Warning — spontaneous combustion may occur

From @d-pend at 2020/04/04 18:13:42 (UTC). Show on Ecosynthesizer.
<center><h1>Warning — spontaneous combustion may occur .</h1>original photos and writing . . . by @d-pend . . .</center> ___ ![IMG_2782.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/t9FPYhNQ-IMG_2782.jpeg) ![IMG_2761.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/PBeMEhue-IMG_2761.jpeg) ![IMG_2811.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/cjhnkwf4-IMG_2811.jpeg) ![IMG_2199.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/FnNl1jfm-IMG_2199.jpeg) ___ ![IMG_2608 3.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/xdZuigcR-IMG_2608203.jpeg) ___ <div class="text-justify">Everything is a sign for something. It just so happens that most things are not painted with fluorescent letters boldly declaring what they represent. Still, they are inscribed with some kind of message for the attentive; and most happy are they who read the surfaces a little, but not too much. Alas for the over- and the under-readers, they both suffer from the affliction of eventually going mute.<br><br> Some signs are newly minted and shimmer or dull according to the sun's tyrannical moods; others are splattered with life's evidence and smirk at the squints of passerby. Some surfaces are painted with large letters that declare exactly the opposite of what they really are, apparently preferring a zenlike method of self-definition. Others, romantic with crypticness, are etched in archaic code, their letter-edges distorting and peeling away, their creator perhaps having passed and forgotten to leave the cipher in their will to be bequeathed to a curious future full of nosy onlookers.<br><br> Some signs gesture for caution or fear in such a saccharine manner than one positively cannot wait to trespass whatever bounds they set; others attempt to conjure glee in the most deathlike fashion. Still others are the worst of all and are simply boring.<br><br> Signs often begin with the lofty idealism of civilization, but soon decay to the most loathsome barbarism — all pantomimed hieroglyphs, vague grunts and proud laziness. All that is unimportant, though, as long as they are comfoting. Most comforting of all is when a sign resigns itself to be only a humble sign and doesn't try to get beyond itself. There is nothing more deadly than a symbolic uprising, inanimate matter transcending its bounds in the most inscrutable illogic.<br><br><center>.</center><br> Back to cautions — it is, allegedly, very important to <em>watch for snakes.</em> Although clothed a little shabbily, the sign who told me this was nonetheless a quite charming fellow. He seemed to imply it would be the pinnacle of courtesy to do snake-watching, since snakes aren't watching themselves, therefore, who else will watch them? I assume snakes also make signs to watch for humans for the very same reason. It all adds up.<br><br> And again, <em>the road may flood.</em> I am still looking for the sign that warns <em> cars may strike pedestrians,</em> or perhaps <em>it may hail today, take precautions.</em> (A foolproof method for avoiding hail, by the way, is to never, under any circumstances, go outside.) More troubling is the fact that nowhere warns <em>meteor may enter earth's atmosphere</em> or <em>lightning may strike.</em> Certainly this represents irresponsibility of egregious proportions on the part of the galactic sign-making council.<br><br> Signs tend to tell what mustn't be done; they highlight boundaries with a permanent marker. They seldom ask questions, preferring to make commands. They are imperious to a fault, which is why people take such pleasure in vandalizing them. What adolescent can resist the thought of taking black spray paint to correct the obvious mistake in the sign that says <em>30 MPH Speed Limit,</em> amending the 3 to an 8?<br><br> But all these are signs of the coarsest kind; they are created simply to be put into museums in two hundred years for our descendants to point and laugh at. They are a kind of pop art, a recycled joke. The more serious humans try to become, the more comical they appear to observers. We are all clowns; we become fools in the eyes of history — and only the comedians and humorists come away with a shred of dignity, embracing and making light of our costumes and masks.<br><br><center>.