Transaction: d31c254d28552b01ea7ed2dbe8252d1a4ea2f360

Included in block 89,059,551 at 2024/09/19 04:51:24 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id d31c254d28552b01ea7ed2dbe8252d1a4ea2f360
ref_block_num 61,662
ref_block_prefix 3,690,450,530
transaction_num 16
signatures 20034f44722c60d806f92ce0ca6280b2ea891edc04000f7ddbc6b6476dfd6bc92c03d4b47045a721c8e94549ae96d6be3a315d57f4577214e8c52010347a1d87b5
"author":"waivio.updates03",<br>"body":"waivio_hivecooking\" added \"description\" (en-US):\nHerb and Spice Head Cheese,<br> also known as Presssack,<br> is a traditional charcuterie dish that originates from German cuisine. This savory deli meat is prepared by simmering the head of a pig or calf with a combination of hearty spices and fresh herbs until tender. The meat is then deboned,<br> chopped,<br> and mixed with its cooking broth,<br> which is seasoned with garlic,<br> vinegar,<br> and additional spices like allspice,<br> cloves,<br> bay leaves,<br> and thyme. The mixture is then poured into a mold and left to cool until it sets into a gelatinous loaf. Often served cold or at room temperature,<br> Presssack is typically enjoyed sliced with crusty bread,<br> sharp mustard,<br> and pickles for a robust and flavorful experience.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"waivio\/1.0.0\",<br>\"community\":\"\",<br>\"tags\":[\"waivio-object\",<br>\"waivio\" ,<br>\"importId\":\"09d3c574-58a4-4915-ac4a-8bbcd46d2f70\",<br>\"wobj\"<br>\"action\":\"appendObject\",<br>\"creator\":\"waivio_hivecooking\",<br>\"field\"<br>\"_id\":\"66eb9a3b37ee6d00139a1f96\",<br>\"weight\":1,<br>\"locale\":\"en-US\",<br>\"name\":\"description\",<br>\"body\":\"Herb and Spice Head Cheese,<br> also known as Presssack,<br> is a traditional charcuterie dish that originates from German cuisine. This savory deli meat is prepared by simmering the head of a pig or calf with a combination of hearty spices and fresh herbs until tender. The meat is then deboned,<br> chopped,<br> and mixed with its cooking broth,<br> which is seasoned with garlic,<br> vinegar,<br> and additional spices like allspice,<br> cloves,<br> bay leaves,<br> and thyme. The mixture is then poured into a mold and left to cool until it sets into a gelatinous loaf. Often served cold or at room temperature,<br> Presssack is typically enjoyed sliced with crusty bread,<br> sharp mustard,<br> and pickles for a robust and flavorful experience.\" ,<br>\"signedTrx\"<br>\"signature\":\"1f4d3e22f8083b80a3cc9ea5019e97dacaacf7391ede16ddcd220c3eba45074d474c676a49f2019fdbbe9525030773eb4821f40e2d07d770f2b26530fd7dd2e1fe\",<br>\"signer\":\"waivio\" ",<br>"parent_author":"x6oc5",<br>"parent_permlink":"uvi-presssack-head-cheese-with-herbs-and-spices",<br>"permlink":"ksk-waivio-hivecooking",<br>"title":""
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"waivio.updates",
"weight":3000 ,
"weight":7000 ,
"max_accepted_payout":"100000.000 HBD",