Transfer & Delegation | ||
Set withdraw vesting route | |||||||
Current withdraw routes | |||||||
In | Out | ||||||
Detailed balance | |
Balance | 96.863 HIVE |
HP | 11,866 HP |
HBD | 31.003 HBD |
HIVE in Savings | 0.000 HIVE |
HBD in Savings | 0.000 HBD |
Unclaimed HIVE | 0.000 HIVE |
Unclaimed HBD | 0.000 HBD |
Unclaimed HP | 0.000 HP |
HIVE in Internal Market | 0.000 HIVE |
HBD in Internal Market | 0.000 HBD |
HBD in Conversions | 0.000 HBD |
Metadata |
json_metadata |
"profile" "profile_image":"", "name":"Partiko", "about":"Fast and beautiful Steem on the go.", "location":"San Francisco", "website":"" |
posting_json_metadata |
"profile" "profile_image":"", "name":"Partiko", "about":"Fast and beautiful Steem on the go.", "location":"San Francisco", "website":"" |
Manabar | |
voting_manabar | |
current_mana | 21,909,421,710,815 |
last_update_time | 1,675,506,921 |
max_rc | 21,909,421,710,815 |
downvote_manabar | |
current_mana | 5,477,355,427,704 |
last_update_time | 1,675,506,921 |
max_rc | 5,477,355,427,704 |
Resource credits | |
current_mana | 21,911,442,459,788 |
last_update_time | 1,675,506,921 |
max_rc | 21,911,442,459,788 |
delegated_rc | 0 |
received_delegated_rc | 0 |
Account info | |
balance | 96.863 HIVE |
can_vote | 1 |
comment_count | 0 |
created | 2018-04-12T06:08:54 |
curation_rewards | 10,650,996 |
delayed_votes | [] |
delegated_vesting_shares | 0.000000 VESTS |
governance_vote_expiration_ts | 1969-12-31T23:59:59 |
guest_bloggers | [] |
hbd_balance | 31.003 HBD |
hbd_last_interest_payment | 2020-05-02T11:46:36 |
hbd_seconds | 0 |
hbd_seconds_last_update | 2020-05-02T11:46:36 |
id | 938,360 |
last_account_recovery | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
last_account_update | 2018-09-06T13:10:15 |
last_owner_update | 2018-05-08T06:20:57 |
last_post | 2020-02-10T07:03:15 |
last_root_post | 2019-06-09T13:23:12 |
last_vote_time | 2020-02-10T07:03:09 |
lifetime_vote_count | 0 |
market_history | [] |
memo_key | STM8U28fkYnu6GgWmM8WajsNy5SotTJNPMpfoK1SA8T5Edd6u9Q1e |
mined | 0 |
name | partiko |
next_vesting_withdrawal | 1969-12-31T23:59:59 |
open_recurrent_transfers | 0 |
other_history | [] |
pending_claimed_accounts | 83 |
pending_transfers | 0 |
post_bandwidth | 0 |
post_count | 182,005 |
post_history | [] |
post_voting_power | 21909421.710815 VESTS |
posting_rewards | 2,870,674 |
previous_owner_update | 2018-04-12T06:11:12 |
proxied_vsf_votes | [0,0,0,0] |
proxy | |
received_vesting_shares | 1957055.880440 VESTS |
recovery_account | cnsteem |
reputation | 0 |
reset_account | null |
reward_hbd_balance | 0.000 HBD |
reward_hive_balance | 0.000 HIVE |
reward_vesting_balance | 0.000000 VESTS |
reward_vesting_hive | 0.000 HIVE |
savings_balance | 0.000 HIVE |
savings_hbd_balance | 0.000 HBD |
savings_hbd_last_interest_payment | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
savings_hbd_seconds | 0 |
savings_hbd_seconds_last_update | 1970-01-01T00:00:00 |
savings_withdraw_requests | 0 |
tags_usage | [] |
to_withdraw | 0 |
transfer_history | [] |
vesting_balance | 0.000 HIVE |
vesting_shares | 19952365.830375 VESTS |
vesting_withdraw_rate | 0.000000 VESTS |
vote_history | [] |
voting_power | 0 |
withdraw_routes | 0 |
withdrawn | 0 |
witnesses_voted_for | 0 |
Authorities | |||
Signing: | |||
STM7VnxDXQbj2LU1aMtCRqqnfxcmesK28snueRFnptX4SGX2DWFJk | |||
Active: | |||
STM6WsvUTy9Tenc7eoDULNHvFp73rdRJw6RK4VmGpKpNWvLvkChG3 | |||
Posting: | ||| | 1 | 20% | |
@partiko-steemcon | 1 | 20% | |
@steem-plus-app | 1 | 20% | | | 1 | 20% | |
STM6pLza5cVkVCF1iSPxkfk1Zk9UL1pqjn2UM1BvEpGpxTVMKdvGK | 1 | 20% | |
Threshold | 1 | 20% | |
Owner: | |||
STM8YGsyFH7SYB2WK2vUMCCfNGW778hhZ7iYbnVGmAAQ57J1AF74c | |||
Memo: | |||
STM8U28fkYnu6GgWmM8WajsNy5SotTJNPMpfoK1SA8T5Edd6u9Q1e |
Witness votes | |
Voters empty. |
Witness | |
available_witness_account_subsidies | 0 |
created | 2018-08-04T01:03:00 |
hardfork_time_vote | 2018-09-25T15:00:00 |
hardfork_version_vote | 0.20.0 |
hbd_exchange_rate | {"base":"0.150 HBD","quote":"1.000 HIVE"} |
id | 14,776 |
last_aslot | 36,025,929 |
last_confirmed_block_num | 35,920,119 |
last_hbd_exchange_update | 2019-11-04T06:01:09 |
last_work | 0 |
owner | partiko |
pow_worker | 0 |
props | {"account_creation_fee":"0.100 HIVE","account_subsidy_budget":797,"account_subsidy_decay":347321,"hbd_interest_rate":0,"maximum_block_size":65536} |
running_version | 0.20.7 |
signing_key | STM7VnxDXQbj2LU1aMtCRqqnfxcmesK28snueRFnptX4SGX2DWFJk |
total_missed | 3,141 |
url | |
virtual_last_update | 951,966,109,879,354,192,230,875,136 |
virtual_position | 245,892,367,991,240,878,432,459,267,850,377,363,456 |
virtual_scheduled_time | 953,143,771,166,395,739,641,217,024 |
votes | 80,150,379,373,358 |