Hive Balance | ||||||
Transfer & Delegation | ||
Set withdraw vesting route | |||||||
Current withdraw routes | |||||||
In | Out | ||||||
Detailed balance | |
Balance | 0.142 HIVE |
HP | 746 HP |
HBD | 0.326 HBD |
HIVE in Savings | 0.000 HIVE |
HBD in Savings | 49.051 HBD |
Unclaimed HIVE | 0.000 HIVE |
Unclaimed HBD | 0.000 HBD |
Unclaimed HP | 0.899 HP |
HIVE in Internal Market | 0.000 HIVE |
HBD in Internal Market | 0.000 HBD |
HBD in Conversions | 0.000 HBD |
Metadata |
json_metadata |
"did_keys":[ "ct":"DID-BLS", "t":"consensus", "key":"did:key:z3tEFVF1BeYPp5PU7erY4Bi1kHQFJVpKqrwJ83qSAgzTTStNV8SFT1QmmBxpVyPoKKRX3q" , "vsc_node" "did":"did:key:z6MkiUa6Qf4bbrFwBWu9Ywo9UNU6QCoe4gP2WfjbfeDPeJHF", "unsigned_proof" "net_id":"testnet/0bf2e474-6b9e-4165-ad4e-a0d78968d20c", "ipfs_peer_id":"12D3KooWKcQMJMxQLPonYf3P1rw8nGkjrDRRJQ2Lgahsjys4wQ6o", "ts":"2024-08-20T22:00:00.287Z", "hive_account":"rhemagames", "git_commit":"6cbb3fc72f1f219fc662712441722a2e213eb1fd\n", "version_id":"v0.1.8", "witness" "enabled":true, "plugins":["multisig" , "delay_notch":5, "signing_keys" "owner":"STM61iAqDiVFCHSDJXqthjydCH2QyDGn3CrvG3cUS7vep23caKLRa" , "signed_proof" "payload":"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", "signatures":[ "protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZNa2lVYTZRZjRiYnJGd0JXdTlZd285VU5VNlFDb2U0Z1AyV2ZqYmZlRFBlSkhGI3o2TWtpVWE2UWY0YmJyRndCV3U5WXdvOVVOVTZRQ29lNGdQMldmamJmZURQZUpIRiJ9", "signature":"-iwfcfuLxWvegZNnMfkcSNNyTQmarlSvXuPbyyTPah3UQoplC6SMCH0glsxG56yIvqMAov9_2qED-NTOqhpkCg" |
posting_json_metadata |
"name":"rhemagames", "about":"Spreading Hope and Community through interactive content and charitable giving.\nCurrently working on Angular Velocity an e-sports game based in a hopeful future! ", "website":"", "location":"Dallas TX ", "coverImage":"", "profile" "name":"Rhema Games", "about":"Re-imagining the Redemptive Arcade.", "location":"Dallas, TX", "website":"", "cover_image":"", "version":2, "profile_image":"" |
Manabar | |
voting_manabar | |
current_mana | 10,051,863,489,049 |
last_update_time | 1,739,004,387 |
max_rc | 10,057,898,227,986 |
downvote_manabar | |
current_mana | 2,514,474,556,997 |
last_update_time | 1,739,004,387 |
max_rc | 2,514,474,556,997 |
Resource credits | |
current_mana | 10,063,256,780,790 |
last_update_time | 1,739,004,387 |
max_rc | 10,063,256,780,790 |
delegated_rc | 0 |
received_delegated_rc | 0 |
Account info | |
balance | 0.142 HIVE |
can_vote | 1 |
comment_count | 0 |
created | 2023-03-16T15:26:48 |
curation_rewards | 367,578 |
delayed_votes | [] |
delegated_vesting_shares | 0.000000 VESTS |
governance_vote_expiration_ts | 2026-01-21T17:40:51 |
guest_bloggers | [] |
hbd_balance | 0.326 HBD |
hbd_last_interest_payment | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
hbd_seconds | 0 |
hbd_seconds_last_update | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
id | 2,443,099 |
last_account_recovery | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
last_account_update | 2024-08-20T22:00:00 |
last_owner_update | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
last_post | 2024-08-03T05:19:39 |
last_root_post | 2024-08-03T05:19:39 |
last_vote_time | 2025-02-08T08:46:27 |
lifetime_vote_count | 0 |
market_history | [] |
memo_key | STM62hbQ34kepAgaTrrcRJKbnKHVHAVTP9bL258FxVQbfiuvBjUTU |
mined | 0 |
name | rhemagames |
next_vesting_withdrawal | 1969-12-31T23:59:59 |
open_recurrent_transfers | 0 |
other_history | [] |
pending_claimed_accounts | 3 |
pending_transfers | 0 |
post_bandwidth | 0 |
post_count | 36 |
post_history | [] |
post_voting_power | 10057898.227986 VESTS |
posting_rewards | 28,209 |
previous_owner_update | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
proxied_vsf_votes | [0,0,0,0] |
proxy | |
received_vesting_shares | 8799347.085067 VESTS |
recovery_account | bflanagin |
reputation | 0 |
reset_account | null |
reward_hbd_balance | 0.000 HBD |
reward_hive_balance | 0.000 HIVE |
reward_vesting_balance | 1517.588867 VESTS |
reward_vesting_hive | 0.899 HIVE |
savings_balance | 0.000 HIVE |
savings_hbd_balance | 49.051 HBD |
savings_hbd_last_interest_payment | 2025-02-06T20:35:24 |
savings_hbd_seconds | 0 |
savings_hbd_seconds_last_update | 2025-02-06T20:35:24 |
savings_withdraw_requests | 0 |
tags_usage | [] |
to_withdraw | 0 |
transfer_history | [] |
vesting_balance | 0.000 HIVE |
vesting_shares | 1258551.142919 VESTS |
vesting_withdraw_rate | 0.000000 VESTS |
vote_history | [] |
voting_power | 9,950 |
withdraw_routes | 0 |
withdrawn | 0 |
witnesses_voted_for | 27 |
Authorities | |||
Active: | |||
STM5ghms6Mp3CtFY1uWB8ozkoo9da7WUKQdZv3htFXS3PTcFmqEoC | |||
Posting: | ||| | 1 | 20% | | | 1 | 20% | |
@steemauto | 1 | 20% | | | 1 | 20% | |
STM8UTMDYKTboDXveX7TCTZUrK3V6p7PJR7B1xfTjhHv2zJv1B1SW | 1 | 20% | |
Threshold | 1 | 20% | |
Owner: | |||
STM78aRu8ujCMKUkZ42vDj1gnTE3AhDuFeMdVG53NyC6dWc3QL4rQ | |||
Memo: | |||
STM62hbQ34kepAgaTrrcRJKbnKHVHAVTP9bL258FxVQbfiuvBjUTU |
Witness votes | |
1. @actifit | |
2. @apshamilton | |
3. @arcange | |
4. @ausbitbank | |
5. @blocktrades | |
6. @c0ff33a | |
7. @crowdwitness | |
8. @cryptobrewmaster | |
9. @curie | |
10. @deathwing | |
11. @disregardfiat | |
12. @engrave | |
13. @gtg | |
14. @howo | |
15. @leofinance | |
16. @ocd-witness | |
17. @pizza.witness | |
18. @r0nd0n | |
19. @roelandp | |
20. @slothbuzz | |
21. @steempeak | |
22. @stoodkev | |
23. @themarkymark | |
24. @therealwolf | |
25. @threespeak | |
26. @wrestorgonline | |
27. @yabapmatt |