Transaction: 40707283fd747576034981e0c63f43f1353340a5

Included in block 89,055,679 at 2024/09/19 01:37:30 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id 40707283fd747576034981e0c63f43f1353340a5
ref_block_num 57,789
ref_block_prefix 1,513,731,439
transaction_num 3
signatures 2069342259f32d034280308a321b285c7107cc69d8fec7935a069cd1e5967cdbac0762fc4c686b0de4120ae048491809c7ddbcd4f2aaf16e839a811fef903a8d5a
"author":"chironga67",<br>"body":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmduJUvFXzdL7EAFPkMxZZt4BsBmzKvTmEwRaDdDaRxXuz\/img_20240918_wa0035.jpg)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<center>\n\n### ***BIENVENIDOS \ud83e\udd17\u263a\ufe0fWELCOME***\n\n### ***ESPA\u00d1OL\/\/ENGLISH***\n\nFeliz noche amigos de esta hermosa comunidad de ***Foodies Bee Hive*** hoy fue un d\u00eda de lluvia y muchos truenos y cuando llueve hace fr\u00edo y da mucha hambre as\u00ed que me dedique a ver que cocinaba que fuera r\u00e1pido y sencillo y recorde que hace d\u00edas vi una receta de galletas de arepa y estaba con la curiosidad de probarlas,<br> son muy deliciosas y sirven como snack para una reuni\u00f3n entre amigos o con la familia,<br> lleva muy pocos ingredientes y son muy deliciosas,<br> sin m\u00e1s que decir decir paso a los ingredientes y el paso a paso.\n\n>Happy evening friends of this beautiful community of ***Foodies Bee Hive*** today was a day of rain and lots of thunder and when it rains it gets cold and hungry so I dedicated myself to see what I could cook that was quick and easy and I remembered that days ago I saw a recipe for arepa cookies and I was curious to try them,<br> they are very delicious and serve as a snack for a meeting with friends or family,<br> it takes very few ingredients and are very delicious,<br> without further ado I will tell you the ingredients and the step by step.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmQr7U4UbXs9GeC5BxeZFCMqSLtjSkMX31XsKi5YACd4FP\/img_20240525_wa0037.jpg)\n\n\ud83c\udf3d 2 tazas y media de agua\n\ud83c\udf3d 1 taza y media de harina de maiz\n\ud83c\udf3d 1 cucharada de aceite\n\ud83c\udf3d Sal al gusto\n\ud83c\udf3d Queso (opcional) \n\n>\ud83c\udf3d 2 and a half cups of water\n\ud83c\udf3d 1 cup and a half of corn flour\n\ud83c\udf3d 1 tablespoon of oil\n\ud83c\udf3d Salt to taste\n\ud83c\udf3d Cheese (optional)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmXGUz98xJQLsJ5h4VSTdA4p7ww1Hn2T7DNZAMpwDHAZKB\/img_20240918_wa0036.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmXCYUkcvwqgacRkJ5hW1W7NGBPnCgfpMkCm6H8j5yyhbi\/img_20240525_wa0036.jpg)\n\nComenc\u00e9 por echar la harina de ma\u00edz en el agua,<br> yo la hice con harina amarilla,<br> pero si es su gusto puede hacerlo con harina de ma\u00edz blanca,<br> la sal al gusto y la cucharada de aceite y mezcle bien. \n\n>I started by pouring the corn flour in the water,<br> I made it with yellow flour,<br> but if you like you can do it with white corn flour,<br> salt to taste and the tablespoon of oil and mix well.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmSKLPh1UYgZZVsV3Thy4YY3kbH9WVmAsqVEdcpWLhms4G\/img_20240918_wa0038.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmRBtma8kXjMhNUFATRJEQyoGy8eMiSAw5QdHBH3yRrWS7\/img_20240918_wa0037.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmeK13V2j34zbkPc9iYYK9a8AHoUTnrQviddv5BYgAZ8QZ\/img_20240918_wa0039.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmYb1uEriWgovkVMAzu3KWipcPRAYZ7wvvzPvpfR6Pfxi7\/img_20240918_wa0042.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmNcQaepQMp1bKfHpZ3rikiY79nxSZk5gBNtLEefeTpPdL\/img_20240918_wa0044.jpg)\n\nPuse a calentar un aripo o un sart\u00e9n,<br> yo puse los dos para terminar m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido,<br> le unte aceite y espere que se calentaran bien,<br> cuando estuvieron bien caliente empece a echar la mezcla con una cuchara en el aripo y el sart\u00e9n tratando que quedara lo m\u00e1s redonda posible,<br> espere se cocinaran por un lado y las voltee,<br> las voltee varias veces hasta que quedaron crujientes. \n\n>I heated an aripo or a frying pan,<br> I put both to finish faster,<br> I spread oil and waited for them to heat up well,<br> when they were hot enough I started to pour the mixture with a spoon into the aripo and the pan trying to make it as round as possible,<br> I waited for them to cook on one side and flipped them,<br> I flipped them several times until they were crispy.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmNs6xNESchaU9XEgj3YQNmxPr84fpWC12XfSD2b7eXirZ\/img_20240918_wa0046.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmVe2E3P791ztdtXfrfT4HQi8FA8ogmJytH4sciXjrv6Xt\/img_20240918_wa0047.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmTJyAunZgazXVZoB2VPEcGFVk1bbqnP6TtSmEtxERubMZ\/img_20240918_wa0048.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmc1mQwS9yBBaXQvcUYV5pnpLNEoXnCVch8yrLJpykLBiB\/img_20240918_wa0049.