Transaction: a5e1e624ed1a808f4d6492e8a7065b279a1b0fe0

Included in block 89,058,448 at 2024/09/19 03:56:12 (UTC).
Transaction info
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ref_block_num 60,557
ref_block_prefix 2,549,236,525
transaction_num 5
signatures 200f84429c77ac38af3a575616ddc1e8b48dbc3a61727f62d9664b19c25ed02ec133b179d0cc173440a6b073c817a3d69399a2d9383e6efceaa3b1007ba267d668
"author":"magicfingerz",<br>"body":"<center>\n\n[![ (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/bafybeidy6zh4ntgtn42epnv6ve64vqig7wjuuffzki4qqf4x4puyfhiuuq\/) (https:\/\/\/watch?v=magicfingerz\/symyfubv)\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [Watch on 3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=magicfingerz\/symyfubv)\n\n<\/center>\n\n---\n\nHIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 232 - UYO MEYO BY TENI ENTERTAINER - FULL PERCUSIVE FINGERSTYLE COVER-\r\n\r\nHey lovely friends and music lovers! I hope you are doing great. I am glad as usuall,<br> to be back here with you all again in the weekly celebration of world peace through music. Todays theme as always,<br> invites us to reflect deeply on the theme of betrayal. Therefore,<br> I will be responding with the beautiful song,<br> by Teni entertainer,<br> titled,<br> \"Uyo Meyo\".\r\n\r\n![1726717296092.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/magicfingerz\/23ynhCNoo3MQRbNnZhRxfAL865kXhN4BSumpwoPaWq8d5CDJ76ZotYwpqUvAUD3T3TyaV.jpg)\r\n\r\n>\u00a1Hola queridos amigos y amantes de la m\u00fasica! Espero que est\u00e9is muy bien. Me alegro,<br> como siempre,<br> de volver a estar aqu\u00ed con todos vosotros en la celebraci\u00f3n semanal de la paz mundial a trav\u00e9s de la m\u00fasica. El tema de hoy,<br> como siempre,<br> nos invita a reflexionar profundamente sobre el tema de la traici\u00f3n. Por lo tanto,<br> voy a responder con la hermosa canci\u00f3n,<br> por Teni animador,<br> titulado,<br> \"Uyo Meyo\". \r\n\r\nUyo Meyo\" is a deeply personal and uplifting song that reflects our journey and celebrates perseverance,<br> success,<br> and gratitude. The title,<br> \"Uyo Meyo,<br>\" comes from a Yoruba phrase that means \"those who rejoice with me,<br> celebrate with me.\" In the song,<br> Teni reflects on her struggles,<br> emphasizing the rewards that come with patience,<br> hard work,<br> and staying true to oneself.\r\n>Uyo Meyo\" es una canci\u00f3n profundamente personal y edificante que refleja nuestro viaje y celebra la perseverancia,<br> el \u00e9xito y la gratitud. El t\u00edtulo,<br> \"Uyo Meyo\",<br> procede de una frase yoruba que significa \"los que se alegran conmigo,<br> celebran conmigo\". En la canci\u00f3n,<br> Teni reflexiona sobre sus luchas,<br> haciendo hincapi\u00e9 en las recompensas que llegan con la paciencia,<br> el trabajo duro y la fidelidad a uno mismo. \r\n\r\nThis week\u2019s theme,<br> \"The Taste of Betrayal,<br>\" resonates with all of us. We've all experienced moments of betrayal\u2014whether by others or by life itself. That sinking feeling of being let down can leave a bitter taste. But for me,<br> \"Uyo Meyo\" by Teni is the perfect response to that bitterness.