Transaction: ad76bb37d1d0297d536b819549b20b2194d8c72d

Included in block 89,054,220 at 2024/09/19 00:24:18 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id ad76bb37d1d0297d536b819549b20b2194d8c72d
ref_block_num 56,330
ref_block_prefix 732,115,339
transaction_num 1
signatures 20485b945ed6e1289bc4cc534541256356c775975c3cf81e853cd847b9a892e3866e5d8c942c47f1a1d87ec2bb6ee3871267aa1fda6da70a8d81628b67c8e76b43
"author":"leomarylm",<br>"body":"<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=pull-left>Hola Hivers amigos de Holos&Lotus gusto saludarles en este d\u00eda y compartir algo de contenido que edifica nuestro ser,<br> algo de llenura a nuestras vidas para seguir creciendo y avanzando de manera plena aunque encontremos dificultades,<br> aflicciones y otras tantas cosas en el caminar de esta vida; pero llen\u00e1ndonos mutuamente por medio de esta comunidad de buenos consejos que son como refrigerio para cada uno de nosotros. La vida es ef\u00edmera,<br> un d\u00eda somos ni\u00f1os,<br> adolescente y en menos de un abrir y cerrar de ojos ya somos adultos y hasta de edad m\u00e1s avanzada; lo que me lleva mucho a pensar en cada una de las huellas que cada uno vamos dejando,<br> un punto que siempre que tengo oportunidad me gusta conversar con mis allegados,<br> con mis amigos y donde surgen valiosos consejos,<br> como opiniones; de las cuales,<br> hoy quiero tratar con ustedes un poco.<\/div>\n\n\n#\n\n**_<div class=pull-right>Hello Hivers friends of Holos&Lotus,<br> it is my pleasure to greet you on this day and share some content that builds our being,<br> some fulfillment to our lives to continue growing and advancing fully even if we find difficulties,<br> afflictions and many other things in the journey of this life; but filling each other through this community of good advice that are like refreshment for each one of us. Life is ephemeral,<br> one day we are children,<br> a teenager and in less than a blink of an eye we are already adults and even older; which leads me a lot to think about each one of the footprints that each one of us leaves,<br> a point that whenever I have the opportunity I like to talk about with my loved ones,<br> with my friends and where valuable advice arise,<br> as well as opinions; of which,<br> today I want to discuss a little with you.<\/div>_**\n\n#\n\n<center>![Beauty Tips For Face Template (2) - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EqDoXMxUyzkYAAnHASQa11hDn5azkdXPic4E3xR1scvPk1cEXtprPV9aDxn1AF5WWV2.jpg)<\/center>\n\n#\n\n<div class=pull-left>Buscar una definici\u00f3n para referirnos a la palabra \"Huella\" se basa en algo tan sencillo pero con gran peso como \"impresi\u00f3n profunda y duradera\". Lo que como seres e individuos pensantes es algo que lleva al espacio de la reflexi\u00f3n,<br> sobre detenernos por un momento de lo acelerado que pueda ir la vida de cada uno y ahondar en la profundidad de nuestro ser interior para penar sobre la influencia ejercida por nosotros en nuestro alrededor,<br> en nuestro entorno,<br> familia,<br> hijos... Es que cada d\u00eda que despertamos es la oportunidad de dar pasos nuevos,<br> de avanzar,<br> pero \u00bfQu\u00e9 hay con las huellas que estamos dejando? \u00a1S\u00ed! no podemos ser indiferentes a este tema,<br> porque cada ser humano deja en su paso y estad\u00eda por la tierra de vivientes una huella \"\u00fanica y personal\" en los corazones y en las mentes de quienes te acompa\u00f1an en este transitar.<\/div>\n\n#\n\n**_<div class=pull-right>Searching for a definition to refer to the word \"Footprint\" is based on something as simple but with great weight as \"deep and lasting impression\". As thinking beings and individuals,<br> this is something that leads us to the space of reflection,<br> to stop for a moment from how fast each one's life can go and delve into the depth of our inner being to think about the influence exerted by us on our surroundings,<br> our environment,<br> family,<br> children... It is that every day we wake up is the opportunity to take new steps,<br> to move forward,<br> but what about the footprints we are leaving? Yes! We cannot be indifferent to this issue,<br> because each human being leaves in his or her passage and stay on the earth of the living a \"unique and personal\" footprint in the hearts and minds of those who accompany you on this journey.