Dtube Live - Getting an unexpected visit - Recibiendo una visita inesperada ( VLOG ) by @gaborockstar
From @gaborockstar at 2020/03/31 12:42:18 (UTC).
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<center><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/gaborockstar/8nm68ubyz1q'><img src='https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY97HCCQW49Yfndsv5hGsnmK7qBfjNGjsW8S7XJN2ztHP/4.jpg' ></a></center><hr> <div class= "text-justify"> Hola amigos de Dtube; no es muy común en tiempo de coronavirus en estos día recibir visitas por la exposición a la que supone poderse contagiar la infección respiratoria; sin embargo una hermosa ave de la localidad sin temor a que la apresen por no cumplir la cuarentena decidió volar hacia nuestra casa y aquí está el testimonio de esta hermosa anécdota de nuestra vida. <br> >Hello friends from Dtube; it is not very common in coronavirus time on these days to receive visits because of the exposure to which it involves being able to spread respiratory infection; however a beautiful bird from the village without fear of being apprehended for not complying with quarantine decided to fly towards our house and here is the testimony of this beautiful anecdote of our life. </div> <div class= "text-justify"> <br><br><div class="pull-right"> <img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmf3Ap2DxLmDJMPhDCyRgqkEeneqtdRnRT5zKLbZf6AHxA/Baner%20para%20post%20vdc.jpg" /> <center><h5>[Discord de la comunidad VDC](https://discord.gg/DcAfub)</h5></center> </div> <br><br>Te invito al Discord de la comunidad vdc donde encontrarás apoyo para tus publicaciones de video en la plataforma Dtube, es una comunidad que organiza y promueve, asesora y orienta diferentes actividades en contenido español y para la comunidad hispanohablante. Su tag o etiqueta es vdc para promover tus publicaciones tenemos salas de promoción sobre varias temáticas en producción audiovisual. <br><div class="pull-left"> <img src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/447932130551398400/461013275484749825/dtube.gif" /> <center><h5>[Discord de la comunidad One Love Dtube](https://discord.gg/UwMkwRQ)</h5></center> </div> <br>One Love Dtube es una comunidad que promueve, apoya y recompensa la creación de material audiovisual, es decir; la creación de videos. Estos pueden ser hechos en castellano como en inglés o cualquier otro idioma. El discord posee varias salas de promoción donde puedes colocar tus publicaciones. El tag o etiqueta es onelovedtube. </div> <hr><a href='https://d.tube/#!/v/gaborockstar/8nm68ubyz1q'> ▶️ DTube</a><br /> | ||
hive-196037 | #dtube #beauty #dailyvlog #upmewhale #neoxian #ddaily #spanish |
Voters | |||||
Voter | Time | PCT | rShares | Weight | |
@nascimentoab | 2020/03/31 13:12:57. | 44.55% | 4,963,029,289 | 1,042 | |
@planosdeunacasa | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 45% | 14,136,224,150 | 4,923 | |
@cub1 | 2020/03/31 13:39:18. | 92% | 635,237,513,013 | 154,088 | |
@osmi | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 45% | 1,084,370,875 | 382 | |
@doodleman | 2020/03/31 13:04:42. | 11% | 550,665,195 | 116 | |
@humanearl | 2020/03/31 12:52:51. | 61.6% | 434,917,304,192 | 96,325 | |
@remlaps2 | 2020/03/31 13:39:09. | 92% | 4,487,170,640 | 931 | |
@shermanedwards | 2020/03/31 13:03:36. | 38.5% | 542,529,275 | 114 | |
@lisa.palmer | 2020/03/31 13:38:45. | 92% | 6,051,148,260 | 1,261 | |
@astronomyizfun | 2020/03/31 13:38:39. | 92% | 4,554,131,826 | 950 | |
@pearica | 2020/03/31 12:47:12. | 100% | 18,540,059,771 | 7,448 | |
@jonmagnusson | 2020/03/31 13:27:57. | 19.25% | 9,435,806,788 | 1,969 | |
@techken | 2020/03/31 12:48:57. | 0.77% | 140,580,180 | 32 | |
@st3llar | 2020/03/31 13:00:45. | 25% | 4,943,938,964 | 1,048 | |