</center><br> To be able to read signs, absorb the essence of their commands, and choose whether or not to act based on one's own inner reasoning is a relatively uncommon skill. Most cannot read them or choose not to, or read only as a prerequisite for blind obedience to their mandates, whether newly-commanded or mere reminders. In following commands one need not develop a conscience, one need not even take any actions, which are taken for one by commanders in the form of one's own body. It is easiest of all to simply not think about anything, only half-listening to the repetitive murmurs of common sentiment of humanity's burbling stream, which becomes as soothing as any other river once one is acclimated to its idiosyncrasies.<br><br> Arising from slumber on the banks of humanity's river, all have the capacity to be sign-makers or sign-razers. All surfaces everywhere are covered with invisible graffitti, crass murals of the most shocking diversity. Everything becomes a sign for something — most of all for itself, a beacon to attract the attention of magnetic travelers to come and see sights new and old, warning <em>night may fall</em> or <em>sun will rise.</em> And don't forget to<em> watch for snakes.</em> Or maybe just wait a few hundred years until the signs are all written in some other language, all pretty shapes and curves, at which one can point at and laugh, throwing all caution to the wind — embracing dissolution, transformation by redistribution of particles when <em>spontaneous combustion may occur</em> — that force commonly mistaken for death. </div> ___ ![IMG_2608 4.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/wiMZMBRO-IMG_2608204.jpeg) ___ ![IMG_2608 2.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/3gwhjaJ0-IMG_2608202.jpeg) ![IMG_2688.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/8Jihwlwo-IMG_2688.jpeg) ![IMG_2606.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/Vwr9mqNN-IMG_2606.jpeg) ___ ![IMG_2606 2.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/p1vixQBw-IMG_2606202.jpeg) ___ <center>writing and photos are original content . . . by Daniel Pendergraft (@d-pend) . . . created to be published on-chain April 4, 2020.</center> ___ ![IMG_2606 3.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/riNQPoQe-IMG_2606203.jpeg) ___ ![IMG_2624 2.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/KlTOhEp4-IMG_2624202.jpeg) ![IMG_2638.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/X6YSGWAo-IMG_2638.jpeg) ___ ![IMG_3204 3.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/DuACIHHP-IMG_3204203.jpeg)![IMG_3203 3.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/7yVfKpXD-IMG_3203203.jpeg) ___ <center>.................. ... ........ ....................... .............. ... .............. ....................... ........... ... ..................</center> ___ ![IMG_3203 2.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/Fzl70QfM-IMG_3203202.jpeg)![IMG_3204.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/LCW64UeP-IMG_3204.jpeg) ___ ![IMG_3203.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/G1ZaL6rL-IMG_3203.jpeg) ![IMG_2283.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/kajJdLXm-IMG_2283.jpeg) ![IMG_2495.jpeg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/d-pend/wCCPuJgQ-IMG_2495.jpeg)
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Voter Time PCT rShares Weight
@team 2020/04/04 18:29:03. 10% 66,830,773,441 12,065
@redpalestino 2020/04/04 18:19:03. 20% 1,083,162,256,939 228,401
@havok777 2020/04/04 19:13:54. 44% 110,171,894,513 19,110
@djennyfloro 2020/04/04 18:19:51. 10% 1,367,204,120 251
@funnyman 2020/04/04 18:28:48. 14% 168,226,487,921 30,599
@clayboyn 2020/04/04 18:38:21. 5% 12,162,626,196 2,132
@jang 2020/04/04 19:17:15. 100% 215,859,024,298 37,067
@sokha 2020/04/04 18:19:06. 10% 1,187,303,821 241
@enjoywithtroy 2020/04/04 21:53:48. 33% 60,343,152,958 10,210
@scrooger 2020/04/04 18:18:21. 0.93% 1,701,771,518 362
@stackin 2020/04/04 18:18:09. 50% 70,091,312,585 14,470
@followbtcnews 2020/04/04 18:43:27. 5% 38,651,716,290 6,761
@isaria 2020/04/04 18:19:18. 25% 229,165,336,906 46,193
@minnowsupport 2020/04/05 02:22:09. 35% 678,755,603,472 109,837
@tracer-paulo 2020/04/04 21:38:45. 100% 11,010,319,661 1,868
@crimsonclad 2020/04/04 18:38:18. 5% 36,646,251,922 6,443
@brian.rrr 2020/04/05 03:50:36. 100% 1,986,695,098,134 296,317
@techken 2020/04/04 18:16:33. 3.8% 994,482,804 266
@d-pend 2020/04/04 18:19:24. 100% 1,246,415,353,379 238,611
@juliakponsford 2020/04/05 02:20:09. 100% 185,962,038,965 31,230