<\/div>_**\n\n#\n\n<center>![Black Football Collage Square Design - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/23yneso2y3o73duuX3QvkYErNZ9NbVu8d8iQXqjFoL3UuWZ6XVqjjRX6ogVwHL64Ec21d.jpg)<\/center>\n\n\n#\n\n<center>![Black Football Collage Square Design - Made with PosterMyWall (1).jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/AKSf2FnjGivfdWk1fhFSXGi8JFfdL9TVgftsicuf4Accbf1vnxryvZSx1ZGB2qv.jpg)<\/center>\n\n\n#\n\n<div class=pull-left>Cada individuo es de manera asombrosa \u00fanico,<br> especial e irrepetible; por ello,<br> una huella es una marca,<br> una se\u00f1al,<br> algo que te da el toque de diferenciaci\u00f3n individual e intransferible que todos dejamos al realizar un camino. Por ejemplo,<br> la huella dactilar es distinta en cada ser humano,<br> ni siquiera aquellos que sean mellizos o morochos por medio de sus parentescos y similitudes f\u00edsicas y gen\u00e9ticas tienen la misma huella,<br> \u00a1Ni siquiera ellos!,<br> \u00bfimpactante verdad? As\u00ed que,<br> hay que valorarnos y amarnos cada d\u00eda m\u00e1s y trabajar en ser una extraordinaria versi\u00f3n de nosotros porque somos \u00daNICOS. Cada d\u00eda trabajemos en que los pasos y en el sinf\u00edn de huellas en el camino que nos toque recorrer sean especiales.<\/div>\n\n\n#\n\n**_<div class=pull-right>Each individual is amazingly unique,<br> special and unrepeatable; therefore,<br> a fingerprint is a mark,<br> a sign,<br> something that gives you the touch of individual and non-transferable differentiation that we all leave when we walk a path. For example,<br> the fingerprint is different in each human being,<br> not even those who are twins or dark-skinned through their relationships and physical and genetic similarities have the same fingerprint,<br> not even them! Shocking,<br> right? So,<br> we must value and love ourselves more every day and work on being an extraordinary version of ourselves because we are UNIQUE. Every day we work so that the steps and the endless footprints on the path we have to walk are special.<\/div>_**\n\n#\n\n<center>![PHOTO FRAME - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EocBLYJDHNK9LrMCijVYYwCxy34kxMk8GHMYztt3TZQ7dJoFBGQmJSsTjst91uQZmce.jpg)<\/center>\n\n#\n\n<center>![PHOTO FRAME - Made with PosterMyWall (1).jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EoeJjjdBddP251Rcc6akLnLVTWTaodbUUs6HFDS3cFrMSGmNPUMVHQEaikjgq9kpMkb.jpg)<\/center>\n\n#\n\n<div class=pull-left>Tal vez en la lectura de este contenido a algunos se les vendr\u00e1n a la mente el hecho de caminar por un camino de tierra donde sus pies dejan marcas en ella. Pero no son huellas f\u00edsicas \u00a1No! sino en referencia a impresiones emocionales e intangibles que perduran en el tiempo,<br> esas que dejamos atr\u00e1s en los corazones y las mentes de aquellos que van contigo compartiendo el camino,<br> el andar. Estas huellas forman parte de cada una de tus acciones,<br> los comportamientos y actitudes que cada uno tenemos. Nuestro comportamiento en la vida es lo que define la impresi\u00f3n que dejamos en los otros; porque cada acci\u00f3n y manera en que nos desenvolvemos trae consigo consecuencias para bien o para mal,<br> bendiciones o no que aun repercuten,<br> recaen en los cercanos a nosotros.<\/div>\n\n\n#\n\n**_<div class=pull-right>Perhaps when reading this content,<br> some people will think of walking on a dirt road where their feet leave marks on it. But these are not physical footprints,<br> no! Rather,<br> they are emotional and intangible impressions that last over time,<br> those that we leave behind in the hearts and minds of those who share the path with you,<br> the walk. These footprints are part of each of your actions,<br> the behaviors and attitudes that each of us have. Our behavior in life is what defines the impression we leave on others; because each action and way in which we behave brings with it consequences for good or bad,<br> blessings or not that still have repercussions,<br> they fall on those close to us.