Transaction: b77a3f673ee451dab013a933ee3290a7fe68d0f0

Included in block 89,054,403 at 2024/09/19 00:33:27 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id b77a3f673ee451dab013a933ee3290a7fe68d0f0
ref_block_num 56,514
ref_block_prefix 177,615,685
transaction_num 21
signatures 1f437147cc2d1b08e9821bc8312d803c88be789d1de2e55deaa8217218ab51ba181c1a9d36cf13c1ea0e1349d9d7ca1efce4ee0c2b5f5488f6e5d087b32e434531
"author":"theinkwell",<br>"body":"Thank you for posting in The Ink Well. We would like to share our standard reminders. Please note these important community guidelines: \n- Please read our community rules before posting in The Ink Well.\n- We do not accept AI-generated or AI-altered stories.\n- We only accept short stories (fiction and creative nonfiction). We do not accept \"to be continued\" stories,<br> chapter stories,<br> novellas,<br> essays,<br> lifestyle or personal improvement posts,<br> poetry,<br> photography,<br> memes,<br> etc.\n- We expect quality content and it is important for all authors to use Grammarly or other grammar checker to find errors in their content before posting.\n- Stories should be at least 750 words in length,<br> and should incorporate \u201cstorytelling\u201d techniques,<br> whether you are writing fiction or creative nonfiction. These include scene setting,<br> character development,<br> dialogue,<br> action,<br> a conflict and a resolution. See our catalog of storytelling tips pinned on The Ink Well <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/hive-170798\/created\">home page<\/a> for more information.\n- Everyone who posts in The Ink Well is expected to engage in the community and to read and comment on the work of at least two other writers for each story posted.\n- We do not accept stories containing blood,<br> gore,<br> acts of violence or abuse.\n- Content that is plagiarized,<br> detected as AI,<br> is part of a content farming scheme,<br> is low quality or does not follow our rules and guidelines will not be curated.\n<hr><center><img src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/theinkwell\/23wXLB9wXdWDLPZKBPK4nkFig5zEJVZAPKs5iAYVh44kgDyn45FDqannGkhRVezFTNxAy.jpg\" alt=\"TIW_Com_Banner.jpg\"><\/center> ",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\": [\"hive-170798\" ,<br> \"app\": \"HiveDiscoMod\" ",<br>"parent_author":"beauty197",<br>"parent_permlink":"life-can-be-tensed-when",<br>"permlink":"re-beauty197-1726706006",<br>"title":""