@dineroconopcion | 2020/03/31 12:47:30. | 45% | 31,466,626,194 | 12,632 | |
@showtime | 2020/03/31 12:58:45. | 38.5% | 1,077,727,244 | 229 | |
@zonabitcoin | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 3,907,446,381 | 1,532 | |
@djkrad | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 2,159,001,625 | 848 | |
@sevillaespino | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 45% | 185,359,021,841 | 66,397 | |
@ernick | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 100% | 14,890,671,193 | 3,601 | |
@karja | 2020/03/31 12:45:45. | 6% | 113,948,192,275 | 38,675 | |
@rpalmer13 | 2020/03/31 13:38:57. | 92% | 17,940,757,485 | 3,730 | |
@angelusnoctum | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 100% | 19,207,903,521 | 4,622 | |
@gray00 | 2020/03/31 13:03:36. | 100% | 4,019,287,421 | 844 | |
@alexanderlara | 2020/03/31 12:47:33. | 45% | 1,984,091,301 | 782 | |
@aballarde53 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 840,118,060 | 320 | |
@jcrodriguez | 2020/03/31 12:46:36. | 10% | 4,069,083,230 | 1,443 | |
@robertoueti | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 30,168,017,185 | 11,733 | |
@infamousit | 2020/03/31 12:57:45. | 25% | 4,953,219,248 | 1,055 | |
@sku77-poprocks | 2020/03/31 12:57:42. | 77% | 1,993,474,102 | 425 | |
@untaljames | 2020/03/31 13:12:39. | 75% | 2,221,053,080 | 467 | |
@jennylu | 2020/03/31 13:18:03. | 75% | 954,903,090 | 199 | |
@thelifeofjord | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 38.5% | 8,797,289,146 | 3,055 | |
@hendersonp | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 33,791,006,122 | 12,963 | |
@dgcarlosleon | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 617,040,254 | 243 | |
@steeminer4up | 2020/03/31 13:17:45. | 22.27% | 876,842,202 | 184 | |
@ubikalo | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 2,401,693,078 | 879 | |
@sayury | 2020/03/31 12:42:27. | 100% | 1,088,914,796 | 16 | |
@fjcalduch | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 21,864,714,320 | 8,437 | |
@marcosjleal | 2020/03/31 12:42:36. | 100% | 561,800,832 | 16 | |
@raiser | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 100% | 1,698,592,943 | 409 | |
@engranaje | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 100% | 1,501,818,545 | 364 | |
@petronila | 2020/03/31 12:42:39. | 100% | 606,690,349 | 21 | |
@cgbartow | 2020/03/31 13:12:39. | 38.5% | 688,183,153 | 144 | |
@guifaquetti | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 100% | 178,109,454,262 | 42,160 | |
@paradigmprospect | 2020/03/31 12:57:42. | 5% | 5,662,650,168 | 1,208 | |
@alisabelsilva | 2020/03/31 13:03:03. | 100% | 574,662,455 | 121 | |
@cordeta | 2020/03/31 13:17:45. | 38.5% | 2,294,364,676 | 481 | |
@gaborockstar | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 7.7% | 4,748,400,519 | 1,493 | |
@mmmmkkkk311 | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 100% | 680,360,896,402 | 196,422 | |
@oscaroef | 2020/03/31 12:42:27. | 100% | 877,310,644 | 13 | |
@yusmi | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 11.55% | 1,134,795,869 | 396 | |
@raymondelaparra | 2020/03/31 16:30:24. | 100% | 5,369,926,314 | 1,336 | |
@adventuroussoul | 2020/03/31 13:03:00. | 10% | 30,691,567,811 | 6,487 | |
@sincroniadivina | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 15% | 4,792,494,186 | 1,300 | |
@luisfe | 2020/03/31 12:42:39. | 100% | 657,298,264 | 22 | |
@casberp | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 44.55% | 147,505,463,719 | 54,970 | |
@soufiani | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 0.8% | 733,442,651 | 199 | |
@ninachejov | 2020/03/31 12:42:36. | 100% | 556,892,320 | 16 | |
@alexabsolute | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 7.7% | 3,069,740,376 | 1,120 | |
