Transaction: e90e67dface1b7fdd1978fc044e316a37a3de3af

Included in block 89,058,751 at 2024/09/19 04:11:24 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id e90e67dface1b7fdd1978fc044e316a37a3de3af
ref_block_num 60,859
ref_block_prefix 903,571,407
transaction_num 2
signatures 1f5fa9063fb433bf583fa4a0dda057d2c5e1c2dd58f73c4c419b06eca2429ee2371f6e958c8c359b12336b31735a2116a3eb3c384837b54201365351de35e35f7b
"author":"yisusth",<br>"body":"\n<center>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n![Music Zone Song Challenge (1).jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/yisusth\/23wC5V4pMdfaA7GPaTSE9waYL3uLTWaJE9tE5J5ARXmLNkrMeMnPckiFHQkjk73AV3t4j.jpg)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/center>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<center><sub>Esta imagen fue dise\u00f1ada por mi en [Canva (https:\/\/\/design\/DAFzgBfCDx8\/_hE-VwWZUjX-0NMwJ1XXFQ\/watch?utm_content=DAFzgBfCDx8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor) \/ This image was designed by me in [Canva (https:\/\/\/design\/DAFzgBfCDx8\/_hE-VwWZUjX-0NMwJ1XXFQ\/watch?utm_content=DAFzgBfCDx8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor)<\/sub><\/center>\n\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n\n<p>Bienvenidos a mi blog musical. El <strong>Hive Music Festival<\/strong> es un espacio para crecer y desarrollarnos como m\u00fasicos. Con el fin de que tengas \u00e9xito,<br> quiero ofrecerte algunos consejos que te ser\u00e1n valiosos. Como jurado del concurso semanal,<br> yo espero que tengas un nivel \u00f3ptimo de afinaci\u00f3n. Se debe notar confianza y seguridad,<br> demostrando un conocimiento profundo de la letra. La dicci\u00f3n y la pronunciaci\u00f3n deben ser claras y con precisi\u00f3n. Tu expresi\u00f3n corporal es importante,<br> con ella puedes transmitir el car\u00e1cter de la canci\u00f3n y transmitirla a la audiencia. Si decides versionar una canci\u00f3n,<br> reconoce siempre al autor original. Esto demuestra respeto por su trabajo y aporta valor a tu interpretaci\u00f3n. \u00a0<\/p> \n\n> <i>Welcome to my music blog. The <b>Hive Music Festival<\/b> is a space for us to grow and develop as musicians. For you to be successful,<br> I want to offer you some valuable advice. As a judge for the weekly contest,<br> I expect you to have an optimal level of pitch. You should be confident and secure,<br> demonstrating a deep knowledge of the lyrics. Diction and pronunciation should be clear and precise. Your body language is important,<br> with it you can convey the character of the song and convey it to the audience. If you decide to cover a song,<br> always acknowledge the original author. This shows respect for their work and adds value to your performance.<\/i>\n\n<p>Incluye en tu presentaci\u00f3n un enlace al video del int\u00e9rprete original o del compositor de la canci\u00f3n. Esto permite al p\u00fablico conocer la versi\u00f3n original y contextualizar tu interpretaci\u00f3n. Conf\u00eda en tu talento,<br> practica antes de grabar,<br> esto incluye afinar tu instrumento,<br> y hacer ejercicios de calentamiento de tu aparato fonador. Adem\u00e1s,<br> divi\u00e9rtete tanto por el proceso como el resultado final. Si quieres publicar en la comunidad de Music Zone,<br> aseg\u00farate de que tus publicaciones tengan al menos 300 palabras. Esta regla tiene como objetivo promover la participaci\u00f3n y la discusi\u00f3n de calidad en la comunidad. Elige un tema interesante y relevante para la comunidad,<br> en especial que est\u00e9 relacionado con tu interpretaci\u00f3n,<br> el proceso de producci\u00f3n,<br> e incluso con el mensaje de la canci\u00f3n. Habla de tu experiencia personal,<br> y revisa cuidadosamente antes de publicarla. Es importante revisar la ortograf\u00eda y la gram\u00e1tica.<\/p> \n\nSi quieres participar,<br> las reglas del festival est\u00e1n en el siguiente [enlace (https:\/\/\/hive-120026\/@musiczone\/hive-music-festival-week-n-101-round-2-second-round-september-16-to-september-21-engesp)\n\n> <i>Include in your submission a link to the video of the original performer or composer of the song. This allows the audience to see the original version and contextualize your interpretation. Trust your talent,<br> and practice before recording,<br> this includes tuning your instrument and doing warm-up exercises on your speech device. Also,<br> have fun with both the process and the result. If you want to post to the Music Zone community,<br> make sure your posts are at least 300 words. This rule is intended to promote quality participation and discussion in the community. Choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to the community,<br> especially one related to your performance,<br> the production process,<br> and even the song's message. Talk about your personal experience,<br> and proofread carefully before publishing. It is important to check spelling and grammar.