Transaction: e6b963db94889748b70cf1fbda1357dd6a7585a2

Included in block 89,049,285 at 2024/09/18 20:17:09 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id e6b963db94889748b70cf1fbda1357dd6a7585a2
ref_block_num 51,394
ref_block_prefix 3,877,446,427
transaction_num 5
signatures 1f1120d5379806f383e328352ad356ddc75287b5ed65c042e58724acd90c70e1b555c4da057fae41ec7eda82126550a49b8ccbd11c9a5df93b22967022559375eb
"author":"graat",<br>"body":"<center>\n\n[![ (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/bafybeic5jgxh4kyt6v6p6562y2g4cc6ogzrjpelqywdjvdw2sbfmnyyd3a\/) (https:\/\/\/watch?v=graat\/veqykchb)\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [Watch on 3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=graat\/veqykchb)\n\n<\/center>\n\n---\n\nIt's one of those days I wake up in high spirits and wanting to make my own music but I can't because I stretch out for my guitar and immediately remember that I am yet to get a new one and no matter how hard I try,<br> I can't produce a melody with this guitar in this shape.\r\n\r\nBefore now,<br> I enjoyed the liberty of owning a guitar and playing anytime and anywhere of my choice,<br> a benefit I took for granted. That is until the guitar got spoilt.\r\nNow I realise how true the statement \"we don't value what we have,<br> till we loose it\" is because I desire to play more now that I don't have a good guitar,<br> unlike the many days where I didn't feel like even touching the guitar let alone playing it. There were weeks where I gave out the guitar to a more enthusiastic person because I was not in the mood to play,<br> how ironic?\r\n\r\nWell,<br> it's been what now? 3 months? I guess so,<br> but my guitar has been abandoned for long. Firstly,<br> because I fell while carrying it sometime ago and it broke and secondly because a string cut and I was in a location where I needed to make a 2 hour travel to the closest place I could get a string and I didn't have the liberty of placing an order online.\r\n\r\nI felt I could make do with the guitar once I got a string but then I visited a friend and played his guitar,<br> oh boy! Did I enjoy it? Definitely. And I wanted more.\r\n\r\nThat was when I realised how badly the broken box had been affecting my performances and I swore never to try to repair my own guitar again nor to even play it again. I plan to get a new one and I will do that hopefully before the year runs out but in the meantime I have to make do with visiting my friend anytime I wish to play,<br> that would be my way of coping till I get the guitar of my choice and I can't wait to get it.\r\n\r\nMost days when I get the itchy fingers to play,<br> I manage to suppress the urge but with that resultant gloominess that comes with not fulfilling my desires. \r\nAs a result,<br> these days when I get this urge,<br> I do not attempt to suppress it but rather I quickly get my self to my friend's place where I can express myself. Thankfully he understands and is always looking forward to my visit so I end up enjoying myself with wholesomeness.\r\nSome days,<br> I even end up borrowing his guitar to return at a later date,<br> he doesn't mind. What are friends for? Lol.\r\n\r\nAnyway,<br> like I said,<br> I have the urge today and I need to do the needful,<br> lest I invite the gloominess that come with unproductivity. So,<br> off I go. See you guys later\ud83d\ude0a\r\n\r\nMeanwhile,<br> I wish to add this video because I love it so much. I will remember to get a shirt next time,<br> thank you\n\n---\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=graat\/veqykchb)\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"music\",<br>\"guitar\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"waivio\",<br>\"pob\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"luv\",<br>\"selfmade\" ,<br>\"app\":\"3speak\/0.3.0\",<br>\"type\":\"3speak\/video\",<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/ipfs\/bafybeic5jgxh4kyt6v6p6562y2g4cc6ogzrjpelqywdjvdw2sbfmnyyd3a\" ,<br>\"video\"<br>\"info\"<br>\"platform\":\"3speak\",<br>\"title\":\"Bent,<br> broken