@bibiuz | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 45% | 600,892,295 | 209 | |
@jhoicinik | 2020/03/31 13:03:03. | 100% | 560,779,813 | 118 | |
@tonysayers33 | 2020/03/31 13:17:45. | 33% | 17,602,167,489 | 3,683 | |
@openmind3000 | 2020/03/31 13:07:51. | 38.5% | 1,932,042,725 | 406 | |
@aperterikk | 2020/03/31 13:17:45. | 38.5% | 703,795,760 | 148 | |
@fireguardian | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 38.5% | 1,001,980,265 | 368 | |
@happymichael | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 77% | 2,012,136,291 | 702 | |
@fsegredo1 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 5,652,779,930 | 2,159 | |
@crowbarmama | 2020/03/31 12:57:39. | 15.4% | 3,459,791,461 | 739 | |
@ulisesfl17 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 10,375,628,915 | 4,059 | |
@arac | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 3,516,014,624 | 1,363 | |
@steemtogether | 2020/03/31 13:12:39. | 10% | 1,164,100,289 | 244 | |
@gabbyg86 | 2020/03/31 12:48:51. | 35% | 18,916,440,314 | 4,403 | |
@originalmrspice | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 38.5% | 7,557,793,090 | 2,952 | |
@steemporras | 2020/03/31 19:02:15. | 33% | 4,126,604,397 | 1,025 | |
@henlicps | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 6,647,639,306 | 2,431 | |
@gabob25 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 687,264,103 | 252 | |
@scottshots | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 11.55% | 4,946,424,585 | 1,811 | |
@alphasteem | 2020/03/31 12:48:51. | 7.7% | 2,163,367,137 | 505 | |
@jeffmcmullen | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 30.8% | 2,419,758,542 | 839 | |
@d00k13 | 2020/03/31 12:52:48. | 19.25% | 76,487,479,649 | 17,643 | |
@arletv | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 80% | 1,161,150,053 | 270 | |
@mariuszkarowski | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 100% | 42,071,654,478 | 12,978 | |
@moiscapsesii | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 100% | 12,234,223,055 | 2,951 | |
@mrchef111 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 19.25% | 23,113,144,512 | 8,766 | |
@yanirauseche | 2020/03/31 12:57:36. | 20% | 8,941,517,841 | 1,911 | |
@darkfuseion | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 77% | 871,087,234 | 320 | |
@gisi | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 7.7% | 3,417,981,827 | 1,253 | |
@juanmanuellopez1 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 6,232,721,589 | 2,371 | |
@bobaphet | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 3.85% | 3,692,745,839 | 1,429 | |
@illuminationst8 | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 19.25% | 4,875,471,967 | 1,712 | |
@ilazramusic | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 77% | 14,766,856,716 | 5,178 | |
@informator | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 50% | 3,680,345,090 | 998 | |
@laloretoyya | 2020/03/31 12:52:48. | 45% | 3,951,268,305 | 917 | |
@abraham2018 | 2020/03/31 12:42:36. | 100% | 559,861,517 | 16 | |
@brainpod | 2020/03/31 12:57:39. | 25% | 549,095,622 | 117 | |
@payroll | 2020/04/01 12:00:48. | 4% | 607,449,024,715 | 147,478 | |
@lucasmarques | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 44.55% | 854,809,785 | 269 | |
@joeytechtalks | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 38.5% | 1,142,603,914 | 442 | |
@flores39 | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 8,818,921,401 | 3,461 | |
@camuel | 2020/03/31 13:03:00. | 20% | 15,348,329,059 | 3,232 | |
@yonilkar | 2020/03/31 18:21:09. | 100% | 4,325,128,530 | 1,075 | |
@sergionatera | 2020/03/31 18:21:12. | 100% | 1,788,478,457 | 444 | |
@carmencitavdc | 2020/03/31 12:42:27. | 100% | 575,540,448 | 8 | |
