Transaction: 1bd9bbf17b7d85fb071d35f9c32754107168a2b4

Included in block 89,049,286 at 2024/09/18 20:17:12 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id 1bd9bbf17b7d85fb071d35f9c32754107168a2b4
ref_block_num 51,395
ref_block_prefix 481,380,932
transaction_num 10
signatures 1f2c15310c29a80dc20b13bfe3c7d5950a80c53680794fd2a44ac4bb81d9234bde6b6d8495c79a456cfb7138a9c8193a22a42c986c94d7a7429ecde488361b8802
"author":"karlex77",<br>"body":"<center>\n\n[![ (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/bafybeihdagdffdexo53jvor7wmvhws6yddzpfn5kfc2nagh2wpnb7swlfu\/) (https:\/\/\/watch?v=karlex77\/qifredty)\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [Watch on 3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=karlex77\/qifredty)\n\n<\/center>\n\n---\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">Greetings,<br> my dear friends of the great musical community of @hiveopenmic,<br> we are in week 232 of continuous activities,<br> with a theme that is quite touched in most of the songs,<br> this theme is,<br> The taste of betrayal,<br> as many of you have already been able to observe,<br> I really like the songs of the ranchera ballad genre,<br> and today I bring you a classic that made popular the late maestro Vicente Fernandez,<br> which is called Mujeres Divinas,<br> it talks about the traditions that we men receive,<br> but what I like about this song is that it respects the female figure even though it talks about betrayals and abandoning their partners,<br> women whatever I know we should always respect them,<br> since we were born of a woman,<br> from me you will always hear songs where respect or pay tribute to these wonderful beings,<br> I hope you like it and enjoy my interpretation.<\/div> \r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n**<center>Song lyrics<\/center>** \r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n<center>Talking about women and betrayals\r\nThe bottles were being consumed\r\nThey asked me to sing my songs\r\nAnd I sang a couple of them against them\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nSuddenly a gentleman approaches\r\nHis hair was already showing some gray\r\nHe said to me: I beg you,<br> comrade\r\nDon't speak in my presence of the ladies\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\nI told him that we simply\r\nWe talked about how badly we were paid\r\nThat if anyone thought differently\r\nIt would be because they were never betrayed\r\nThat if anyone had a different opinion\r\nIt would be because they were never betrayed\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\nHe told me: I am one of the beings\r\nWho has endured the most failures\r\nAnd I've always been left by women\r\nCrying and with my soul in pieces\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nBut I never reproach them for my wounds\r\nYou have to suffer when you love\r\nThe most beautiful hours of my life\r\nI've spent them by the side of a lady\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nWe could die in the canteens\r\nAnd we could never forget them\r\nWomen,<br> oh,<br> women so divine\r\nThere's no other way but to adore them\r\nWomen,<br> oh,<br> women so divine\r\nThere's no other way but to adore them<\/center>\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n<center>[Source of the lyrics of the song (https:\/\/\/vicente-fernandez\/754900\/)<\/center>\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nVideo and editing: [Capcut (https:\/\/\/)\r\n\r\nLanguage translation: [Deepl (https:\/\/\/)\r\n\r\nSpell checking: [Spellboy (https:\/\/\/)\r\n\r\nCover and banners: [Canva (https:\/\/\/es_us\/)\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\n![20240301_150147_0000.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/karlex77\/23wMusG8SrbzjL1xvqJj6gnXCtLLn5VtqHep2URHKHwAxsZUaKH4kT4KEXFcXf1Jsku89.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\n![20240227_132934_0000.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/karlex77\/243g19BaNUuEgpFo1f4QYhRQqZCH7eKCiwLfxH5xmzqjrjJRG4HMJ2hEo7KSYiWU7tt5j.