\r\n>El tema de esta semana,<br> \"El sabor de la traici\u00f3n\",<br> nos afecta a todos. Todos hemos experimentado momentos de traici\u00f3n,<br> ya sea por parte de otros o de la vida misma. Ese sentimiento de sentirse defraudado puede dejar un sabor amargo. Pero para m\u00ed,<br> \"Uyo Meyo\" de Teni es la respuesta perfecta a esa amargura. \r\n\r\nIn the face of betrayal,<br> it\u2019s easy to lose hope,<br> to dwell on the hurt. But this song reminds us of the power of perseverance and triumph over adversity. Betrayal may sting,<br> but it doesn't define us. \"Uyo Meyo\" speaks of overcoming challenges,<br> embracing success after the struggle,<br> and celebrating those who stayed true. It\u2019s a song of victory after the storm\u2014a reminder that,<br> even when life disappoints or people turn away,<br> our patience and resilience will ultimately pay off.\r\n>Ante la traici\u00f3n,<br> es f\u00e1cil perder la esperanza,<br> quedarse en el dolor. Pero esta canci\u00f3n nos recuerda el poder de la perseverancia y el triunfo sobre la adversidad. La traici\u00f3n puede escocer,<br> pero no nos define. \"Uyo Meyo\" habla de superar los retos,<br> de abrazar el \u00e9xito despu\u00e9s de la lucha y de celebrar a los que se mantuvieron fieles. Es una canci\u00f3n de victoria despu\u00e9s de la tormenta,<br> un recordatorio de que,<br> aunque la vida nos decepcione o la gente nos d\u00e9 la espalda,<br> nuestra paciencia y resistencia acabar\u00e1n mereciendo la pena. \r\n\r\nFor the presentation I have decided to play both the melody and the chord harmony with my acoustic guitar,<br> all accompanied by a percusive-fingerstyle guitar. I hope you find it Interesting.\r\n>Para la presentaci\u00f3n he decidido tocar tanto la melod\u00eda como la armon\u00eda de acordes con mi guitarra ac\u00fastica,<br> todo ello acompa\u00f1ado de una guitarra percusiva-fingerstyle. Espero que os resulte interesante. \r\n\r\nEnjoy!\r\n\r\nOriginal Song Video\r\n\r\nhttps:\/\/\/jV4TJmik9bY?feature=shared\r\n\r\nSONG lYRICS\r\n\r\nEee-di-ree-bi-ri-bi-ree-dayy *hoot*\r\nEe-yayy\r\nDr. Dolor Entertainment\r\nKajo kajo kajo\r\nKayo kayo kayo oh\r\nUyo meyo leun o san o kan mi o e\r\nUyo meyo\r\nUyo meyo\r\nOh uyo\r\nUyo meyo leun o san o kan mi o e\r\nUyo meyo\r\nUyo meyo\r\nAyy uyo\r\nUyo meyo leun o san o kan mi o e\r\n\r\n[Verse 1 \r\nEverybody\u2019s born a winner,<br> yayy yayy\r\nIf only you just believe yayy yayy yayy\r\nClose your eyes and come and see now yayy yeah yeah\r\nDon\u2019t you worry 'bout a thing ah\r\n[CLICK HERE FOR FULL LYRICS (https:\/\/\/Teni-uyo-meyo-lyrics)\r\n\r\n####Have a blessed week!!!\n\n---\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=magicfingerz\/symyfubv)\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"openmic\",<br>\"music\",<br>\"ocd\",<br>\"threespeak\",<br>\"musica\",<br>\"hivemusic\",<br>\"theycallmedan\",<br>\"appreciator\",<br>\"afritunes\",<br>\"3speak\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"languagehiveopenmic\",<br>\"vibes\" ,<br>\"app\":\"3speak\/0.3.0\",<br>\"type\":\"3speak\/video\",<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/ipfs\/bafybeidy6zh4ntgtn42epnv6ve64vqig7wjuuffzki4qqf4x4puyfhiuuq\" ,<br>\"video\"<br>\"info\"<br>\"platform\":\"3speak\",<br>\"title\":\"HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 232 - UYO MEYO BY TENI ENTERTAINER - FULL PERCUSIVE FINGERSTYLE