@smacommunity | 2020/03/31 12:57:39. | 38.5% | 2,728,223,270 | 582 | |
@leomolina | 2020/04/01 13:03:36. | 100% | 4,978,217,605 | 1,178 | |
@musicvoter | 2020/03/31 12:57:42. | 1% | 3,860,292,801 | 822 | |
@edanya | 2020/03/31 12:47:48. | 50% | 1,249,337,383 | 292 | |
@brettblue | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 38.5% | 621,195,782 | 237 | |
@onelovedtube | 2020/03/31 12:47:30. | 77% | 73,191,832,212 | 29,714 | |
@vincy | 2020/03/31 13:17:45. | 3.85% | 1,233,120,511 | 257 | |
@toddmck | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 77% | 1,774,159,720 | 695 | |
@soma909 | 2020/03/31 12:46:36. | 100% | 3,856,230,358 | 1,369 | |
@sbi5 | 2020/03/31 14:17:15. | 95.38% | 114,306,488,613 | 28,574 | |
@inteligente | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 44.55% | 8,615,331,164 | 2,684 | |
@suonghuynh | 2020/03/31 12:46:18. | 4.2% | 406,792,946,530 | 141,088 | |
@robertojavier | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 100% | 3,267,502,828 | 885 | |
@fl15 | 2020/03/31 12:57:48. | 60% | 3,268,835,569 | 696 | |
@raybull | 2020/03/31 18:21:12. | 50% | 1,125,519,600 | 280 | |
@icepee | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 38.5% | 12,388,367,562 | 4,723 | |
@lillywilton | 2020/03/31 12:57:48. | 20% | 2,711,532,440 | 576 | |
@psico | 2020/03/31 12:55:39. | 100% | 578,032,304 | 123 | |
@dog-marley | 2020/04/01 10:20:15. | 3.77% | 630,074,804 | 156 | |
@zainenn | 2020/03/31 12:47:33. | 25% | 32,385,439,343 | 12,912 | |
@smartvote | 2020/03/31 12:46:18. | 4.2% | 293,411,584,152 | 110,129 | |
@yormalis | 2020/03/31 18:31:24. | 100% | 557,807,213 | 138 | |
@xavierg | 2020/03/31 18:21:12. | 100% | 543,722,761 | 135 | |
@ladyceleste | 2020/03/31 18:21:12. | 100% | 547,752,987 | 137 | |
@artmedina | 2020/03/31 12:46:57. | 15% | 717,588,901 | 274 | |
@ultramod | 2020/03/31 12:57:48. | 100% | 559,168,192 | 119 | |
@lupafilotaxia | 2020/04/01 12:04:54. | 50% | 38,339,096,839 | 9,085 | |
@music.mari | 2020/03/31 18:21:12. | 100% | 561,213,523 | 139 | |
@dcooperation | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 1% | 3,530,583,838 | 1,084 | |
@qrater | 2020/03/31 12:46:57. | 100% | 158,090,899 | 60 | |
@onelove.curation | 2020/04/01 12:04:39. | 100% | 4,677,946,431 | 1,111 | |
@shaririwe | 2020/03/31 13:13:12. | 100% | 658,917,308 | 138 | |
@cmp2020-lite | 2020/03/31 13:38:51. | 92% | 708,864,011 | 147 | |
@rowell | 2020/03/31 16:55:57. | 100% | 16,310,495,048 | 4,056 | |
@onelovecuration | 2020/04/01 12:04:42. | 100% | 4,720,009,372 | 1,120 | |
@onelovesteem | 2020/03/31 12:54:00. | 19.25% | 951,045,207 | 204 | |
@kermosura | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 2,557,216,655 | 934 | |
@pauliinasoilu | 2020/03/31 13:17:45. | 38.5% | 1,691,591,770 | 355 | |
@byercatire | 2020/03/31 12:46:39. | 40% | 6,327,735,052 | 2,268 | |
@deepsouthpiddlin | 2020/03/31 13:02:51. | 20% | 3,429,664,321 | 726 | |
@raoufwilly | 2020/03/31 13:03:00. | 23.1% | 1,537,511,724 | 324 | |
@grexx | 2020/03/31 18:21:12. | 50% | 641,767,694 | 159 | |
@musica-latina | 2020/03/31 12:56:33. | 100% | 802,598,269 | 172 | |
@solarphasing | 2020/03/31 12:57:48. | 5% | 693,397,594 | 147 | |
@roime | 2020/03/31 12:47:09. | 100% | 547,176,091 | 218 | |
@vdc | 2020/04/05 12:44:48. | 100% | 3,583,411,458 | 847 | |
@berie | 2020/03/31 12:47:03. | 100% | 2,046,196,040 | 798 | |
@sojucaps1 | 2020/03/31 12:47:00. | 100% | 2,861,709,223 | 1,106 | |
@cowboysblog | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 77% | 2,243,496,797 | 780 | |
@joelguitar | 2020/03/31 12:42:24. | 100% | 556,593,475 | 5 | |
@kamicurate | 2020/03/31 12:47:06. | 100% | 257,332,214 | 101 | |
@ctime | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 5.4% | 501,908,795,504 | 165,799 | |