<\/div>_**\n\n#\n\n<center>![Bakery is Now Open (2) - Made with PosterMyWall (1).jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EqUhhzdXSBM6ZaozxAKgLR6kyy1wCuYiwPGPH7N9PKd9sP68XUtB63e7vMk4RawtRiN.jpg)<\/center>\n\n#\n\n<center>![Bakery is Now Open (2) - Made with PosterMyWall (2).jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EoyUL42EcktMnLVvLnhjmqrgtgHfmthdRpQLvsp7CgbZ6N86KCvsKbstrpy6h2vD6Yk.jpg)<\/center>\n\n#\n\n<div class=pull-left>Para cerrar ya este contenido,<br> les comparto que aunque no somos perfectos del todo podemos trabajar en nosotros para ir mejorando y creciendo como personas,<br> all\u00ed radica la madurez y parte de la sabidur\u00eda humana; pisemos fuerte muy fuerte pero de buena manera sin tampoco pisotear a los dem\u00e1s,<br> veamos el valor que hay en nosotros y tambi\u00e9n en los otros,<br> sean estas huellas de amor y no cicatrices como motivo de heridas y dolor. Nos recuerden siempre por lo bueno que sembremos en cada coraz\u00f3n.<\/div>\n\n#\n\n**_<div class=pull-right>To close this content,<br> I share with you that although we are not perfect at all,<br> we can work on ourselves to improve and grow as people,<br> therein lies maturity and part of human wisdom; let us step very hard but in a good way without trampling on others,<br> let us see the value that there is in us and also in others,<br> let these be traces of love and not scars as a reason for wounds and pain. Let us always be remembered for the good that we sow in each heart.<\/div>_**\n\n#\n\n\n<center>![NTy4GV6ooFRmaCXZ8UYgPhoud1kjiNX8QokLEZtbBKLuLWQ9yt7K3o4NLdayCmY76XKuavJ371vBqR2QJQgScC3GD4M9xEaLVq21MvrBgm2PhmrjC1AUM6xVfh7vrw98da3t6zz2rh3X7weXGmEPNjYsATxeQMtEUsJXkri2.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/23twAVdtEEJoPM5vR4VJgZvqva249hb7Nw61gzPNs3RZ4tEmJAfppq7dBJqQCNnRYdp6f.jpg)<\/center>\n\n#\n\n> Las fotograf\u00edas son de mi autor\u00eda tomadas con mi celular Iphone 7 Plus.\/ **_The photographs are my own,<br> taken with my iPhone 7 Plus cell phone._**\n\n> Programa de edici\u00f3n de im\u00e1genes: postermywall y Paint.\/ **_Image editing program: postermywall and Paint._**\n\n> **_My instagram:_** @leomaryolivaresb\n\n#\n\n\n<center>![26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqtzhed9t7F4ZHytXdDgz1qGXRp6AU5HR2NTZTnSXGMjdkpyJg4gEDmvYUpd57kx7LP2U2xAvDCQazo1JmEHmQF2Zg2AfsH1Veh1h5GUMkQ242WA.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/Ep5qVkXg189Kpzz9k8XAyW1Mt2khaUjEjLz3y774srfjFTrDmVvwNXoHLQ9SG9auPS7.jpg)<\/center>\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"peakd\/2024.8.7\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"spanish\",<br>\"ocdb\",<br>\"appreciator\",<br>\"curangel\",<br>\"ecency\",<br>\"r2cornell\",<br>\"chessbrothers\",<br>\"hispapro\",<br>\"proofofbrain\",<br>\"leofinance\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"leomaryolivaresb\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EqDoXMxUyzkYAAnHASQa11hDn5azkdXPic4E3xR1scvPk1cEXtprPV9aDxn1AF5WWV2.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/23yneso2y3o73duuX3QvkYErNZ9NbVu8d8iQXqjFoL3UuWZ6XVqjjRX6ogVwHL64Ec21d.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/AKSf2FnjGivfdWk1fhFSXGi8JFfdL9TVgftsicuf4Accbf1vnxryvZSx1ZGB2qv.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EocBLYJDHNK9LrMCijVYYwCxy34kxMk8GHMYztt3TZQ7dJoFBGQmJSsTjst91uQZmce.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EoeJjjdBddP251Rcc6akLnLVTWTaodbUUs6HFDS3cFrMSGmNPUMVHQEaikjgq9kpMkb.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EqUhhzdXSBM6ZaozxAKgLR6kyy1wCuYiwPGPH7N9PKd9sP68XUtB63e7vMk4RawtRiN.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/EoyUL42EcktMnLVvLnhjmqrgtgHfmthdRpQLvsp7CgbZ6N86KCvsKbstrpy6h2vD6Yk.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/23twAVdtEEJoPM5vR4VJgZvqva249hb7Nw61gzPNs3RZ4tEmJAfppq7dBJqQCNnRYdp6f.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/leomarylm\/Ep5qVkXg189Kpzz9k8XAyW1Mt2khaUjEjLz3y774srfjFTrDmVvwNXoHLQ9SG9auPS7.jpg\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-131951",<br>"permlink":"espeng-tu-huella-tu-marca-your-footprint-your-brand",<br>"title":"[Esp\/Eng Tu huella... Tu marca \/ Your footprint... Your brand"