COVER\",<br>\"author\":\"magicfingerz\",<br>\"permlink\":\"symyfubv\",<br>\"duration\":194.266666,<br>\"filesize\":236035637,<br>\"file\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmdJRY1rNLHLpJdBjUpTrNFptFs5REEYWjkLDPcc91fqmv\",<br>\"lang\":\"es\",<br>\"firstUpload\":false,<br>\"ipfs\":null,<br>\"ipfsThumbnail\":null,<br>\"video_v2\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmebknSUjUABaGUjDvyicGvg8v2gPGcoQm8Qk23NsK171H\/manifest.m3u8\",<br>\"sourceMap\":[ \"type\":\"video\",<br>\"url\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmebknSUjUABaGUjDvyicGvg8v2gPGcoQm8Qk23NsK171H\/manifest.m3u8\",<br>\"format\":\"m3u8\" ,<br> \"type\":\"thumbnail\",<br>\"url\":\"ipfs:\/\/bafybeidy6zh4ntgtn42epnv6ve64vqig7wjuuffzki4qqf4x4puyfhiuuq\" ,<br>\"content\"<br>\"description\":\"HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 232 - UYO MEYO BY TENI ENTERTAINER - FULL PERCUSIVE FINGERSTYLE COVER-\\r\\n\\r\\nHey lovely friends and music lovers! I hope you are doing great. I am glad as usuall,<br> to be back here with you all again in the weekly celebration of world peace through music. Todays theme as always,<br> invites us to reflect deeply on the theme of betrayal. Therefore,<br> I will be responding with the beautiful song,<br> by Teni entertainer,<br> titled,<br> \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\".\\r\\n\\r\\n![1726717296092.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/magicfingerz\/23ynhCNoo3MQRbNnZhRxfAL865kXhN4BSumpwoPaWq8d5CDJ76ZotYwpqUvAUD3T3TyaV.jpg)\\r\\n\\r\\n>\u00a1Hola queridos amigos y amantes de la m\u00fasica! Espero que est\u00e9is muy bien. Me alegro,<br> como siempre,<br> de volver a estar aqu\u00ed con todos vosotros en la celebraci\u00f3n semanal de la paz mundial a trav\u00e9s de la m\u00fasica. El tema de hoy,<br> como siempre,<br> nos invita a reflexionar profundamente sobre el tema de la traici\u00f3n. Por lo tanto,<br> voy a responder con la hermosa canci\u00f3n,<br> por Teni animador,<br> titulado,<br> \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\". \\r\\n\\r\\nUyo Meyo\\\" is a deeply personal and uplifting song that reflects our journey and celebrates perseverance,<br> success,<br> and gratitude. The title,<br> \\\"Uyo Meyo,<br>\\\" comes from a Yoruba phrase that means \\\"those who rejoice with me,<br> celebrate with me.\\\" In the song,<br> Teni reflects on her struggles,<br> emphasizing the rewards that come with patience,<br> hard work,<br> and staying true to oneself.\\r\\n>Uyo Meyo\\\" es una canci\u00f3n profundamente personal y edificante que refleja nuestro viaje y celebra la perseverancia,<br> el \u00e9xito y la gratitud. El t\u00edtulo,<br> \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\",<br> procede de una frase yoruba que significa \\\"los que se alegran conmigo,<br> celebran conmigo\\\". En la canci\u00f3n,<br> Teni reflexiona sobre sus luchas,<br> haciendo hincapi\u00e9 en las recompensas que llegan con la paciencia,<br> el trabajo duro y la fidelidad a uno mismo. \\r\\n\\r\\nThis week\u2019s theme,<br> \\\"The Taste of Betrayal,<br>\\\" resonates with all of us. We've all experienced moments of betrayal\u2014whether by others or by life itself. That sinking feeling of being let down can leave a bitter taste. But for me,<br> \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\" by Teni is the perfect response to that bitterness.