@tramelibre | 2020/04/01 12:12:00. | 100% | 7,048,992,713 | 1,667 | |
@electrodo | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 100% | 655,589,511,790 | 167,890 | |
@crearteblue | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 539,425,261 | 198 | |
@ptgram | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 44.55% | 9,055,203,541 | 2,806 | |
@brendanweinhold | 2020/04/01 10:22:24. | 100% | 95,511,883 | 24 | |
@n00k13 | 2020/03/31 12:59:00. | 79.11% | 50,657,544 | 11 | |
@entendimento | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 44.55% | 8,697,268,775 | 2,704 | |
@blockchainpeople | 2020/03/31 12:51:45. | 44.55% | 3,509,183,997 | 816 | |
@unitedpeople | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 44.55% | 44,362,579,099 | 13,886 | |
@trxjjbtc | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 45% | 3,527,628,651 | 1,366 | |
@davixesk8 | 2020/03/31 12:47:39. | 38.5% | 16,767,258,008 | 5,861 | |
@walterprofe | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 15.4% | 1,829,773,507 | 671 | |
@zeruxanime | 2020/03/31 12:47:36. | 15.4% | 664,525,613 | 254 | |
@crafaelmorenobar | 2020/03/31 12:42:24. | 100% | 616,760,885 | 6 | |
@iraeli | 2020/03/31 12:42:27. | 100% | 553,265,842 | 8 | |
@camila19 | 2020/03/31 12:47:33. | 45% | 4,025,211,836 | 1,588 | |
@elgranpoeta | 2020/03/31 12:47:33. | 45% | 11,554,515,797 | 4,547 | |
@helengutier2 | 2020/03/31 12:47:33. | 45% | 33,368,225,765 | 13,212 | |
@sbi-tokens | 2020/04/01 10:20:12. | 7.54% | 0 | 0 | |
@caciques | 2020/03/31 12:46:36. | 40% | 15,478,307,455 | 5,507 | |
@amico.spa | 2020/04/01 10:22:24. | 100% | 0 | 0 | |
@acido1120 | 2020/03/31 12:46:57. | 15% | 734,708,465 | 280 | |
@wiriwiri.spaco | 2020/03/31 12:55:45. | 4% | 0 | 0 | |
@spliddash | 2020/03/31 12:46:57. | 15% | 1,924,514,807 | 736 | |
@versatilelove | 2020/03/31 12:47:45. | 15% | 1,130,926,313 | 307 | |
@emp2-00com | 2020/03/31 12:46:54. | 15% | 1,302,730,551 | 494 | |
@detetive | 2020/03/31 12:47:42. | 44.55% | 8,615,326,524 | 2,675 | |
@steemlatintrail | 2020/03/31 12:57:54. | 100% | 12,640,443,475 | 2,685 | |
@neoado | 2020/03/31 13:13:12. | 100% | 920,876,652 | 193 | |
@penny4thoughts | 2020/03/31 13:39:03. | 92% | 2,330,047,876 | 484 |
Post payout | |
Total: | 0.000 SBD |
Curator: | 0 SBD |
Author: | 0.000 SBD |
Reward Obtion: | 50%SBD/50%SP |
Properties | |||||||
id | 85,518,420 | ||||||
permlink | 8nm68ubyz1q | ||||||
author | gaborockstar | ||||||
category | hive-196037 | ||||||
parent_author | |||||||
parent_permlink | hive-196037 | ||||||
| |||||||
active | 2020-04-01T12:00:33 | ||||||
created | 2020-03-31T12:42:18 | ||||||
last_update | 2020-04-01T11:59:30 | ||||||
last_payout | 2020-04-07T12:42:18 | ||||||
cashout_time | 1969-12-31T23:59:59 | ||||||
max_cashout_time | 1969-12-31T23:59:59 | ||||||
depth | 0 | ||||||
children | 3 | ||||||
net_rshares | 0 | ||||||
abs_rshares | 0 | ||||||
vote_rshares | 0 | ||||||
children_abs_rshares | 0 | ||||||
total_vote_weight | 0 | ||||||
reward_weight | 10,000 | ||||||
total_payout_value | 0.732 SBD | ||||||
curator_payout_value | 0.762 SBD | ||||||
max_accepted_payout | 1000000.000 SBD | ||||||
pending_payout_value | 0.000 SBD | ||||||
total_pending_payout_value | 0.000 STEEM | ||||||
promoted | 0.000 STEEM | ||||||
author_rewards | 4122 | ||||||
net_votes | 180 | ||||||
root_author | gaborockstar | ||||||
root_permlink | 8nm68ubyz1q | ||||||
root_title | Dtube Live - Getting an unexpected visit - Recibiendo una visita inesperada ( VLOG ) by @gaborockstar | ||||||
allow_replies | 1 | ||||||
allow_votes | 1 | ||||||
allow_curation_rewards | 1 | ||||||
percent_steem_dollars | 10,000 | ||||||
author_reputation | 179,508,695,159,178 | ||||||
Metadata | |
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