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\n<div class=\"text-justify\">Saludos,<br> mis queridos amigos de la grandiosa comunidad musical de @hiveopenmic,<br> estamos en la semana 232 de actividades continuas,<br> con una tem\u00e1tica que es bastante tocada en la mayor\u00eda de las canciones,<br> dicha tem\u00e1tica es,<br> El sabor de la traici\u00f3n,<br> como ya mucho de ustedes han podido observar,<br> me gustan much\u00edsimo las canciones del g\u00e9nero de la balada ranchera,<br> y hoy les traigo un cl\u00e1sico que hizo popular el ya desaparecido maestro Vicente Fern\u00e1ndez,<br> que lleva por nombre Mujeres Divinas,<br> all\u00ed se habla de las tradiciones que recibimos los hombres,<br> pero lo que me gusta de esta canci\u00f3n es que se respeta a la figura femenina a pesar de que se habla de traiciones y que abandonan a sus parejas,<br> a la mujer sea lo que s\u00e9 siempre debemos respetarlas,<br> ya que nacimos de una mujer,<br> de mi parte siempre escucharan canciones en donde se respete o rinda homenaje a estos seres tan maravillosos,<br> espero que les guste y disfruten de mi interpretaci\u00f3n.<\/div> \r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n**<center>Letra de la canci\u00f3n<\/center>** \r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n<center>Hablando de mujeres y traiciones\r\nSe fueron consumiendo las botellas\r\nPidieron que cantara mis canciones\r\nY yo cant\u00e9 unas dos en contra de ellas\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nDe pronto que se acerca un caballero\r\nSu pelo ya pintaba algunas canas\r\nMe dijo: Le suplico,<br> compa\u00f1ero\r\nQue no hable en mi presencia de las damas\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\nLe dije que nosotros simplemente\r\nHablamos de lo mal que nos pagaron\r\nQue si alguien opinaba diferente\r\nSer\u00eda porque jam\u00e1s lo traicionaron\r\nQue si alguien opinaba diferente\r\nSer\u00eda porque jam\u00e1s lo traicionaron\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n\r\nMe dijo: Yo soy uno de los seres\r\nQue m\u00e1s ha soportado los fracasos\r\nY siempre me dejaron las mujeres\r\nLlorando y con el alma hecha pedazos\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nMas nunca les reprocho mis heridas\r\nSe tiene que sufrir cuando se ama\r\nLas horas m\u00e1s hermosas de mi vida\r\nLas he pasado al lado de una dama\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nPudi\u00e9ramos morir en las cantinas\r\nY nunca lograr\u00edamos olvidarlas\r\nMujeres,<br> oh,<br> mujeres tan divinas\r\nNo queda otro camino que adorarlas\r\nMujeres,<br> oh,<br> mujeres tan divinas\r\nNo queda otro camino que adorarlas<\/center>\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n<center>[Fuente de la letra de la cancion (https:\/\/\/vicente-fernandez\/754900\/)<\/center>\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nV\u00eddeo y edici\u00f3n: [Capcut (https:\/\/\/)\r\n\r\nTraducci\u00f3n de idiomas: [Deepl (https:\/\/\/)\r\n\r\nRevisi\u00f3n ortogr\u00e1fica: [Spellboy (https:\/\/\/)\r\n\r\nPortada y banners: [Canva (https:\/\/\/es_us\/)\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\n![20240301_145941_0000.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/karlex77\/23wCXHLW5oEJ3NFWBTUqLXBF7gm8XiCDbfPuM3hUoijA2u3zzVt8iVFWPuXnSdnRr84e2.png)\n\n---\n\n\u25b6\ufe0f [3Speak (https:\/\/\/watch?v=karlex77\/qifredty)\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"openmic\",<br>\"ocd\",<br>\"music\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"threespeak\",<br>\"cover\",<br>\"musicforlife\",<br>\"hivemusic\",<br>\"pob\",<br>\"pimp\",<br>\"arcange\",<br>\"curie\",<br>\"curangel\",<br>\"gems\",<br>\"soundmusic\" ,<br>\"app\":\"3speak\/0.3.0\",<br>\"type\":\"3speak\/video\",<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/ipfs\/bafybeihdagdffdexo53jvor7wmvhws6yddzpfn5kfc2nagh2wpnb7swlfu\" ,<br>\"video\"<br>\"info\"<br>\"platform\":\"3speak\",<br>\"title\":\"Hive Open Mic Week 232 - cover: Mujeres