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmcAurBLKDgupVFXU6afpMPd4djEf5eWv3sLWD7t5JefYY\/img_20240918_wa0050.jpg)\n\nCuando me quedaba mezcla para 5 galletas se me ocurri\u00f3 echarle queso rayado y les confieso que fue una buena idea,<br> esas quedaron deliciosas. \n\n>When I had enough mixture left for 5 cookies,<br> I decided to add grated cheese and I confess it was a good idea,<br> they turned out delicious.\n\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmTY5QNAgmEY2Beyc2eZbkzzJTH4xwq3QE3YjLRYaQ1tC9\/img_20240918_wa0051.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmekv3gcZmUmEGoX9e8DSjgMQThn53ZtpYnmRAYkDedxkM\/img_20240918_wa0052.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmWNbMBgPCbruWmhvxFNG7F2Wuj5ebTeJGP3tsJG6dowBA\/img_20240918_wa0053.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmcUS67xWhJQ64uKnbQkiR4eUrqMFEMUeMLQ1q4U8ijpqC\/img_20240918_wa0054.jpg)\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmehRs4CQr673fqMWXW3t5reDtW8fmsvLAtsqoxcMPbPhF\/img_20240918_wa0055.jpg)\n\n\nCuando estuvieron listas prepare una salsa con salsa rosada,<br> queso blanco rayado y picante y se la puse encima a varias galletas,<br> a otras les puse pollo mechado y a las que le agregue queso a la mezcla me las com\u00ed sola,<br> mi esposo @manros11 quedo muy complacido por la cena. \n\n>When they were ready I prepared a sauce with pink sauce,<br> grated white cheese and spicy cheese and put it on top of several crackers,<br> to others I put larded chicken and to the ones I added cheese to the mixture I ate them alone,<br> my husband @manros11 was very pleased with the dinner.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmdnsvf91esYAp5sADUygkKxFfWQPzs6AkwjsLQRb8893X\/img_20240918_wa0056.jpg)\n\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmY9utcCCjVa3zmYvyXugPPUh1dzie2R3yXTHfJakoJRgp\/img_20240918_wa0057.jpg)\n\n### ***T\u00edps para que queden deliciosas y crujientes.***\n\n\u2705 Cuando haga las galletas de arepa aseg\u00farese que el sarten o el aripo est\u00e9n bien calientes y esten bien aceitados para que no se peguen. \n\n\u2705 Se dejan cocinar hasta que est\u00e9n crocantes. Esto es lo que hace que sean deliciosas. \n\n\u2705 La mezcla debe quedar aguada.y si quiere le puede agregar como yo queso,<br> picante o lo que a usted se le ocurra para darle un sabor diferente. \n\nHasta aqu\u00ed mi post de hoy espero les guste,<br> gracias por su visita y apoyo. \nLas fotos aqu\u00ed utilizadas fueron tomadas por mi con mi celular huawei mate lite20,<br> use Deelp traductor,<br> imagen editada en canva,<br> baner y separador hecho por mi en canva. \n\n>### Tips to make them delicious and crunchy ***.\n\n>\u2705 When making the arepa cookies make sure the pan or griddle is very hot and well oiled so they don't stick. \n\n>\u2705 Let them cook until they are crispy. This is what makes them delicious. \n\n>\u2705The mixture should be watery and if you want you can add cheese,<br> spicy or whatever you can think of to give it a different flavor. \n\n>So much for my post today I hope you like it,<br> thank you for your visit and support. \n\n>The photos used here were taken by me with my cell phone huawei mate lite20,<br> use Deelp translator,<br> edited image in canva,<br> banner and separator made by me in canva.\n\n<\/center>\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmZaz9C6EBQfZN426c8prjj5jBy7dRArreC9robHWerDqb\/img_20240505_wa0013.jpg)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"content_type\":\"general\",<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmduJUvFXzdL7EAFPkMxZZt4BsBmzKvTmEwRaDdDaRxXuz\/img_20240918_wa0035.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmcUS67xWhJQ64uKnbQkiR4eUrqMFEMUeMLQ1q4U8ijpqC\/img_20240918_wa0054.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmcAurBLKDgupVFXU6afpMPd4djEf5eWv3sLWD7t5JefYY\/img_20240918_wa0050.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmTY5QNAgmEY2Beyc2eZbkzzJTH4xwq3QE3YjLRYaQ1tC9\/img_20240918_wa0051.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmekv3gcZmUmEGoX9e8DSjgMQThn53ZtpYnmRAYkDedxkM\/img_20240918_wa0052.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmWNbMBgPCbruWmhvxFNG7F2Wuj5ebTeJGP3tsJG6dowBA\/img_20240918_wa0053.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmehRs4CQr673fqMWXW3t5reDtW8fmsvLAtsqoxcMPbPhF\/img_20240918_wa0055.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmc1mQwS9yBBaXQvcUYV5pnpLNEoXnCVch8yrLJpykLBiB\/img_20240918_wa0049.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdnsvf91esYAp5sADUygkKxFfWQPzs6AkwjsLQRb8893X\/img_20240918_wa0056.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmY9utcCCjVa3zmYvyXugPPUh1dzie2R3yXTHfJakoJRgp\/img_20240918_wa0057.jpg\" ,<br>\"image_ratios\":[0.666,<br>0.75,<br>0.75,<br>0.75,<br>0.75 ,<br>\"type\":\"post\",<br>\"tags\":[\"hive-120586\",<br>\"foodies\",<br>\"food\",<br>\"foodphotography\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"recipe\",<br>\"originalcontent\",<br>\"archon\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"creativecoin\" ,<br>\"app\":\"ecency\/3.1.6-mobile\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-120586",<br>"permlink":"galletas-de-arepa-esp-eng",<br>"title":"Galletas de arepa[Esp-Eng "
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