<\/i>\n\n> If you want to participate,<br> the festival guidelines are in the following [link. (https:\/\/\/hive-120026\/@musiczone\/hive-music-festival-week-n-101-round-2-second-round-september-16-to-september-21-engesp)\n\n<p>Les comparto mi top 3 de la Semana 100 en su ronda 1 de los artistas que destacaron por su talento,<br> originalidad y propuesta. Estos tres artistas son un ejemplo del talento y la diversidad de g\u00e9neros musicales. Sus actuaciones fueron un \u00e9xito rotundo,<br> y dejaron a los espectadores con ganas de m\u00e1s. Me siento feliz y complacido de compartir con ustedes este digno reconocimiento.<\/p>\n\n> <i>I share my top 3 of Week 100 in its round 1 of the artists who stood out for their talent,<br> originality,<br> and proposal. These three artists are an example of the talent and diversity of musical genres. Their performances were a smashing success,<br> leaving viewers wanting more. I am happy to share with you this worthy recognition.<\/i>\n\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n## Top 1. | @bertrayo | \"Besos en mis Sue\u00f1os\" by Augusto Brandt\n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed?v=bertrayo\/fzlmnynb\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>\n\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [Watch on 3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=bertrayo\/fzlmnynb)\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<p>Siento gran admiraci\u00f3n por la m\u00fasica de Augusto Brandt,<br> gran compositor y violinista venezolano de la generaci\u00f3n de mi bisabuela y en especial de su obra <b>\u201cBesos en mis sue\u00f1os\u201d<\/b>. Me encanta c\u00f3mo mezcla elementos de la m\u00fasica popular tradicional con influencias de la m\u00fasica cl\u00e1sica. \u00a0De las curiosidades de este compositor,<br> es que su apellido materno es Tortolero,<br> en mi caso es el paterno. La letra es maravillosa y evoca un profundo anhelo amoroso y la nostalgia de un amor ausente. La interpretaci\u00f3n con el Cuatro de @bertrayo es sublime,<br> una caricia para el coraz\u00f3n y los o\u00eddos. Te felicito por el gran trabajo presentado. Cada semana disfrutamos de tu trabajo y profesionalismo. Aplausos para este genial artista.<\/p>\n\n> <i>I have great admiration for the music of Augusto Brandt,<br> a great Venezuelan composer,<br> and violinist from my great-grandmother\u2019s generation,<br> and especially for his work <b>\u201cBesos en mis sue\u00f1os\u201d<\/b>. I love how he mixes elements of traditional popular music with influences from classical music. One of the curiosities about this composer is that his maternal surname is Tortolero,<br> while in my case it is my paternal surname. The lyrics are wonderful and evoke a deep loving longing and the nostalgia of an absent love. The interpretation of the Cuatro by @bertrayo is sublime,<br> a caress for the heart and ears. I congratulate you for the great work presented. Every week we enjoy your work and professionalism. Applause for this brilliant artist.<\/i>\n\n<\/div>\n\n\n## Top 1. | @elisonr13 | Freelance - Mi Amigo Invencible (cover)\n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed?v=elisonr13\/jkmskndx\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [Watch on 3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=elisonr13\/jkmskndx)\n\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<p>Un artista que nos envuelve con su espiritualidad y la calidez de su voz es @elisor13. Su interpretaci\u00f3n de <b>\u201cMi Amigo Invencible\u201d<\/b>,<br> me transport\u00f3 a una tarde soleada en la playa. Su tono c\u00e1lido y envolvente,<br> combinado con los acordes suaves de su guitarra,<br> crearon una atm\u00f3sfera \u00edntima y nost\u00e1lgica que ha resonado profundamente en mi coraz\u00f3n. Cada palabra parec\u00eda flotar en el aire,<br> cargada de una emoci\u00f3n genuina. Su performance no solo era t\u00e9cnicamente impecable,<br> sino que tambi\u00e9n transmit\u00eda una sensibilidad \u00fanica que elevaba la canci\u00f3n a nuevas alturas. Fue como escuchar a una vieja fotograf\u00eda,<br> cobrar vida,<br> llena de recuerdos y sentimientos. Gracias por tu presentaci\u00f3n,<br> y felicidades por tu compromiso y sensibilidad art\u00edstica.<\/p>\n\n> <i>An artist who envelops us with his spirituality and the warmth of his voice is @elisor13. His rendition of <b>\u201cMi Amigo Invencible\u201d<\/b> transported me to a sunny afternoon on the beach. His warm,<br> enveloping tone,<br> combined with the soft chords of his guitar,<br> created an intimate and nostalgic atmosphere that resonated deeply in my heart. Each word seemed to float in the air,<br> charged with genuine emotion. His performance was not only technically impeccable but also conveyed a unique sensitivity that elevated the song to new heights. It was like listening to an old photograph come to life,<br> full of memories and feelings. Thank you for your performance,<br> and congratulations on your commitment and artistic sensitivity.