Divinas - By @karlex77. [ Subtitled in ENG and ESP \",<br>\"author\":\"karlex77\",<br>\"permlink\":\"qifredty\",<br>\"duration\":193.748005,<br>\"filesize\":237684868,<br>\"file\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmYnWnBm6dkMFEvc4vvHvGdCSc5qd9tge4FgzZEZVH5uqZ\",<br>\"lang\":\"en\",<br>\"firstUpload\":false,<br>\"ipfs\":null,<br>\"ipfsThumbnail\":null,<br>\"video_v2\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmTTeusGryBRSnHSfCJBzHymZa4EWoUDVDd4bSHeWRQNZd\/manifest.m3u8\",<br>\"sourceMap\":[ \"type\":\"video\",<br>\"url\":\"ipfs:\/\/QmTTeusGryBRSnHSfCJBzHymZa4EWoUDVDd4bSHeWRQNZd\/manifest.m3u8\",<br>\"format\":\"m3u8\" ,<br> \"type\":\"thumbnail\",<br>\"url\":\"ipfs:\/\/bafybeihdagdffdexo53jvor7wmvhws6yddzpfn5kfc2nagh2wpnb7swlfu\" ,<br>\"content\"<br>\"description\":\"<div class=\\\"text-justify\\\">Greetings,<br> my dear friends of the great musical community of @hiveopenmic,<br> we are in week 232 of continuous activities,<br> with a theme that is quite touched in most of the songs,<br> this theme is,<br> The taste of betrayal,<br> as many of you have already been able to observe,<br> I really like the songs of the ranchera ballad genre,<br> and today I bring you a classic that made popular the late maestro Vicente Fernandez,<br> which is called Mujeres Divinas,<br> it talks about the traditions that we men receive,<br> but what I like about this song is that it respects the female figure even though it talks about betrayals and abandoning their partners,<br> women whatever I know we should always respect them,<br> since we were born of a woman,<br> from me you will always hear songs where respect or pay tribute to these wonderful beings,<br> I hope you like it and enjoy my interpretation.<\/div> \\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n**<center>Song lyrics<\/center>** \\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n<center>Talking about women and betrayals\\r\\nThe bottles were being consumed\\r\\nThey asked me to sing my songs\\r\\nAnd I sang a couple of them against them\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nSuddenly a gentleman approaches\\r\\nHis hair was already showing some gray\\r\\nHe said to me: I beg you,<br> comrade\\r\\nDon't speak in my presence of the ladies\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nI told him that we simply\\r\\nWe talked about how badly we were paid\\r\\nThat if anyone thought differently\\r\\nIt would be because they were never betrayed\\r\\nThat if anyone had a different opinion\\r\\nIt would be because they were never betrayed\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nHe told me: I am one of the beings\\r\\nWho has endured the most failures\\r\\nAnd I've always been left by women\\r\\nCrying and with my soul in pieces\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nBut I never reproach them for my wounds\\r\\nYou have to suffer when you love\\r\\nThe most beautiful hours of my life\\r\\nI've spent them by the side of a lady\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nWe could die in the canteens\\r\\nAnd we could never forget them\\r\\nWomen,<br> oh,<br> women so divine\\r\\nThere's no other way but to adore them\\r\\nWomen,<br> oh,<br> women so divine\\r\\nThere's no other way but to adore them<\/center>\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n<center>[Source of the lyrics of the song (https:\/\/\/vicente-fernandez\/754900\/)<\/center>\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nVideo and editing: [Capcut (https:\/\/\/)\\r\\n\\r\\nLanguage translation: [Deepl (https:\/\/\/)\\r\\n\\r\\nSpell checking: [Spellboy (https:\/\/\/)\\r\\n\\r\\nCover and banners: [Canva (https:\/\/\/es_us\/)\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n![20240301_150147_0000.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/karlex77\/23wMusG8SrbzjL1xvqJj6gnXCtLLn5VtqHep2URHKHwAxsZUaKH4kT4KEXFcXf1Jsku89.png)\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n![20240227_132934_0000.