@violetmed 2020/04/07 16:24:30. 100% 380,608,853,349 52,932
@discordiant 2020/04/04 18:39:24. 5% 215,602,277 38
@treeplanter 2020/04/04 18:21:33. 0.46% 3,431,814,502 630
@droida 2020/04/04 18:16:45. 100% 67,722,954,260 19,266
@catwomanteresa 2020/04/04 18:18:18. 30% 70,179,890,628 14,858
@pixelfan 2020/04/04 18:17:09. 2.2% 11,602,661,649 1,862
@himshweta 2020/04/04 18:18:09. 100% 2,808,708,286 578
@appleskie 2020/04/04 18:41:09. 100% 5,838,963,433 1,023
@kimzwarch 2020/04/04 18:18:21. 4% 8,016,565,629 1,711
@reekadoh 2020/04/04 18:44:00. 100% 643,099,686 112
@oddbot 2020/04/07 19:53:12. 100% 50,997,504,113 7,008
@samic 2020/04/04 20:27:33. 100% 49,472,109,549 8,404
@bigdizzle91 2020/04/04 18:38:21. 100% 24,822,114,823 4,355
@qurator 2020/04/04 18:18:15. 0.93% 38,996,988,713 8,198
@josediccus 2020/04/04 18:16:30. 38% 116,413,440,925 31,066
@mzuami 2020/04/04 18:44:00. 100% 561,961,494 98
@mineopoly 2020/04/04 18:19:18. 100% 46,651,609,165 9,315
@thot2word 2020/04/04 18:19:03. 50% 762,573,175 155
@m1alsan 2020/04/05 02:52:27. 35% 13,065,007,170 2,064
@unconditionalove 2020/04/04 18:29:15. 100% 11,889,334,620 2,142
@danielpendrgraft 2020/04/04 18:19:18. 100% 4,965,589,568 993
@zeleiracordero 2020/04/10 20:45:30. 100% 38,323,044,992 5,254
@whack.science 2020/04/04 18:34:06. 100% 356,143,326,772 63,386
@victoriabsb 2020/04/05 02:24:06. 17.5% 2,628,234,525 417
@chilix 2020/04/04 18:44:15. 100% 1,267,901,727 221
@amico 2020/04/04 18:15:18. 100% 139,344,083,563 21,895
@hlezama 2020/04/04 18:28:27. 100% 61,299,777,934 11,231
@stmdev 2020/04/04 18:13:48. 2% 210,271,442 2
@sbi2 2020/04/04 18:18:33. 92.83% 322,636,614,933 70,870
@prydefoltz 2020/04/04 20:09:12. 50% 41,225,717,369 7,024
@picsofcosplay 2020/04/04 18:15:06. 100% 554,872,424 77
@qwix 2020/04/04 18:15:03. 100% 558,089,367 75
@zaxan 2020/04/05 02:22:15. 31.5% 8,263,360,693 1,310
@pladozero 2020/04/05 02:26:24. 10% 47,766,881,475 7,558
@nateaguila 2020/04/05 02:20:12. 8% 184,135,869,579 30,577
@anggreklestari 2020/04/04 18:46:03. 79% 59,218,581,151 10,326
@steemitpoetry 2020/04/04 18:29:15. 100% 804,550,890 145
@samvan 2020/04/04 18:19:00. 100% 43,655,940,848 9,743
@pipboy3000 2020/04/04 18:14:09. 100% 677,440,531 30
@blueeyes8960 2020/04/04 18:19:00. 100% 262,059,413,585 57,867
@coinmarketcal 2020/04/04 18:18:30. 22% 14,252,160,097 3,135
@steemituplife 2020/04/04 18:20:09. 25% 627,486,528 115
@stay-active 2020/04/04 18:18:42. 100% 5,009,910,292 1,122
@ldp 2020/04/04 18:19:00. 100% 3,773,424,109 844
@franciferrer 2020/04/04 18:30:03. 50% 1,109,406,016 200
@unknownonline 2020/04/04 18:18:24. 0.93% 57,540,891 12
@goodmemories 2020/04/04 18:18:45. 100% 7,812,901,710 1,748
@ubex 2020/04/04 18:30:03. 100% 548,169,424 99
@andiblok 2020/04/04 18:13:45. 25% 102,791,330 0
@danpendergraft 2020/04/04 18:18:45. 100% 858,492,641 192
@dumbsteem 2020/04/04 18:18:45. 100% 2,368,185,748 529
@monsterguru 2020/04/04 18:18:45. 100% 2,858,777,049 640
@zint 2020/04/04 18:29:15. 100% 1,683,622,826 302
@dregs 2020/04/04 18:19:03. 100% 5,041,012,750 1,025
@frontrun 2020/04/04 18:18:30. 100% 4,018,143,663 885
@render-obsolete 2020/04/04 18:25:15. 100% 16,535,072,837 3,038
@usuhealthways 2020/04/04 19:53:51. 100% 492,214,345 83
@soccermom 2020/04/04 18:16:51. 50% 348,994,510 102
@twenty1 2020/04/04 18:16:51. 50% 332,827,347 97
@amico.pal 2020/04/04 18:16:51. 100% 167,604,385 48
@bttl 2020/04/04 18:13:48. 2% 15,502,586 0
@organduo.pal 2020/04/04 18:28:48. 0.93% 0 0
@laputis.pal 2020/04/04 18:28:48. 0.93% 0 0
@onealfa.ccc 2020/04/04 18:20:54. 25% 120,405,050 23
@amico.photo 2020/04/04 18:26:51. 100% 134,671,484 24
@stevoperon 2020/04/04 18:17:03. 40% 2,462,857,500,957 493,601
@friendlystranger 2020/04/04 18:17:00. 16% 964,190,941,958 265,122
@ribary 2020/04/04 18:17:03. 33% 1,514,157,573,374 249,447
@razer7 2020/04/04 18:17:03. 28% 1,035,931,920,247 152,539
@alejindra 2020/04/05 00:29:33. -10% -5,773,013 0
@driklasbue 2020/04/05 02:01:57. -10% -2,159,342 0
@busktara 2020/04/05 02:23:18. -10% -5,579,351 0
@dpend.extra 2020/04/04 18:18:30. 100% 2,182,735,194 480
@dpend.active 2020/04/07 09:19:30. 100% 43,314,592,996 6,096
Post payout
Total: 0.000 SBD
Curator: 0 SBD
Author: 0.000 SBD
Reward Obtion: 50%SBD/50%SP
total_payout_value2.258 SBD
curator_payout_value1.809 SBD
max_accepted_payout1000000.000 SBD
pending_payout_value0.000 SBD
total_pending_payout_value0.000 STEEM
promoted0.000 STEEM
root_titleWarning — spontaneous combustion may occur