Transaction: 55388980e0209994c986f960393ecfb7a3a3b8f0

Included in block 89,059,307 at 2024/09/19 04:39:12 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id 55388980e0209994c986f960393ecfb7a3a3b8f0
ref_block_num 61,418
ref_block_prefix 2,029,160,323
transaction_num 6
signatures 204be3d38ecb73083aa992baafde9290e7ad088ea54a2954b0947a70e321babed05a259b3fc8a6f95133c4e62aabb033d0c3291153d3bf7647f41bdf896914b96b
"author":"beardmen",<br>"body":"\n\n\n<center>![image (https:\/\/\/get\/gc44f69074481da6478726d91f6b340b8587b651f0a224787465f3bbfbe156ed1a0efe232231d20385ec56b6154bad09140ddd3388b3afc7ab1a3c6a912c3c96d_640.jpg)<\/center>\n\n***\n\n# The Fascinating World of Animal Communication: How Animals Communicate with Each Other and Humans\n\nAnimals have their own unique way of communicating with each other and with humans. From the way they use body language to the sounds they make,<br> animals have a complex and fascinating system of communication that is essential to their survival.\n\n## Body Language\n\nBody language is an important part of animal communication. For example,<br> a dog may wag its tail to show happiness or excitement,<br> while a cat may arch its back to show fear or aggression. Similarly,<br> many animals use their body language to signal their intentions to other animals. For instance,<br> a gorilla may beat its chest to show dominance,<br> while a bird may puff up its feathers to attract a mate.\n\n## Sounds\n\nAnimals also use sounds to communicate with each other and with humans. For example,<br> birds use a variety of songs and calls to attract mates and defend their territory. Similarly,<br> dolphins use a complex system of clicks and whistles to communicate with each other and navigate their environment. Even insects like bees and ants use pheromones to communicate with each other and coordinate their activities.\n\n## Human-Animal Communication\n\nHumans have long been fascinated by the idea of communicating with animals. While we may not be able to speak the same language,<br> there are many ways that we can communicate with animals. For example,<br> many pet owners are able to understand their animals' needs and emotions through their body language and behavior. Similarly,<br> animal trainers use positive reinforcement and other techniques to communicate with animals and teach them new behaviors.\n\nThere are also many researchers who are studying animal communication to better understand how animals communicate with each other and with humans. By studying animal communication,<br> we can gain a better understanding of the complex and fascinating world of animals.\n\n***\n\n<center>![image (https:\/\/\/get\/gad2194284895da9fc9381825128866bdbd4c3b2da060326e6ec89d2e13757ff6145f81731f250385973bb672fbeb107e42a7dd7b2eacfd530f9a2a4ab15fa2fb_640.jpg)<\/center>\n\n***\n\nAll images are taken from the [ (https:\/\/![Tree (https:\/\/\/photo\/2022\/06\/16\/07\/40\/pride-7265278_960_720.png)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\": [\"alive\",<br> \"aliveandthriving\",<br> \"waivio\",<br> \"bro\",<br> \"ctp\",<br> \"vyb\",<br> \"cent\",<br> \"oneup\",<br> \"pob\",<br> \"proofofbrain\",<br> \"hustler\",<br> \"pal\",<br> \"neoxian\",<br> \"life\",<br> \"kr\",<br> \"leo\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"alive",<br>"permlink":"wekin-minds-2024-09-19",<br>"title":"\"The Evolution of Multiplayer Gaming: From LAN Parties to Online Communities\""