Transaction: 68f5a29170ecda369f7ef6b8a39906e4614c43c8

Included in block 89,057,473 at 2024/09/19 03:07:27 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id 68f5a29170ecda369f7ef6b8a39906e4614c43c8
ref_block_num 59,583
ref_block_prefix 429,773,272
transaction_num 5
signatures 2024c085e68fb285a3ad6184f116c04c56c19a0af0232ae83b944cb7204f4df4ef1a74ed80c94039f8875cbd41eaa0911a1b78fedc684d849df8728ea772b36227
"author":"ibet",<br>"body":"\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmPBi12hFs91EM2BZayitrfMEuovPr9CYwz6mQvUAei3ts\/1726714721602.png)\n[Source (https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/6\/64\/El_Odio_Definitivo_de_Sasuke.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20110527223211&path-prefix=es)\n\nWhat's up community? I hope all of you are feeling well,<br> I've been a little bit disappeared around here,<br> but I'm trying to stay close to the community. As you can see in the title,<br> I will talk about Sasuke Uchiha,<br> a character loved by many and hated by others,<br> as for me,<br> I don't hate him,<br> but I don't love him either and yes,<br> I know I've talked a lot about Naruto lately but as I said before,<br> I'm rewatching Naruto Shippuden and together I'm going through the arc where Sasuke has more appearances and he's... unbearable.\n\u00bfQue tal comunidad? Espero que todos ustedes se encuentren muy bien,<br> he estado un poco desaparecida por aqui,<br> pero estoy tratando de mantenerme siempre cerca a la comunidad. Como ven en el t\u00edtulo,<br> hablar\u00e9 de Sasuke Uchiha,<br> un personaje amado por muchos y odiado por otros m\u00e1s,<br> en cuanto a mi,<br> no lo odio,<br> pero tampoco lo amo y si,<br> ya se que he hablado mucho de Naruto \u00faltimamente pero como ya he dicho anteriormente,<br> estoy volviendo a ver Naruto Shippuden y juntamente voy por el arco d\u00f3nde Sasuke tiene mas aparici\u00f3n y es... insoportable.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmUKMEAMys5id9jpCSZjufYaLkJPVrbNxivtkS4Jf9iJA5\/1726715115835.jpg)\n[Source (https:\/\/\/7HgtFJCIM)\n\nOur depressed emo avenger now knowing the half-truth Madara (Obito) told him about Itachi,<br> now wants to destroy Konoha (which at this point in the series,<br> you can't destroy something that's already destroyed) and since he awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan now his arrogance is at 1000%.\n>Nuestro emo vengador deprimido ahora sabiendo la verdad a medias que le cont\u00f3 Madara (Obito) sobre Itachi,<br> ahora quiere destruir Konoha (que a este punto de la serie pues,<br> no se puede destruir algo que ya est\u00e1 destruido) y como despert\u00f3 el Mangekyo Sharingan ahora su arrogancia est\u00e1 al 1000%.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmfA46XsZQKg8Hou9tUbATrM9tFEadreDc1EfsRLJVNryg\/1726714284670.jpg)\n[Source (https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/6\/60\/Sasuke_aplasta_a_Danzo.jpg\/revision\/latest?cb=20121016161020&path-prefix=es) \n\nHe boasts that he killed Danzo and the truth is that he sacrificed himself (yes,<br> he was already dying,<br> but Sasuke didn't kill him),<br> and he hasn't really killed anyone he's faced so far,<br> neither Deidara,<br> nor Orochimaru and much less Itachi,<br> so he can go around with his airs of superiority.\n>Se jacta de que mat\u00f3 a Danzo y la verdad es que el se\u00f1or ese se sacrific\u00f3 (que si,<br> que ya estaba moribundo,<br> pero no lo mat\u00f3 Sasuke),<br> y en realidad no ha matado a ninguno con los que se ha enfrentado hasta ahora,<br> ni a Deidara,<br> ni a Orochimaru y mucho menos a Itachi,<br> para que ande con sus aires de superioridad.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmSUSQfrLvpjdFNVgVXVjFz3FjxKmNrMtTrqfmdzrKPiB8\/1726714356571.png)\n[Source (https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/9\/90\/Sasuke_evoluciona_su_Susanoo_gracias_al_odio_que_guarda_en_su_coraz%C3%B3n.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20110505211846&path-prefix=es)\n\nAnd yes,<br> I know he's very good in combat and all that,<br> but it's desperate to see him with that attitude that he's stronger than everyone and that he can destroy Konoha alone,<br> he can barely take on those who face him and he's going to be able to take on all the elite ninjas that are in Konoha. Anyway,<br> I think you also have to understand that he is a teenager in the series,<br> well,<br> they face very hard things from a very young age and that does not affect everyone the same,<br> but Sasuke is too insufferable,<br> especially in this arc (and well,<br> as he is acquiring more power,<br> his ego is increasing).\n>Y si,<br> yo se que el es muy bueno en combate y todo eso,<br> pero es desesperante verlo con esa actitud de que es mas fuerte que todos y que puede destruir Konoha solo,<br> apenas puede con los que se le enfrentan y va a poder con todos los ninjas de \u00e9lite que estan en Konoha. En fin,<br> creo que tambi\u00e9n hay que entender un poco que es un adolescente en la serie,<br> que bueno,<br> se enfrentan a cosas muy duras desde muy temprana edad y eso no a todos les afecta igual,<br> pero Sasuke se pasa de insufrible,<br> sobretodo en \u00e9ste arco (y bueno,<br> a medida que va a adquiriendo mas poder,<br> va aumentando su ego).