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/karlex77\/243g19BaNUuEgpFo1f4QYhRQqZCH7eKCiwLfxH5xmzqjrjJRG4HMJ2hEo7KSYiWU7tt5j.png)\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n<div class=\\\"text-justify\\\">Saludos,<br> mis queridos amigos de la grandiosa comunidad musical de @hiveopenmic,<br> estamos en la semana 232 de actividades continuas,<br> con una tem\u00e1tica que es bastante tocada en la mayor\u00eda de las canciones,<br> dicha tem\u00e1tica es,<br> El sabor de la traici\u00f3n,<br> como ya mucho de ustedes han podido observar,<br> me gustan much\u00edsimo las canciones del g\u00e9nero de la balada ranchera,<br> y hoy les traigo un cl\u00e1sico que hizo popular el ya desaparecido maestro Vicente Fern\u00e1ndez,<br> que lleva por nombre Mujeres Divinas,<br> all\u00ed se habla de las tradiciones que recibimos los hombres,<br> pero lo que me gusta de esta canci\u00f3n es que se respeta a la figura femenina a pesar de que se habla de traiciones y que abandonan a sus parejas,<br> a la mujer sea lo que s\u00e9 siempre debemos respetarlas,<br> ya que nacimos de una mujer,<br> de mi parte siempre escucharan canciones en donde se respete o rinda homenaje a estos seres tan maravillosos,<br> espero que les guste y disfruten de mi interpretaci\u00f3n.<\/div> \\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n**<center>Letra de la canci\u00f3n<\/center>** \\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n<center>Hablando de mujeres y traiciones\\r\\nSe fueron consumiendo las botellas\\r\\nPidieron que cantara mis canciones\\r\\nY yo cant\u00e9 unas dos en contra de ellas\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nDe pronto que se acerca un caballero\\r\\nSu pelo ya pintaba algunas canas\\r\\nMe dijo: Le suplico,<br> compa\u00f1ero\\r\\nQue no hable en mi presencia de las damas\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nLe dije que nosotros simplemente\\r\\nHablamos de lo mal que nos pagaron\\r\\nQue si alguien opinaba diferente\\r\\nSer\u00eda porque jam\u00e1s lo traicionaron\\r\\nQue si alguien opinaba diferente\\r\\nSer\u00eda porque jam\u00e1s lo traicionaron\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nMe dijo: Yo soy uno de los seres\\r\\nQue m\u00e1s ha soportado los fracasos\\r\\nY siempre me dejaron las mujeres\\r\\nLlorando y con el alma hecha pedazos\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nMas nunca les reprocho mis heridas\\r\\nSe tiene que sufrir cuando se ama\\r\\nLas horas m\u00e1s hermosas de mi vida\\r\\nLas he pasado al lado de una dama\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nPudi\u00e9ramos morir en las cantinas\\r\\nY nunca lograr\u00edamos olvidarlas\\r\\nMujeres,<br> oh,<br> mujeres tan divinas\\r\\nNo queda otro camino que adorarlas\\r\\nMujeres,<br> oh,<br> mujeres tan divinas\\r\\nNo queda otro camino que adorarlas<\/center>\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n<center>[Fuente de la letra de la cancion (https:\/\/\/vicente-fernandez\/754900\/)<\/center>\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\nV\u00eddeo y edici\u00f3n: [Capcut (https:\/\/\/)\\r\\n\\r\\nTraducci\u00f3n de idiomas: [Deepl (https:\/\/\/)\\r\\n\\r\\nRevisi\u00f3n ortogr\u00e1fica: [Spellboy (https:\/\/\/)\\r\\n\\r\\nPortada y banners: [Canva (https:\/\/\/es_us\/)\\r\\n\\r\\n#\\r\\n\\r\\n![20240301_145941_0000.png (https:\/\/\/file\/peakd-hive\/karlex77\/23wCXHLW5oEJ3NFWBTUqLXBF7gm8XiCDbfPuM3hUoijA2u3zzVt8iVFWPuXnSdnRr84e2.png)\",<br>\"tags\":[\"openmic\",<br>\"ocd\",<br>\"music\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"threespeak\",<br>\"cover\",<br>\"musicforlife\",<br>\"hivemusic\",<br>\"pob\",<br>\"pimp\",<br>\"arcange\",<br>\"curie\",<br>\"curangel\",<br>\"gems\",<br>\"soundmusic\" ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-105786",<br>"permlink":"qifredty",<br>"title":"Hive Open Mic Week 232 - cover: Mujeres Divinas - By @karlex77. [ Subtitled in ENG and ESP "
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"sagarkothari88",
"weight":100 ,
"weight":1000 ,
"max_accepted_payout":"100000.000 HBD",