\\r\\n>El tema de esta semana,<br> \\\"El sabor de la traici\u00f3n\\\",<br> nos afecta a todos. Todos hemos experimentado momentos de traici\u00f3n,<br> ya sea por parte de otros o de la vida misma. Ese sentimiento de sentirse defraudado puede dejar un sabor amargo. Pero para m\u00ed,<br> \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\" de Teni es la respuesta perfecta a esa amargura. \\r\\n\\r\\nIn the face of betrayal,<br> it\u2019s easy to lose hope,<br> to dwell on the hurt. But this song reminds us of the power of perseverance and triumph over adversity. Betrayal may sting,<br> but it doesn't define us. \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\" speaks of overcoming challenges,<br> embracing success after the struggle,<br> and celebrating those who stayed true. It\u2019s a song of victory after the storm\u2014a reminder that,<br> even when life disappoints or people turn away,<br> our patience and resilience will ultimately pay off.\\r\\n>Ante la traici\u00f3n,<br> es f\u00e1cil perder la esperanza,<br> quedarse en el dolor. Pero esta canci\u00f3n nos recuerda el poder de la perseverancia y el triunfo sobre la adversidad. La traici\u00f3n puede escocer,<br> pero no nos define. \\\"Uyo Meyo\\\" habla de superar los retos,<br> de abrazar el \u00e9xito despu\u00e9s de la lucha y de celebrar a los que se mantuvieron fieles. Es una canci\u00f3n de victoria despu\u00e9s de la tormenta,<br> un recordatorio de que,<br> aunque la vida nos decepcione o la gente nos d\u00e9 la espalda,<br> nuestra paciencia y resistencia acabar\u00e1n mereciendo la pena. \\r\\n\\r\\nFor the presentation I have decided to play both the melody and the chord harmony with my acoustic guitar,<br> all accompanied by a percusive-fingerstyle guitar. I hope you find it Interesting.\\r\\n>Para la presentaci\u00f3n he decidido tocar tanto la melod\u00eda como la armon\u00eda de acordes con mi guitarra ac\u00fastica,<br> todo ello acompa\u00f1ado de una guitarra percusiva-fingerstyle. Espero que os resulte interesante. \\r\\n\\r\\nEnjoy!\\r\\n\\r\\nOriginal Song Video\\r\\n\\r\\nhttps:\/\/\/jV4TJmik9bY?feature=shared\\r\\n\\r\\nSONG lYRICS\\r\\n\\r\\nEee-di-ree-bi-ri-bi-ree-dayy *hoot*\\r\\nEe-yayy\\r\\nDr. Dolor Entertainment\\r\\nKajo kajo kajo\\r\\nKayo kayo kayo oh\\r\\nUyo meyo leun o san o kan mi o e\\r\\nUyo meyo\\r\\nUyo meyo\\r\\nOh uyo\\r\\nUyo meyo leun o san o kan mi o e\\r\\nUyo meyo\\r\\nUyo meyo\\r\\nAyy uyo\\r\\nUyo meyo leun o san o kan mi o e\\r\\n\\r\\n[Verse 1 \\r\\nEverybody\u2019s born a winner,<br> yayy yayy\\r\\nIf only you just believe yayy yayy yayy\\r\\nClose your eyes and come and see now yayy yeah yeah\\r\\nDon\u2019t you worry 'bout a thing ah\\r\\n[CLICK HERE FOR FULL LYRICS (https:\/\/\/Teni-uyo-meyo-lyrics)\\r\\n\\r\\n####Have a blessed week!!!\",<br>\"tags\":[\"openmic\",<br>\"music\",<br>\"ocd\",<br>\"threespeak\",<br>\"musica\",<br>\"hivemusic\",<br>\"theycallmedan\",<br>\"appreciator\",<br>\"afritunes\",<br>\"3speak\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"languagehiveopenmic\",<br>\"vibes\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-105786",<br>"permlink":"symyfubv",<br>"title":"HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 232 - UYO MEYO BY TENI ENTERTAINER - FULL PERCUSIVE FINGERSTYLE COVER"
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"sagarkothari88",
"weight":100 ,
"weight":1000 ,
"max_accepted_payout":"100000.000 HBD",