<\/i>\n\n<\/div>\u00a0\n\n## Top 1. | @isbelhiv02 | \u201cDarte un beso\u201d cover \n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed?v=isbelhiv02\/mrbqaktu\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [Watch on 3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=isbelhiv02\/mrbqaktu)\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<p>Por \u00faltimo,<br> quiero mencionar a un artista con gran calidad interpretativa\u00a0\u00a0@isbelhiv02. Su versi\u00f3n de <b>\u201cDarte un beso\u201d<\/b> de Prince Royce es apasionada y energ\u00e9tica. Su potente voz se adapta perfectamente a la melod\u00eda,<br> capturando la esencia rom\u00e1ntica de la canci\u00f3n original. El arreglo de guitarra le da un toque moderno. Su voz llena de sentimiento y la instrumentaci\u00f3n suave crean una atm\u00f3sfera m\u00e1gica que te transporta directamente al coraz\u00f3n de la canci\u00f3n. Es una versi\u00f3n que te hace suspirar y recordar aquellos momentos especiales. Te felicito por el extraordinario performance presentado. Siempre es un placer disfrutar de tu talento. Agradezco el apoyo que le das a otros creadores de contenido. Bendiciones.<\/p>\n\n> <i>Lastly,<br> I want to mention an artist with great interpretive quality @isbelhiv02. His version of Prince Royce\u2019s <b>\u201cDarte un beso\u201d<\/b> is passionate and energetic. His powerful voice fits perfectly with the melody,<br> capturing the romantic essence of the original song. The guitar arrangement gives it a modern touch. His soulful voice and soft instrumentation create a magical atmosphere that transports you directly to the heart of the song. It is a version that makes you sigh and remember those special moments. I congratulate you for the extraordinary performance presented. It is always a pleasure to enjoy your talent. I appreciate the support you give to other content creators. Blessings.<\/i> \n\n<\/div>\n\n\n<\/div>\n\n\n## **Palabras de Agradecimiento**\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<p>Agradecemos profundamente a cada uno de los artistas que pis\u00f3 el escenario del Hive Music Festival. Su pasi\u00f3n,<br> su dedicaci\u00f3n y su virtuosismo musical nos regalaron momentos m\u00e1gicos que quedar\u00e1n grabados en nuestros corazones para siempre.<\/p>\n\n> <i>We deeply appreciate each of the artists who stepped on the stage of the Hive Music Festival. His passion,<br> dedication,<br> and musical virtuosity gave us magical moments that will remain engraved in our hearts forever.<\/i>\n\n<p>Siento gran estima y agradecimiento por mis compa\u00f1eros del jurado: @edwardstobia y a @ilazramusic. Su trabajo es digno de admiraci\u00f3n,<br> a ustedes,<br> generosos aplausos.<\/p>\n\n> <i>I feel great esteem and gratitude for my fellow judges: @edwardstobia and @ilazramusic. Your work is worthy of admiration,<br> to you,<br> generous applause.<\/i>\n\n\n<p>Cada comentario,<br> cada palabra de aliento,<br> es un aplauso virtual que impulsa a los artistas y enriquece la experiencia. Recordemos: las palabras amables son como aplausos que resuenan,<br> cosechemos lo que sembramos con generosidad. \u00a1Que este festival sea un recordatorio del poder transformador de la m\u00fasica y la uni\u00f3n!<\/p>\n\n> <i>Every comment,<br> every word of encouragement,<br> is a virtual applause that encourages the artists and enriches the experience. Let us remember: kind words are like applause that resonates,<br> let us reap what we sow generously. May this festival be a reminder of the transformative power of music and togetherness!<\/i>\n\n\n<\/div>\n\n---\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n![HMA_Cintillo.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/yisusth\/23wBy7Q8TkFz2ukqWD27Jm8grYCCggUUFtDVFaS36neAmefvotg5tYo8C54oDjLY6LJLP.png)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n[![ (11).gif (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/yisusth\/23t6zbH7qvjHodSsRPL3HHyxk9X5U42YRJxSEFcaJVZTNssnqReS4fcuRGdy8EXHCRXVs.gif) (https:\/\/\/Chuchove)\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"peakd\/2024.8.7\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"description\":\"\u00a1Mi top para la semana #100 en el Hive Music Festival [ESP | EN \",<br>\"tags\":[\"hmf\",<br>\"music\",<br>\"musiczone\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"livemusic\",<br>\"cover\",<br>\"coversong\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"neoxian\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"musiczone\",<br>\"bertrayo\",<br>\"elisonr13\",<br>\"elisor13.\",<br>\"isbelhiv02\",<br>\"isbelhiv02.\",<br>\"edwardstobia\",<br>\"ilazramusic.\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/yisusth\/23wC5V4pMdfaA7GPaTSE9waYL3uLTWaJE9tE5J5ARXmLNkrMeMnPckiFHQkjk73AV3t4j.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/yisusth\/23wBy7Q8TkFz2ukqWD27Jm8grYCCggUUFtDVFaS36neAmefvotg5tYo8C54oDjLY6LJLP.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/yisusth\/23t6zbH7qvjHodSsRPL3HHyxk9X5U42YRJxSEFcaJVZTNssnqReS4fcuRGdy8EXHCRXVs.gif\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-120026",<br>"permlink":"mi-top-3-de-participaciones-en-el-hive-music-festival-or-semana-100-esp-or-eng",<br>"title":"\u00a1Mi Top 3 de participaciones en el Hive Music Festival! | Semana #100 [ESP | ENG "