root_titleDtube Live - Getting an unexpected visit - Recibiendo una visita inesperada ( VLOG ) by @gaborockstar