Transaction: 9e035122474b3f5b699d60b9231abf84f1fc74d6

Included in block 89,058,767 at 2024/09/19 04:12:12 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id 9e035122474b3f5b699d60b9231abf84f1fc74d6
ref_block_num 60,877
ref_block_prefix 389,973,845
transaction_num 3
signatures 206b520adcdfb8a75985a4352ef322b431ccfdcf8aa12902da229ca56b0f6c0d4f6b0f5b6253ca0ac07374bd3e06427a66e4ae08a377156789d1c944b4c061d02d
"author":"",<br>"body":"# Keep up the good work. \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udfb5\n\nDear beloved Hive creator,<br>\n\nCoding poet [Gudasol (https:\/\/\/playlist\/2WEKrYq0mht0kyFguEcYzi) here to support you sharing your art + life on Hive. \n\nAs a fellow creator,<br> I know how hard it is to get the word out there.\n\nI built [ (https:\/\/\/ to help creators like us get more support from the blockchain community + beyond. \n\nShare your music on [ (https:\/\/\/,<br> and copy the Markdown for a easy post includes embedded players for Spotify,<br> Youtube,<br> Soundcloud.\n\nThat way,<br> you can earn HIVE + **stack streams** on centralized platforms,<br> as they do still matter.\n\nNot a music creator? No problem. You can still use [ (https:\/\/\/ to find + share music you love. \n\n# What's next?\n\nPreview the next evolution of cXc,<br> [ (https:\/\/\n\n# Expose local music from your area! \n\nWe're helping grassroots musicians,<br> and you can too by adding their music (no sign up or WAX account required).\n\n![how to add music on (https:\/\/\/media\/PmdDeASIZc3xBL5AXQ\/giphy.gif)\n\n# Join our community \ud83d\udc2c\n\n\nFind fellow music lovers in cXc's [Discord (https:\/\/\/u3kpj7xEWZ)\n\n\n# Bad news: Saying see you later to Hive! \ud83d\udc4b \n\nWe didn't get the needed support to continue on Hive,<br> as [our DHF proposal (https:\/\/\/me\/proposals\/314) lacked votes,<br> but [Good News Everyone will add a Markdown copy button,<br> allowing you to easily share your music + music you find on Hive. \n\nFor now,<br> we're on WAX,<br> with [tools you can use to mint your own Music\/Media NFT collection (https:\/\/\n\n# Curious about the future of Earth + ET relations? New economic systems?\nFind more apps + art from [Gudasol (https:\/\/\/gudasol)\n\n# Want to build tools like I used to share this? \n\nI'd love to show you some [tips on AI Code generation (https:\/\/",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\": \"beem\/0.24.26\" ",<br>"parent_author":"suteru",<br>"parent_permlink":"snack-trip-with-the-kids-cqv",<br>"permlink":"re-snack-trip-with-the-kids-cqv-20240919t041207z",<br>"title":""