but Replaceable\",<br>\"author\":\"graat\",<br>\"permlink\":\"veqykchb\",<br>\"duration\":182.113991,<br>\"filesize\":46357754,<br>\"file\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmdTCHkwKDMwqZC4nmTEoK8mB1h9bBdKK9QcD47tK3YymW\",<br>\"lang\":\"en\",<br>\"firstUpload\":false,<br>\"ipfs\":null,<br>\"ipfsThumbnail\":null,<br>\"video_v2\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmSJTK5MHamydPSTJYCLA7bDakL5MAkG16QiTyn4vn4m8Y\/manifest.m3u8\",<br>\"sourceMap\":[ \"type\":\"video\",<br>\"url\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmSJTK5MHamydPSTJYCLA7bDakL5MAkG16QiTyn4vn4m8Y\/manifest.m3u8\",<br>\"format\":\"m3u8\" ,<br> \"type\":\"thumbnail\",<br>\"url\":\"ipfs:\/\/bafybeic5jgxh4kyt6v6p6562y2g4cc6ogzrjpelqywdjvdw2sbfmnyyd3a\" ,<br>\"content\"<br>\"description\":\"It's one of those days I wake up in high spirits and wanting to make my own music but I can't because I stretch out for my guitar and immediately remember that I am yet to get a new one and no matter how hard I try,<br> I can't produce a melody with this guitar in this shape.\\r\\n\\r\\nBefore now,<br> I enjoyed the liberty of owning a guitar and playing anytime and anywhere of my choice,<br> a benefit I took for granted. That is until the guitar got spoilt.\\r\\nNow I realise how true the statement \\\"we don't value what we have,<br> till we loose it\\\" is because I desire to play more now that I don't have a good guitar,<br> unlike the many days where I didn't feel like even touching the guitar let alone playing it. There were weeks where I gave out the guitar to a more enthusiastic person because I was not in the mood to play,<br> how ironic?\\r\\n\\r\\nWell,<br> it's been what now? 3 months? I guess so,<br> but my guitar has been abandoned for long. Firstly,<br> because I fell while carrying it sometime ago and it broke and secondly because a string cut and I was in a location where I needed to make a 2 hour travel to the closest place I could get a string and I didn't have the liberty of placing an order online.\\r\\n\\r\\nI felt I could make do with the guitar once I got a string but then I visited a friend and played his guitar,<br> oh boy! Did I enjoy it? Definitely. And I wanted more.\\r\\n\\r\\nThat was when I realised how badly the broken box had been affecting my performances and I swore never to try to repair my own guitar again nor to even play it again. I plan to get a new one and I will do that hopefully before the year runs out but in the meantime I have to make do with visiting my friend anytime I wish to play,<br> that would be my way of coping till I get the guitar of my choice and I can't wait to get it.\\r\\n\\r\\nMost days when I get the itchy fingers to play,<br> I manage to suppress the urge but with that resultant gloominess that comes with not fulfilling my desires. \\r\\nAs a result,<br> these days when I get this urge,<br> I do not attempt to suppress it but rather I quickly get my self to my friend's place where I can express myself. Thankfully he understands and is always looking forward to my visit so I end up enjoying myself with wholesomeness.\\r\\nSome days,<br> I even end up borrowing his guitar to return at a later date,<br> he doesn't mind. What are friends for? Lol.\\r\\n\\r\\nAnyway,<br> like I said,<br> I have the urge today and I need to do the needful,<br> lest I invite the gloominess that come with unproductivity. So,<br> off I go. See you guys later\ud83d\ude0a\\r\\n\\r\\nMeanwhile,<br> I wish to add this video because I love it so much. I will remember to get a shirt next time,<br> thank you\",<br>\"tags\":[\"music\",<br>\"guitar\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"waivio\",<br>\"pob\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"luv\",<br>\"selfmade\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-192806",<br>"permlink":"veqykchb",<br>"title":"Bent,<br> broken but Replaceable"
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"sagarkothari88",
"weight":100 ,
"weight":1000 ,
"max_accepted_payout":"100000.000 HBD",