\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmaced8NfQumrfDpqJGewRTRLZUL5PrqYVjK2c99NUpFFV\/1726714416230.png)\n[Source (https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/d\/dc\/Sasuke_atraviesa_a_Karin_y_Danz%C5%8D_con_su_Chidori_Eis%C5%8D.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20110512174741&path-prefix=es)\n\nEvery time he spoke arrogantly,<br> I would internally say,<br> \"does someone want to get it over with Sasuke?\",<br> and then remember Naruto bowing to the Raikage begging him to forgive his poor criminal friend and silly Sakura still \"loving\" him after he tried to kill her TWICE so far,<br> I wish I could understand them,<br> but I can't,<br> I don't feel like they've been such friends either if most of the time he treated them both with indifference.\n>Cada vez que hablaba con arrogancia,<br> yo decia internamente: \"\u00bfquiere alguien acabar de una vez con Sasuke?\",<br> y luego recordar que Naruto se inclin\u00f3 ante el Raikage suplicandole que perdonara a su pobre amigo criminal y la tonta de Sakura todav\u00eda \"am\u00e1ndolo\" luego de que intent\u00f3 matarla DOS veces hasta ahora,<br> yo quisiera entenderlos,<br> pero no puedo,<br> tampoco siento que hayan sido tan amigos si la mayor\u00eda de las veces los trataba con indiferencia a ambos.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmbqxSNKykxURRbHZTV1FjLiadKL8EkYu6oq8xuTq5gfZF\/1726714536920.png)\n[Source (https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/9\/9c\/Elemento_Lava_Jutsu_Aparici%C3%B3n_de_Fusi%C3%B3n_Versi%C3%B3n_normal_Anime.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20210919031833&path-prefix=es)\n\nAnyway,<br> Sasuke is a fool and he is a character that in principle you could understand him and see what a good character he was,<br> but you can't stand to see him on screen because he is so insufferable. Tell me what you think about Sasuke in Shippuden,<br> this post is just for entertainment purposes,<br> I know they are just cartoons. I'll say goodbye for now,<br> thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post \u2764\ufe0f \n>En fin,<br> Sasuke es un tonto y es un personaje que en principio pod\u00edas entenderlo y ver que buen personaje era,<br> a no soportar verlo en pantalla por ser tan insufrible. Cu\u00e9ntame tu que opinas de Sasuke en Shippuden,<br> \u00e9ste post solo lo hago con fines de entretenimiento,<br> ya se que solo son dibujitos. Yo por ahora me despido,<br> muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post \u2764\ufe0f \n\n\n---\n\nTranslated by [DeepL (https:\/\/\/es\/translator)\n>Traducido por [DeepL (https:\/\/\/es\/translator)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"content_type\":\"general\",<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmPBi12hFs91EM2BZayitrfMEuovPr9CYwz6mQvUAei3ts\/1726714721602.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/9\/90\/Sasuke_evoluciona_su_Susanoo_gracias_al_odio_que_guarda_en_su_coraz%C3%B3n.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20110505211846&path-prefix=es\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/9\/9c\/Elemento_Lava_Jutsu_Aparici%C3%B3n_de_Fusi%C3%B3n_Versi%C3%B3n_normal_Anime.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20210919031833&path-prefix=es\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmbqxSNKykxURRbHZTV1FjLiadKL8EkYu6oq8xuTq5gfZF\/1726714536920.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/d\/dc\/Sasuke_atraviesa_a_Karin_y_Danz%C5%8D_con_su_Chidori_Eis%C5%8D.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20110512174741&path-prefix=es\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmaced8NfQumrfDpqJGewRTRLZUL5PrqYVjK2c99NUpFFV\/1726714416230.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmSUSQfrLvpjdFNVgVXVjFz3FjxKmNrMtTrqfmdzrKPiB8\/1726714356571.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/6\/64\/El_Odio_Definitivo_de_Sasuke.png\/revision\/latest?cb=20110527223211&path-prefix=es\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/naruto\/images\/6\/60\/Sasuke_aplasta_a_Danzo.jpg\/revision\/latest?cb=20121016161020&path-prefix=es\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmfA46XsZQKg8Hou9tUbATrM9tFEadreDc1EfsRLJVNryg\/1726714284670.jpg\" ,<br>\"image_ratios\":[1.7699115044247788,<br>1.7897435897435898,<br>1.7777777777777777,<br>1.7777777777777777,<br>1.7777777777777777 ,<br>\"type\":\"post\",<br>\"tags\":[\"hive-158489\",<br>\"anime\",<br>\"manga\",<br>\"review\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"english\",<br>\"otaku\" ,<br>\"app\":\"ecency\/3.1.6-mobile\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-158489",<br>"permlink":"let-s-talk-about-sasuke",<br>"title":"Let's talk about Sasuke Uchiha [ENG\/ESP "
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