Transaction: 0a532991e4964af6eaf297801d6c5610633dec6d

Included in block 89,058,397 at 2024/09/19 03:53:39 (UTC).
Transaction info
transaction_id 0a532991e4964af6eaf297801d6c5610633dec6d
ref_block_num 60,508
ref_block_prefix 83,882,035
transaction_num 6
signatures 1f6fb83add13c4f221bcbeaa13dd04102ea2ef3486a5ff93f1104b3d4df0ae0a5423208cf2a0a9eb6392eb7b1d1694b3dfa433a6bf9f5e99553dca699c5fe478cb
"author":"ssjsasha",<br>"body":" https:\/\/\/DQmYwLkKYtwUdAiAjj9DynCWLio5vxDFfaknn5a3Nyet6hA\/IMG_2845.jpeg \n\nI do not like to dox my bags,<br> but my crypto bags were up pretty big today. \n\nSeems like the market was given permission for lift off.\n\nRates were cut by 50 basis points. First cut in a long time\n\nTo many,<br> this is a bottom signal,<br> or a green light for massive gains\n\nGold and silver however,<br> had a pretty boring day. Red basically\n\nSometimes there is a lag when these sorts of moves are made.\n\nSome are even predicting a crash within the next 6 months before lift off.\n\nBut if enough people think it will go down,<br> maybe it won\u2019t. Sometimes the market can trick you\n\nOne thing is for certain\n\nTaking this gold bar out of its case was such a thrill\n\nTo actually hold onto the yellow metal in this capacity is something special indeed\n\nI like to believe that by touching this metal I am getting some mystical energy from the past,<br> something that has been stored for millions of years and is now running through and around my body\n\nThe power of these metals never fail to amaze\n\nPosted Using [InLeo Alpha (https:\/\/\/@ssjsasha\/rates-cut-gold-coughs-e7q)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"leothreads\/0.3\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"hive-167922\",<br>\"Leo\",<br>\"inleo\",<br>\"premium\",<br>\"silvergoldstackers\",<br>\"leofinance\",<br>\"gold\",<br>\"metal\" ,<br>\"canonical_url\":\"https:\/\/\/@ssjsasha\/rates-cut-gold-coughs-e7q\",<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/@ssjsasha\/rates-cut-gold-coughs-e7q)\" ,<br>\"images\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmYwLkKYtwUdAiAjj9DynCWLio5vxDFfaknn5a3Nyet6hA\/IMG_2845.jpeg\" ,<br>\"isPoll\":false,<br>\"dimensions\"<br> ",<br>"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-167922",<br>"permlink":"rates-cut-gold-coughs-e7q",<br>"title":"Rates cut,<br> gold coughs"
"extensions":[ ,
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 HBD",